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...... are connectors that carry …Buses

...... chips, chips inserted in …Implanted

...... refers to the unauthorized… Hacking

...... researches, designs and …Hardware engineer

........ designs, writes, compiles…Software engineer

........ is a form of program….. Virus

…. Is the practice of …Cybersquatting

…. is very small …Micro - machine

….. is the simple combination…Domain names

….. managers develop requirements…Project

….. refers to the combination…Machine cycle

….. refers to the process of…Encryption

….. type graphics maintain…Raster

…..are files that identify users…certificates

… a program written deliberately…virus

…..maintains all aspects… Network Support person

…..sells computer hardware…Computer salesperson

…… often request a large…Cybersquatters

……. (CIOs) are who…Chief Information Officers

……we finish a project, we….whenever

‘’.com’’ or ‘’.net’’ is so called…extension

3D graphics are suitable …are compatible with

3D graphics….suitable with broadband….is


A blog ….by a mobile device…A&B

A computer displays images…coated

A computer system has two…micro

A disk which is protected …write-protected

A graphics…produces images…package

A jaz cartridge can store up to 2G…where as

A more common implant would…correct

A network is simply two....linked

A person who obtains unauthorized…hacker

A picece of equipment that is …..peripheral

A picture can be drawn…pressure-sensitive

A pictures can be drawn or…screen

A plastic card containing a…smart card

A plastic card with a magnetic…PIN card

A postScript file consist of two…..subroutines

A postScript file consist of two….script

A PostScript file consists of..(Which statement is NOT TRUE?): Prolog contains.. and cuves.

A PostScript file consists of..(If you want..subroutines?): Triangle stored in …the parameter 5.

A program that enables…graphics software package

A prospector is someone to…generic

A rate type of blog hosted on….as

A typical blog combines text,…links

A vertical or horizontal bar…with

A website with entries…All choices are correct

A(n) … is made of two or…network

A(n)….is someone to snaps…prospector

A(n)….is someone who….extortionist

A(n)…translates the original…compiler

According to the passage…all are correct

Accrding to the passage…the value customers

Accrding to the passages..blogging didn’t…

Accrding to the passages…you can send…

After a slow start, bologging…popularity

After a slow start..(According to the.. CORRECT?): Blogs appeared first in 1999.

After a slow start..(the phrase.. passage means..?): liked by many people.

After a slow start..(open diary had ..on?): the reader comment.

After a slow start..(what can be referred from the passage?): People liked …write comments to it.

As your e-mail message travels..(according …is NOT CORRECT?): you can send messages securely through the net.

As your e-mail message travels..(the word “It”.. reffered to?): e-mail-message.

As your e-mail message travels..(what can be..the passage?): Your others

All the features of  PostScript…be used

Almost every computer user ….has

ALU stands for ......Arithmetic Logic

Always….an email …virus-check

An analyst….problems and…analyses

An extortionist is someone…intentionally

An input device worn reality …Data glove

An output device which the …image-setter

Authoringa blog, maintaining… blogging

Average time required for the …..access time

A blog …by a mobile like a mobile phone or PDA:(Written, which is written)

A rare type a blog hosted on the Gopher Protocol is know as a Phlog.

A blog is a website in which…( What should be used as the heading of the paragraph?) What is a blog.

A blog is a website in which…(What is NOT mentioned in the paragraph?): Types of blog.

A blog is a website in which…(which statement is NOT TRUE?): Blog can be used as an adverb.

A blog is a website in which…( Items displayed .. order means?): Event arranged in reverse order in which they happened.

A blog is a website in which…(Which statement Is TRUE?) : Author of a blog is called a “ blogger”.

