Chapter 17: Shivaay Finds Anika's Recordings

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Shivaay POV

I had been walking down the hall after talking to Siddarth when I saw Anika walk out of the study. She seemed like an epitome of calm but her hand placed gently on her baby bump and the other clutching the end of her shawl told another story.  

After hearing Rudra's words to the two ladies in my study, I rushed into my room. My blood was boiling. How could Anika stay there when they said such harsh and cruel words about our children?

I threw open the doors to see Anika curled up on my bed fast asleep. I walked to her side and gently sat down next to her. Seeing her tear-stained face, I knew that she had cried herself to sleep. 

"I am sorry Sweetheart. I should have realised the very first time you told me about Tia, how right you were. From then on, I kept making mistake after mistake without even thinking twice. I tore you in bits and pieces and when I could no longer do anything, I ran away like a coward."

I gently touched her. "Anika! She was burning up. Why did nobody not notice?"

I quickly went outside and called our family doctor. But he did not pick up. Even Neel was not available.

"Om! Ru!"  I shouted. Anika was pregnant. She had fever. What should I do?

"Shivaay Sir, Om Sir and everyone else went outside." A maid came and told me. 

What!? Of all days, today? I rushed to the room. Anika was still asleep. I looked at her suitcase which had remained unpacked in the corner. Maybe her medical files would be in there. 

I quickly opened the suitcase and searched through it. A box fell out but I chose to ignore it. I had to call her doctor. I took out her medical file and found the number.

"Hello Dr. Nikitha.....Anika is not well. She has fever." I shouted through the phone and described what was going on.

"Mr. Oberoi......please calm down. It sounds like just an ordinary fever. Just give her paracetamol for now. I gave her some the last time, she was ill. I will come in the evening to check on her." Nikitha replied calmly.

I felt some of her calmness and was able to slow down my racing heart. 

"Just fever...." I whispered.

"Yes, Mr. Oberoi.....just fever." Nikitha kept the phone down.

I saw Anika's medicine box in her suitcase and took out the pill and walked to the bed. I slowly woke her up.

"Anika! Sweetheart wake up." I said.

Anika opened her eyes. "Shivaay....."

I passed her water and the medicine. She shifted her face to the side. "No!" She whined. 

I gently held her face and slipped the medicines into her mouth and gave her water. Anika was half asleep. The fever was controlling her emotions.

"You know Shivaay.......I love you so much but I am so scared." With that she lay back down and fell asleep.

"Scared? Of What?" I mumbled to myself and walked to her suitcase to return everything to its place. If not when Anika got up, she would be angry that I rummaged through her suitcase.

To My Little Billu and Billi

I picked up the box and opened it. Were they pictures? Inside was CDs. They were labelled neatly and then there was a letter.

Dear Shivaay,

By the time, you see this letter, I will probably not be by your side. I want my children to know how much their Ma loved them. I know that you may marry someone else and my children will call her their mother but on their 18th Birthday, I want you to give them this.

Your Anika

What was wrong? I glanced at the bed, she was still asleep. I slipped out with the box to the poolside.

Author's note: I hope you all liked this chapter. Just reminding you all, this story will end in a few chapters. Please shower it all your love for the last few chapters.

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