anh van 4.2.3

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1. An operating system: lie-->lies

2. Multimedia systems are: education-->educational

3. A computer is a device: instruction--> instructions

4. Large amounts of data: store--> stored

5. With digital cameras you can: insatisfactory-->unsatisfactory

6. The military uses: computer--> computers

7. Many inventions, such as: the-->to

8. Computer keep: become-->becoming

9. The early computer needed: by --> to/with

10. Desktop publishing is the : like--> as

11. CPU is microscopic : like-->as

12. The CPU is actually a number of : interconnecting-->interconnected

13. Standard CPU is actually: execution--> execution of

14. The main function of the CPU: perform --> to perform

15. From the instruction decoder : pass--> pass to

16. The first commercially available : circuit --> circuitry

17. A programmer design: write--> writes

18. Learning to use a : difficulty--> difficult

19. A higher density means that data: is--> are

20. Multitasking allows the CPU: process--> to process

21. A microprocessor is : make--> made

22. Sector-->sectors

23. Input : mean--> means

24. A personal computer is a very: usefully--> useful

25. Modern computer have: detect--> detecting

26. Computer : play--> have play

27. A machine is an : help--> helps

28. Removable storage enables: change-->to change

29. The function of memory: in-->by

30. the function of RAM: write-->written

31. MP3 : sound-->sounds

32. Although access to the system can: network-->networks

33. Hardware and software : centre--> central

34. Storage devices are used : use--> used

35. LCD : have-->have been

36.Digital cameras : well-->good

37. A GUI: command--> commands

38. in a window : quick-->quickly

39. Cut and paste : to transfer--> transfer

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