Chapter 9: Tia is Back

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I watched as Anika rocked Ayush to sleep. She looked so adorable carrying the little bundle in her arms. I wondered how she could do it when it was because of that little bundle that her entire life had shattered into bits and pieces. She had been the one to take care of him, since his birth 3 weeks ago.
"Sir, Tia has been released on bail."
My thoughts stopped. "How?" I shouted at my poor secretary. He looked ready to hide.
"Miss. Rana paid it."
My hands curled. How could she?
Anika had denied in court to everything Tia had ever done to her. Sid and I had done everything to keep Tia in there.
After the hearing, she had just locked herself in her room as I knocked on her door. She had only come out the following day to go to work.
Suddenly, Anika walked to the door. She opened it and hugged whoever was on the other side. She slowly passed Ayush to the person and guided her in.
Tia. She held Ayush to herself and cried as Anika patted her and guided her to a sofa.
"Anika." I growled.
She looked up at me. The person I saw, was not the broken girl we had brought from the Oberois. It was Anika Rana, bua to two little boys, a mother to be and the CEO of the entire Rana empire.
She had become very ruthless to the entire world. Tabloids called her the Ice Queen. She did not hesitate to show the high-class men their place.
She rarely showed her soft side to the world. Only a few saw it and one of them was that Oberoi she hangs out with.
Soumya was fine. She is a sweet girl but that boy, he is such a chipku.
I came down the stairs. Tia looked scared but Anika...she looked ready to cut me into bits and pieces.
"Why did you bail her out?" I hissed at her.
She glared at me. "Whether you like it or not, she is Ayu's mama."
Then Sid stormed into the room. "Anika! Why did you bail..."
His words were left hanging when he saw her and Tia.
"Take Ayush and Tia to the guest room next to mine." Anika ordered a maid.
Once they left, she turned to us. "Bhaiya, I know you feel like Tia hurt me but Ayush needs her."
With that she went to the guest room, Tia and Ayush were in. Ayush was my son and he does not need a criminal mother.

Anika POV
When I walked into the room, I was shocked to see the Tia that used to wear all branded clothes and get irritated with kids in a simple pink salwar watching Ayush sleep.
She quickly got up when she saw me.
"Anika....I am so sorry for what I did. I took Shivaay away from you"
I gave her a sad smile. "Tia, what you did was for your son and husband. But he was supposed to be there with me no matter what. I thought he knew me and loved me but he chose to believe what you said. That is not what a husband does. Now leave it. I am no longer an Oberoi."
As I was getting off the bed, Tia held my hand. "Did you tell them?" She looked worried.
I shook my head.
"Anika, you should before it is too late."
No, I could not. "I can't that is why I brought you back. I need you to help me find him."
She grimaced. "I will try. By the way, how are they?"
I nodded. "Nikitha seems happy. She told Sid that they are doing amazing."
She smiled and squeezed my hand.
"Now you better rest. I know he is going to come. He is waiting for you to leave." She gave me a half-hearted smile.
I smiled. "If he troubles you too much, I am next door."
I went back to my room and took my place for the daily video recording.

Siddarth POV
I saw Dev leave Tia's room in a huff and soon after that the door slammed shut. I saw Adi flinch. Mallika held him closer. Even in her sleep, she was an amazing mom. What will tomorrow's breakfast hold for us all?
When I woke up, I smelt pancakes. Who was making them? Oh shoot. It was Anika's day to make breakfast. She had insisted on fixed days. The days, I personally enjoyed the most were the days I got to make the food.
I saw Mallika and Aditya coming out of the bathroom.
"See Adi....your papa is back in the real world from dreamland." She was laughing.
"Mal, Tia is in the house."
Her smile fell away from her face. "What is she doing here?" she sneered.
"Anika brought her."
Mallika looked horrified. "Is she crazy? Tia tried to kill her kids." She was rushing towards the door. Then she turned around and passed Aditya into my hands. Guess she did not want to drag her son into the bitch fight. But I wanted to see the drama so I quickly followed her.
She dashed into the kitchen but was dumbfounded. Even I was shocked. Anika was sitting on a chair and drinking mango juice while Tia was making food. Ayush was sleeping in the portable crib.
Tia looked astonishingly different. Her hair was up in a ponytail. She was dressed in simple Indian wear.
"What is she doing here?" Mallika asked. Tia's eyes went wide.
"Woh I thought to let Tia Bhabhi make the breakfast." Anika replied.
Mallika looked super pissed. "Anika, did you just call her Bhabhi....this witch who tried to kill your child."
Anika smiled calmly. "Bhabhi....sometimes what you see is not always what happened." She got up, squeezed my wife's hand and walked out of the kitchen.
Mallika was steaming. She walked to Tia. "You better watch out, cause I am watching you."
Anika paused near me. "Bhaiya, today is the interview for project development manager. Kiara was telling me that we have got over 50 applicants."
She then walked up stairs.
I watched as the two lionesses stared at each other in the kitchen.
What was Anika trying to do? Kill my wife or land her in jail?

Anika POV
As Jai, my driver drove me to the office, I thought back to my days on Champa.
Don't worry, I still have Champa but because I am pregnant, I don't drive her. Soumya had scared me with the alarming statistics of deaths. I did not want my kids to die.
As I walked into my office, I put my mask on. The mask that Anika Rana always has in place.
"Madam, are you going to the interview room?" Kiara asked as she struggled to keep up with me carrying all the files from the car.
I nodded and headed to the interview room. Once I was settled, I told Kiara to send the candidates in. I wanted to interview for this post as the manager would be one I had to work closely with.
After about 2 hours, Sid walked in with my medicines and water.
"Did you have them?"
I sheepishly shook my head.
He passed me the medicines. "Any good ones?"
I shook my head. "Arre Bhaiya, some of them are just scared and others are so weird, I mean I am a pregnant woman for god's sake."
He smiled and shook his head. "Without a man and has an empire. You have to expect it. How many left?"
I grimaced. "Just 3."
He squeezed my shoulder. "Ani, don't worry. There will be one."
He then left and I told Kiara to send the next candidate. At that moment, my phone rang. I turned to the window. It was Ishana.
"Hey Ishana. How is Om?" I snickered.
I heard her chuckle. "How did you know?"
I grinned. "Well, because Rudra told me that he went to London and went missing for the past 3 weeks. And guess who was in London?"
She laughed. "Anyways, how are you?"
I smiled. "I am fine."
I heard someone walk in.
"Ishana, I will call you later." As I cut the call, I heard the person shuffle the papers in his hands.
Ugh.....such nervousness.
"Name please." I asked.
"Shivaay" the voice replied.

Author's note: Hehe......the title makes Tia sound like a Big bad wolf but then......

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