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1/ what are the roles of the news media?

_ The soles of the news media are to serve as an indepentdent obseever of government and society without the media, citizens would remain uniformed about putlic offcals and their behavior.

2/ Sumncarize some contents of the universal dedaration of humain rights?

_ Some contionts of the universal has the right to freedom of opinion and to hold opinions without inter Fererce. Alsoinclusect in the Freedom to seek, seceiver and share information andidens through any media, inclucling ocross national bosdess.

3/ List the reasons which cause the troubling tread

_ They are polical up heaval state of emergency state action and detericrating security environments.

5. summanize the stay ò anna politkovskayza?

Anna polit kovs kayza was a journalist of kussia. Politkovskayza worked jor the independent newpaeting on chechrya .she was alos an cutspoken critic of Russian president vladimit putin and his policies in the rebellious russuan temtory. A report by politkovskayza on torturre in Chechnya was to be published just two days before her murder in Moscow in October.

6 .accor to christapher simpson what is the problem of the press in the u.s.a

The problem of the press in the u.s.a the forst amendment to the united states constiturtion in chides the statement that congress shall make no laws that reduce or limit freedom of speech of freedom of the press.

7. list the reasons which causes the troubling trends?

The reasons which cuses the troubling trends are political aphearal,state of emergency state action and deterionating security environments.

8 problems created by modern technology .

Morder techloryy has created problems suc has. Morder techlory has changed the way journalists cover the news.

Information now speads quicly because of the internet computer system and satellite television.

As a result public opinion has clanged about what news is and howrters dotheir job more over the power of the internet is changing the way news papers….they can sent comment and questions

They can help a neworgaization shape the way it reports the news.

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