B, C

Basic languages, where the ….known

Beause faults can develop in….backup system

Blogs can be….by dedicated…hosted

Both Visual Basic and Delphi…programming environments

Buying a domain name…officially

C++ is …i.e. Programs…Portable

C++ war ....from the C …develop

C++ was used to…the…produce

CGI is another way people call…is used

CGI stands for computer-generated…imagery

Children will….communicate …be able to

CIOs are responsible ……the…for

Clock line carries a of …synchronize

CompuServe war .....trafficking…accused of

Computer …are pictorial images…graphics

Computer and in formation systems…direct

Computer and information….managers

Computer and information…helping/ overseeing

Computer and information…computer-related

Computer and information…Intranet

Computer and information…subordinates

Computer animation is art of…creating

Computer hardware or…companies that sell hardware...

Computer.…Provide technical…support specialists

Computing technolog is likely…to gain

Connectors that carry signals…buses

Copying and selling programs….pirating

CPU consists of  Control ...registers

Children will .. communicate directly with experts through the net in the futre.: able to.

Cyber-squaters only have to…(which statement is TRUE?): The fee for registering domain name is $35.

Cyber-squaters only have to…(“Make headlines” means:?):  to be an important item of news in…radio or television.

D, E, G

Data bus is a ….Bus as it…bidirectional

Do not open email attachments …checking

Doctor will experiment computing…on

Dot-maxtrix printers ues pins...required

Experts advise us to register..(according …should be?): all are correct.

Experts advise us to register..(the regulations…the world are.?): the same.

Experts advise us to register..(buying a domain..go with it?): officially.

Each PostScript-based printer…interprets

Early weblogs were simply…updated

Experts advise us to register…country-specific

Experts advise us to register…None of these

Graphics program enable…to manipulate

Graphics software program…to manipulate

Graphics sotware programs…enable

Graphics sofware programs…(what can be inferred from the passage?): The keyboard can be use to input command.


Hard disk….amounts of…all are correct

He has to …some projects…carry out

He teaches me how …..=>to use

He tries to….every interesting….pick up

Help desk technicians…collect information… issues

Help-desk technicians deal…(According…desk technicians?): They value customers.

Helpdesk specialists…all answers are correct

Helpdesk technicians also…all answers are correct

Help-desk technicians…respond to

How are web articles arranged…the lastest entry…

How many factors should..=>two

How many main part…in the text…4

How many protocols areused…two

How many protocols dose the…three

How many types of  hard…three

How many types of…=>three

How may ways to protect..=>three

How much dis barry Diller…$0

How much does a domain…$35

HTML is a page description …web pages

HTML stands for ..... Hyper Text Markup


I have worked for several IT…am  working

I need ….reports and make ……to write

I usually….about JavaScript…learn/ am trying

If a website….too long to…takes/ give up

If all schools and universities… integrated

If computer systems break…repairing

If you close a text file that…you to save

If you have any questions …help-desk

If you illegally copy software…pirating

If you want to draw … triangle stored in…

If you want to set up an….register

If your computer is…all the choices are correct

If your password is simple….=>may

Images on paper…into the…can be scaned

In 1965, .... (ICs) were …integrated circuits

In Delphi, the code …which is attached

In Delphi, the code attached…is written

In low-level languages,each…=>equivalent

In programming, you often….=>divide up

In the first computer generation…valves

In the first steps of the Machince…=>A&B

In the Machine Cycle,…execution time

In the Machine Cycle, the Fetch…instruction time

In the near future, ........flat panel

Intentionally attempting to …crime

It is common to….computers….connect

It is possible for readers.....comments

It is unusual….a program to …for

It is….to transfer the rendered…possible

It’s a magazine for people…are doing

It’s advisable to buy a domain…registrar

It’s important…what .…to define/ buying

It’s my job to try…..computers…out

Items displayed in…event arragned in reverse…

Individual articles on a blog…..posts or entries: called.

It’s a magazine for people who known what they  are doing.

In the last decade, computers..(the word “explosive” ..means?): increasing.

In the last decade, computers..(users …their computers?): sometimes.

In the last decade, computers..(in the last decade..”INTEGRAL” means?): all are correct.

