August 15th: Future AU + adrienette

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Aug 15: Pulling off sunglasses to reveal a black eye.

Future AU where Emma comes home with a black eye. Marinette and Adrien immediately get concerned but Emma states it's better if they just left her alone, like they always do to fight crime.

The time was 10:30 and Marinette and adrien where worried. Emma had finished school over 6 hours ago and she was still missing. "Maybe we should go out and look for her." Adrien said panicked, pacing the marbled floor of the kitchen and biting his nail.

Just as Marinette stood up to comfort him the door opened. You couldn't see the entrance to the house from the kitchen but the alarm on the door sent the two parents speeding down the hallway.

"Emma!" Adrien ran up to his daughter and held her tightly in his arms. "Are you ok, what happened?" He let her go, crouching infront of her.  He put he hand against her face and only just noticed she was wearing a pair of sunglasses.

Emma backed away from her parents and remained silent in the doorway. Marinette piped up after she refused to answer her father. "Emma, do you know how dangerous it is to be out without telling us where you've been." The young girl said nothing but pushed past her parents and headed for the stairs. Emma had been quite most of the week, opting to eat in her room and remaining distance from her siblings and her parents. Marinette and Adrien had assumed it was hormones, or that she just wanted some time to herself. They both remembered what it was like to be young and to be left alone when needed. But now, with  Emma arriving at near-enough midnight and giving no word to her parents about where she had been they became both worried and upset at their daughter.

Marinette was about to say something else but adrien led the confrontation. "Emma, is everything ok."

"Everything's fine dad. Just leave me alone." Her voice  aggressive and monotone. Adrien backed down, upset by his daughters snappy nature.

"Emma, that tone is not necessary!"

"What do you care? You only seem to care about me when you don't have control over where I am or what I'm doing." Her gestures indicated she was rolling her eyes but neither of her parents could see through her sunglasses.

"What do you mea we dont care?" Marinette began to raise her voice.

Emma raised her body, lifting herself before snapping. "YOUR ALWAYS OUT! GOING WHO KNOWS WHERE, I'm always left with Alya or Alix or Luka or someone other than you! WHY DO YOU EVEN BOTHER ASKING ME WHERE I'VE BEEN WHEN YOU LEAVE FOR DAYS! JUST LIKE THAT!" Emma let out a grunt of frustration, stomped her feet and then ran upstairs.

Adrien and Marinette looked at each other, silently agreeing that they should explain why they always disappear so suddenly; its not easy being the saviours of Paris with three children. But Hugo and Louis aren't old enough to care at the moment: The two younger siblings just enjoy seeing their "aunts" and Alya and Luka have children of a similar age to play with. Emma didn't have anyone, she just knew her parents were leaving...again...

Adrien knocked on his daughters door, "Emma, can we talk please." The door didn't open but he heard Emma shuffle around on the other side, her shadow cast on the floor could be seen through the crack int he door. "It's about your mum and I." He took a breath. "Why we keep disappearing...."

Emma unlocked the door, sunglasses still on her face. She stood in the doorway and her parents took a breath of relief. However, the demeanour was far from relaxed. "This might be hard for you to hear but we are Ladybug and Chat noir." Marinette spoke, seeing the shock in her daughters eyes.

"We never meant to push you away, emma. We really love you so please, stop disappearing late at night. Ok?"

"Ok," Emma said, clearly emotional. She sounded on the verge of tears and flung herself into her dad, hugging him tightly. Marinette joined and hugged from behind. In the closeness of the hug, Emma's sunglasses had fallen off and as she baked away her parents mortified faces shook her once again.

Marinette approached her clearly unaware daughter  and cupped her cheek. "Emma, what happened."

Realisation struck Emma's face and she frantically turned away. Adrien came around from behind her so she was blocked from either side. "You can tell us ok, we do care."

Tears just started to flow and Emma hugged herself infront of her parents. "They.." she took a muffled breath as more water flooded from her eyes. "They said you didn't care about me, and that's....thats why you're always away." She wiped her eyes with one of her hands. "I tried to tell them that you wouldn't leave me but they beat me up.... And, and then I thought they might be right so I stayed away for as long as possible." She hiccuped through the tears. "IM SORRY, PLEASE DONT BE MAD!"

"Oh emma, we could never be mad at you." Marinette spoke up, she turned to her mother and the flow of tears started to cease. "But, who were these people?"

"Lila's kids." Emma said meekly.

Adrien and Marinette locked eyes for a moment and then drifted their gaze back to emma. "Of course," a small 'huh' made its way from their daughters mouth. "Lila probably wants you to be sad enough to akumatize you, don't listen to them. We do and always will love you, you understand?"



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