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Akari POV

I was in the kitchen making some cookies for my friends and I when I heard the speaker go off. "The chairman wishes to interview each of the candidates. When your name is called please come to the reception room on the second floor."

Please dont call my name right now. Please!! I want to finish the batter at least.

"Akari please come for your interview." The speaker announced

"WHY!?!" I yelled in frustration and stormed off to go see what netero wants.

"Why did you scream Akari?" Killua asked me. 

"Oh that was nothing I was just frustrated that he called me first," I say 

"What were you doing in the kitchen?" He asked with a grin.

He knows I was cooking. "No messing up my stuff. OK?" 

"Fine." He replied.

"I was making cookies that I'm going to share with you guys." I looked at him to see that he was smirking. "I already know you won't listen to me, so just dont try to continue it. I'm not done with the batter, but you can still taste test if you want." I finish as I approach the door where the interview is held. 

"You know me so well." Killua smiled and ran off.

I laughed at him then entered the room. "Hey Akari" Netero greeted.

 "What's up?" I ask.

 "I have a proposition for you."

 "What is it?" I ask sitting down. 

"I'm planning something for the final phase and it will only work if I have 9 people instead of ten, so I am offering you your hunter license right now. You will not have to compete in the final phase."

"Sure I guess." I trail off "Why me?" I ask

"I have trained you in combat and I believe that you are more than ready to be a hunter right now. You have enough experience. I believe you are mentally ready for this and I have no doubt that you will pass even if you do the last phase." He explained and held out the folder which holds my hunter card.

I stared at him for a second to make sure he is not joking. I still dont completely believe this. "Whats the catch?" I asked crossing my arms.

 "Weeeelllll there was no catch but because you asked... you have to make me a dozen cookies!" I roll my eyes and sat up from my spot.

 "Fine old man... You heard my conversation with Killua dint you?" I asked irritated 

"Bingo!" He cheered. I giggled at his creativeness and then walked towards the door. "Also, I will give you your license after I get the cookies. You can do what you want during the final phase but you should go to the meeting where we explain the hunter license more in detail." He said making me stop from opening the door. 

"Yes, gramps," I reply and stick out my tongue.

 "I will be at the kitchen once I am done with the interviews" He smiled and stuck his tongue out back at me. I laughed at him then opened the door and left.

"Now for cookies," I say to myself

"TRIPLE CHOCOLATE CHUNK!! YEEESSSS!!!" I heard killua scream in excitement in the direction of the kitchen

"NOOOOO!!!" I scream and bolt to the kitchen.

I opened the door and saw killua with an empty bowl which used to have my batter in it. He turned around and I saw chocolate all over his face.

I gave him a nasty glare and let some of my bloodlusts out. He froze then grabbed the spoon which I was stirring with and tried to run out the back door.

"DO YOU REALLY THINK you're GOING TO ESCAPE MISTER!!?!" I yell at him and tackled him to the floor.

I proceeded to tickle him. And oddly enough it worked.

"Hahahha no stop!!" He yelled. 

"Did you stop eating my cookie batter? No, you dint." I ticked his sides until he started crying in laughter.

 "Stap!" He tried to say in between laughs. 

"You need to help me make 3 dozen cookies then," I said pausing my tickle torture.

 "Ok, ok ill help you." He agreed. 

"Okk but if you ditch you're in for it." I threaten. "Sure, sure." He rolled his eyes.

"What's going on we heard yelling?" Gon asked opening the door.

"Nothing much. Just some payback." I glance at killua who sat up to get a napkin and clean the chocolate off his face.

"Were you making cookies?" Kuapika asked as he walked in with gon.

"Yeah, I WAS until this dude decided to eat the entire batter." I glare at killua once more.

"It's not my fault. You left it alone  and you know chocolate is my favorite." He pouted at me

"Either way I need to make more cookies." I sigh

"Oh yeah why 3 dozen this time?" Killua asked and sat next to me on the kitchen floor. 

"I need to make a dozen for netero and a dozen for you guys. The rest will be extra in case anyone wants more or for snacks later." I explain.

"Kurapika please come to be interviewed." The announcer spoke.

"Aw man, I'll see you guys later." Kurapika sighed 

"See ya!" I cheered and brought out the sugar. "Ok so what do I need..." I say more to myself then the boys. I smile and sing for a sec, "... sugar, butter, flower." I smile to myself because menchi and I would sing those three words every time we baked something. It's just our little inside joke.

I went to go grab some bowls and as I walk over to the table I saw flower and butter. Dang, it. They heard me. 

"Your good at singing." Gon said and smiled. 

"Oh, that..." I try to fake surprise "That was just something menchi and I would say evrey time we baked something." I say. I can tell they dont believe what I said. But something else seems to be bothering them and I dont know what.