J, L

Java is a programming ….designed

Java is designed for …mobile phones

Java is originally designed….for

JavaScript can….to perform…be used

Live connections to classes and…possible

M, N, O

Maintaining the link…network support person

Make headlines means…to be an …television

Many people like using …handheld

Mega Mind XT is compatible…with

Micro-blogging is a type …very short posts

Micro-machines…used for….are going to be

Modeling refers to the process…of

Modern computers are …whereas

Modern computers are….powerful

Most viruses remain….until….dormant

My job is to persuade costomers….worth

Network and computer system…..for

Network and computer….are responsible to

Now let’s turn our attention..( Which statement is TRUE?):  Access time and seek time mean the same.

Now let’s turn our attention..(Which statement is TRUE?): “ Data stranfer rate”… to the RAM.

Now let’s turn our attention..(The access time is always..)? between 8ms and 20ms.

Now let’s turn our attention..(The seek time ..rate are?) : different.

One of the most important…likely

Only a step further is the…..sized

Open Diary had…he reader comment

Others refers….other viruses

One of the earliest( What is …of protocol?) : An agreed means of communication.

One of the earliest( which sentence is not true the passage?): The very first …were not very far apart.

P, R

PDL stands for …Page Description Language

People may…your website …come across

Personal computers can .....execute

Pictures…computer’s…are store and processed

Pictures created in PostScript…encapsulated postscript

Pictures created in PostScript…imported

Pictures….in a computer’s…are processed

PostScript can speak to...device-independent

PostScript is mainly used to … describe

PostScript was …by Adobe… developed

Processors follow a fixed …machine cycle

Producing the program which…sotware engineer

Program instruction and data…placed

Project managers in IT…diveloping the…

Prolog, which is the sort form…subroutines

Project managers develop…(Project ..reponsible for?): developing ..project.

Private netwoks connected..(security consultans..?): All are correct.

Private netwoks connected..(how manye the passage?): three.

Private netwoks connected..(the information…reports is:?): valuable and important.

Private netwoks connected..(The istruders.. who are?): illegal access to a network.

Raster graphics maintain an…a collection

Reading about new developments…takes up


Scripts are small programs ….perform

Security consultants help…all are correct

Securty for online banksing…To assure

Server is a specialist computer …esprovid

Shoppers will be able able…click

Simple programs can be written…take

Since we are already…with the…familiar

Small computers that can read… installed

Small files used by Web …contemporary files

Smart clothes which…their thermal…change

Software engineer often ....compile

Some computer system ….recognition systems

Some drawing programs can…pictures

Some viruses are ..... some….Harmless

Sotware designers have to…logical order

Sotware engineers are….for…responsible

Swallowing an ant-sized…

System Analyst Programmers….speak

Systems administrators …all answers are correct

System Analyst Programers ……a program: carry out.


Technical sales Managers …keep in touch

Text and graphics are adjusted…until

Thanks to advanced technology...asier and more comfortable

The access time is…between 8ms and 20ms

The aim is to see whether a ….than

The arithmetic/logic unit …logic instructions

The average speed required ….data transfer rate

The best way to…developments…keep up with

The biggest problem is making…carry

The brightness of the resulting…continuosly

The chief technology officer…reports to

The computer can also generat…plotters

The computer can also….generate

The computer mouse is a…let/x

The control Unit DECODES …translates

The CPU sends a message…after

The data bus is bidirectional…whereas

The data transfer rate also……depend

The differences in appearance…rendering

The grandfather, father, son…sending

The illegal activity of buying…cycber-squatting

The information in doing…both B&C

The intruders are those…illegal access…

The language I choose for ….on

The modern blog evolved from…where

The modern blog EVOLVED.... developed

The person studies employer;s …system  analyst

The person who advises ..…computer salesperson

The person who illegally buys…cyber-squatter

The person who often compiles…A&B

The person who researches,…harware engineer

The person who often compiles… a      : Software Designer.

