Chapter 6

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"Do you promise to fight for Darkclan, even though you've been pushed around? If you don't say yes, I will shred you!" Gloomystar's brisk mew had a sneer in it. 

"Y-yes." Flamekit managed to say. The other cats in the clearing looked very scared, shrinking under their pelts and their eyes sparkling with fear. 

"From the powers of Starclan, I name you Flamepaw. Starclan grants you long-lasting energy that can help you with a thousand duties. " he put his broad muzzle on Flamepaw's head, and Flamepaw licked his shoulder, his whole body shuddering. "This meeting is now dismissed. Back to duties! They will make us strong!" Flamepaw thought that he saw Sparrowwing and his dead father circling him, purring loudly. Then the image faded. 

Starclan? How are they related to Darkclan? Flamepaw had heard of the wise, great dead clan that lived among the stars. No! He thought. Starclan is good! Darkclan is evil! Flamepaw felt anger surging in his body. But now, he must go with tick-picking. 

On the same night, he sat outside his den, watching the night. He tried desperately to see the bright, twinkling stars. But today, the sky was black, stretching like a huge black blanket over the land. Darkclan has betrayed the Warrior Code! He thought that he heard the Starclan cats wailing. We shall never appeal to his wisdom! 

"Hurry up and sleep," Stealthfeather grunted, shoving Flamepaw inside the den. "You have a busy day tomorrow."

"Fine." Flamepaw snapped. He curled up in his nest and put his chin on the edge of his nest. He fell asleep, with no dream. 

Flamepaw did the same chores, but he realized that he was growing muscles. "Gloomystar may be evil, but he is making us have muscles." 

Days slipped by like a leaf in a fast-flowing river. Flamepaw did chores, ate, and slept. He was growing used to the cruel ways of Gloomystar when two cats joined. They were named Vixenheart and Waterswirl. The three cats became friends, and they continued. 

"Flamepaw. It's your warrior assessment." Gloomystar growled when he stopped in front of him. You shall never become a warrior if you don't pass the assessment!"

Flamepaw felt pride burning in his belly as he heaved his catches, three fat rabbits, two voles and one mouse, onto the prey pile. He stared nervously at Gloomystar and was surprised to see his eyes full of worry. He's worried that I will pass the assessment! Flamepaw snickered as the leader leapt his way to the rock. 

"May all the cats gather here for a meeting!" Gloomystar yowled. The cats crowded around. "Flamepaw has passed the assessment. Now, Flamepaw, do you promise to fight for your clan, and believe in Starclan?" he questioned Flamepaw. 

"I do," Flamepaw said casually. "I do."

"Then, by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Flamepaw, from now on, you shall be called Flameheart. Darkclan welcomes your courage, strength, and skills." Gloomystar's voice quavered as he spoke. 

"Flameheart! Flameheart! Flameheart!!" the cats in the clearing cheered. Flameheart caught Shadowfoot, the elder, and his friends Vixenheart and Waterswirl grin at him.

"This meeting is dismissed," Gloomystar said and bounded inside his huge den. 

"Congratulations, Flamepaw- er, Flameheart!" Waterswirl cheered, bounding over. 

"Hooray!" Vixenheart buried his muzzle in Flameheart's shoulder. "You survived!" 

"Now you don't have to be treated like a flea now. Gloomystar is scared of his warriors teaming up and killing him, so that's why one cat has one den. Oh, and he has one life left." Shadowfoot paused and continued. "Gloomystar has appointed a loyal deputy, that is willing to sacrifice himself for Gloomystar, unless, a cat will kill Bearface and defeat Gloomystar. To touch Bearface or Gloomystar, you must defeat the owls. " 

"I see." Flameheart nodded. When he entered his den, he felt a strong pain, sharp like claws, dug into his heart. He gasped and keeled over, bumping his muzzle against the rocky ground. "Stealthfeather...... Help......." he croaked. 

"Oh Starclan, what happened to you?" Stealthfeather shrieked and rushed to his side. 

"I just felt a pain...... It hurts!" Flameheart groaned. 

"I don't know any herbs that can help!" Stealthfeather squawked, flying in small circles urgently. 

"It's okay now. The pain is fading." Flameheart rasped, feeling the pain subside. He froze as a sweet voice filled his head. Oh, my dear Flameheart, I will now give you the power of your father. Flameheart knew that he could turn into a fire lion now. 

"Don't scare me like that again!" Stealthfeather scolded him, then his voice softened. "Promise me that you won't do that again, Gloomystar needs his cats to be strong. Argh! He's so strict and mean!" 

"You...... you mean you hate Gloomystar?" hope flared like a starting fire in Flameheart's chest. 

"Yes......" Stealthfeather shifted his talons uncomfortably. "If he finds that we owls hate him, he would kill us!" 

"Gloomystar has a heart of ice." Flameheart nodded, remembering what Shadowfoot had told him when he went to do her ticks. "Join me! We will defeat Gloomystar, I promise!" 

"But..... Sorry. That is my role. I was told that if some cat told me to join them, I would kill them. I'm sorry, Flameheart." Stealthfeather lunged at Flameheart. Flameheart ducked, and the owl zipped out of the den. "Hey!" he cawed and lunged at him again, his cruel talons stretched out, ready to grab him. "I'll report you to Gloomystar if I get you out alive!" he roared. 

"Never!" Flameheart lashed out with his forepaws and scratched the owl's talons. 

"Ouchie! I'm angry now!" the owl shouted, and with lightning speed, grabbed Flameheart by his shoulders and began to haul him out the den. White-hot pain seared through him and struggled to get out of the owl's talons. 

"DON'T-"  Flameheart suddenly felt a warm sensation flooding over his body. He felt Stealthfeather drop him and heard his surprised squawk. He squeezed his eyes shut and felt a long tail with a tuft of fur out of it, and a long tufty mane sprouting out from his neck. He opened his mouth and let out a tremendous roar. The sound hovered above the clan for a few heartbeats, then it faded to nothing. He opened his eyes. Stealthfeather had landed on the floor, his beak gaping in surprise as he stared at him. 

"Eek! Lions!" Stealthfeather yelped. Then his eyes shone with understanding. "The procephy has come true," he whispered. "The cat with the power of the flames and the savannahs has come. He shall rise above the dark claws of a clan." Then he bowed to him. "I'm sorry, Flameheart for being so cruel to you. I should have known that you were the chosen one."

"Er-it's okay." Flameheart let his power slide away, then he turned back to a cat. "Please don't tell Gloomystar."

"Whatever you say, Flamestar." 

"What? I'm not a leader!" Flameheart called. 

"The procephy says that the cat which has a spark in them will defeat the cat with the claws of dark and become the leader. That new leader will create a powerful clan, a clan filled with peace." Stealthfeather hooted. 

"Then....... Since I have already unlocked my power, I'll challenge and fight Gloomystar tomorrow!" Flameheart growled. 

"Be brave, Flamestar. Now sleep. You need your energy to fight him tomorrow. I'll guard you." Stealthfeather told him.

"Okay." Flameheart curled up in his nest and fell asleep. His dreams were filled with Gloomystar and him fighting.  I wonder that the procephy will fail me and Gloomystar will kill me?

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