Chapter 1

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Sparkkit let out a squeal of delight as he hurled himself on top of his littermate, Emberkit. "Got you!" the two tumbled around in the nursery, while his mother Deerleap and his father Flamestar watched them with love and compassion in their eyes.

"Hey!" Emberkit shouldered him off roughly. His orange fur stuck up in spikes, and his orange eyes flickered with annoyance. 

"Sorry!" Sparkkit snickered. 

The more they were in the nursery, the more boring it felt. So Sparkkit asked Flamestar if he could tell them a story. "Okay. I'll tell you when I was a kit." he looked at his mate and his kits sternly. "When my mother was with me, my father died shortly after I was born because of an unknown sickness. Later after that, when we were hunting, a fox scented us and wanted to make us prey. It lunged at us, and my mother Sparrowwing shoved me in a bush and ordered me to hide. Then......" Flamestar made a choking sound. "The fox killed her. Right in front of my eyes." 

"What!" Sparkkit, Emberkit and Deerleap gasped. 

"Then the previous leader, Gloomystar, took me to this camp. That time, each cat had a den, and an angry owl would push them around and guard them at night. The clan was cruel. He ordered all the cats to do chores. A lot of them. Many of them tried to escape, but their owl bodyguard stopped them and brought them to Gloomystar. Then Gloomystar would kill them. Finally, one day, when I became a warrior, my mother gave me the power to turn into a fire lion. Then, I defeated Gloomystar's owls and his loyal deputy Bearface, then I killed Gloomystar. With the help of my bodyguard, Stealthfeather." He added. "Then I became leader."

"You-you have a sad history." Deerleap sobbed and buried her muzzle into his shoulder. 

"It's okay now, right? I'm here." Flamestar purred. "Now you will become apprentices tomorrow! Be ready!" 

Sorry for the short chapter! 

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