The phrase gain in…unpoular

The question of security is such…confidential

The regulation for…the same

The second generation of …invented

The seek time and data…different

The set of conductor that …address bus

The simple combination of a…domain name

The technique used in computer…to

The total number of pixel in…is divided

The transfer rate depends….on

The word explosive in…increasing

The word it in the…e-mail-message

The….is made up of 1s and 0s…binary system

The….of movement with…illusion

The….of using a micro-machine…idea

There ….lost of benefirts form…are

There are always some…working

There are various types of …content

There is a message displayed…not to try

There will possibly be … miniature

These workers GATHER data to…collect

They are …invonved with…increasingly

They are….involed with the…increasingly

This is an extract from…crucial data

This technique is indentical …

To advoid the risks of being…security alerts

To avoid risks, you should …. into your web browser.

To avoid risks, you should…on

To keep your message safer…encode

The Maltese Amoeba may…(How many types of …in the passage?): Three.

The Maltese Amoeba may…(Which one is NOT MENtioned in the passage?): how can a virus work?

The Maltese Amoeba may…(Which sattement is NOT TRUE?): pirating means… software programs.

The Maltese Amoeba may…(Which statement is TRUE?):  The Maltese Amoeba Is a computer virus.

U, V, Y

Unauthorized access to computer…hacking

Users…have troubles…sometimes

Using….really headsets and…virtual

Various output devices….have been developed

Various output devices…have been developed

Viruses are programs written…deliberately

Viruses can be … Via removable…infected

Viruses can be found and removed…anti-virus

Visual Basic is used to write…applications

VR headset, which…head-mounted display

You can avoid… surface…marking/ holding

You can get rid of logic…hand-testing

You can get rid….logic errors…of

You can protect your compter…running

You can return to your starting...selecting

You can share idea with other… on

Your computers system are sometimes broken into by …


We are now familiar……with

We have 2.600 pubs and 550….service

We…..start our website with…should

We all know what e-mail is..(How many protocol does the text mention?): three.

We all know what e-mail is..(How many protocols are used to send an mail?):  Two.

We all know what e-mail is..(Which statement is not true?) HTPP means you guessed it.

We all know what e-mail is..( Which statement is  true?) you use SMTP to send an mail.

What are training manual…books on training

What are ways to protect…all of these are true

What can be in…>the keyboard can….

What can be referred…people liked…

What can be referred…your masseges …

What can RANSOM most…money

What can users do with a graphic…draw pictures or images

What can we say about…all answer are correct

What can word HUE be best ….colour

What do TROUBLESHOOTERS…technical …technicians

What does BATCH mean…group or set

What does the phrase GAINED N POPULARITY…became more and more popular

What does the phrase SHIFTED SLIGHTLY…changed a bit

What does the word PROPAGATE…spread

What does the writer…never open email

What is a graphics package…a program enabling …language

What is EXPLOSIVE …fast-growing

What is mot the job task of…providing technical support and…

What is NOT mentioned…types of blog

What is NOT true about…The internet has….

What is NOTTRUE about …Country-specific domain

What is NOTTRUE about the…biz, .firm… to have

What is the best definition…an agreed means…

What is the main idea of…New domain extensions

What is the text mainly…how picture….

What should used as…what is a blog

When an a-mail message….is copied

When buying a hard dish…=>should

When the user and the er…=>inter--

When you are online, you…=>who

When you test a program…=>come up

When bying a hard disk..(how many types.. in the passage?): Three

When bying a hard disk..(how many factors… buying a hard disk?): two.

When bying a hard disk..(which types of hard disk.. purposes?): removable.

Which I statement is NOT TRUE..blof adverb

Which one is not ..=>how definition of…virus

Which sentence is not true accorind…the very first job…

Which statement is not true .http means you…

Which statement is NOT TRUE…There is a …Act

Which statement is TRUE.>access time and seek…

Which statement is TRUE.>author of a..”blogger”

Which statement is TRUE.>data transfer…RAM

Which statement is TRUE.>the fee for …

Which statement is TRUE.>you use SMTP to..

Which statement NO TRUE >pirating means…

Which statement NOT TRUE>prolog contains…

Which statement TRUE.>maltese…virus

Which statement TRUE.>the cascade….

Which statement TRUE.>the Yankee…eight days

Which type of graphics…raster graphics

Which types of hard disk…removable

While your email massage…illegally

Why should we register….to protect our brand in other countries

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