"Hey, Akari?" Gon asked "What's up," I said pouring the ingredients on the bowl. 

"Can you tell us about your time on the island?" He asked

"Why me first?" I asked, "Because gon asked first." Killua added while eating some chocolate chips. I snatch the bag away from him before he could eat the entire thing. He pouted but did not protest.

"Sure I guess. I mostly wandered around as a wolf the first day and on the second as a cub. You know, to blend into the environment. I came across my target and after tricking him I forced him to give his tag to me. He said he didn't have it and he told me where it was so I wouldn't hurt him. I ended up going to the cave were ponzu and I befriended each other and hung out. Until you came and you know the rest, gon. Plus I'm too lazy to explain better. 

I continued to make the cookies by scooping spoonfuls onto the tray. Gon explained to killua what happened in the cave with the snakes.

"Akari? Why did you say you were fine when you were bitten by those snakes so many times?" Killua asked. "Yeah, and what did you tell ponzu to have her believe you were fine?"Gon added

"So many questions." I deadpanned "Ok let's see if this cures your curiosity." I start to say. "The reason why I said I was fine is that I won't die from any poison or drugs, but I am not exactly immune. I can still feel the pain and side effects but it's way duller than most people only side effect is that my head gets fuzzy, so I can't think that straight and my reaction time is slower." I explained.

"So basically you become numb like you had an anesthetic." Killua thought 

"Yeah" I responded.

 "Does it work the same for pain?" Gon asked 

"Yes and if it gets really bad then the worst thing that will happen is I will go unconscious and heal by myself. Now can I finish these cookies with no more questions?" I ask

"Yeah." They replied. The boys were telling each other what happened to the during the latest phase while I tried to hurry up and make these cookies. "Killua can you mix the batter?" I ask while I take out the 1st batch of cookies from the oven.

Killua POV

"Yeah," I reply. Eh, mixing batter is not that bad. It's actually fun-ish.

"AKARI!!" I heard Netero scream and slam the door open.

"AAAHH!!" Akari screamed in surprise and accidentally touched the red hot metal in the oven.

"WHAT THE HELL OLD MAN!!" She screamed at him. 

I look at her hand to see a giant red burn mark on it. I look at her face and see no hint of pain on it there was only annoyance.

I guess she was telling the truth after all but shouldn't she have some reaction to the burn.

"I'm done with the interviews." Netero smiled and walked over to her and the table.

He was holding something like a black folder what is it? Netero looked at gon and I, smiled and then grinned at Akari. She just sighed and waited for him to speak. "Heres your hunter license."


Netero just snickered, grabbed the tray to cookies and ran out the door.

"Annoying old man," Akari mumbled. 

"Why the heck did he give you your license already?" I ask

"When he called me for the interview he told me that the number of applicants for the final phase will not work for his plan, so he decided to give me my license early but I had to make him a dozen cookies. He would have given me it either way but he wanted some." She explained

"No fair." Gon pouted. 

He is right. But then again she said that netero did teach her how to fight so it does make sense why it was her.

"Are you going to do anything about that burn?" I ask

"Oh, yea." She looked at her hand and started poking the burnt part. "Meh ill live." She waved it off and continued to work on the cookies but with a glove on the hurt hand.

I looked at gon to make sure that he is seeing this as well He nodded his head and we both dragged her to leorio. "What are you doing?" She asked us already being used to us dragging her places. "You dont care about your health. You have a burn that should be treated." Gon scolded her. 

"But I wanna finish the cookies." She complained.

 "No. That can wait." I assertively say which thankfully made her stop protesting. Gon and I dragged her to a bench were leorio and Kurpika are talking. 

"What?" Kurapika glances at us and leorio turned around and gave us a confused look.

"Akari burned herself on the oven," Gon said and we sat her on the bench. "Guys I'm fine. Leave me alone." She protested and tried to leave which lead to kurapika sitting her back down.

"Let me see the burn," Leorio demanded and took out his suitcase. Akari rolled her eyes and took off the glove and let him see his hand.

"What the!?" Leorio shouted surprized and kurapika winced at the sight.

"What part of the oven did you touch?!" He asked bringing out some bandages and ointment.

 "I dont know." She shrugged. 

"The heater things that are red," I answer for her.

"Are you in pain?" Kurapika asked. 

"Yes, I'm rolling around on the floor screaming in pain." Akari sarcastically told us. Leorio glared at her then she sighed and repeated what she said earlier. "I'm fine."

Leorio tched in disapproval but continued to treat her hand.

When will she open up to us? She is willing to answer a few questions but then she gets very irritated and tells us to stop. We can't force her to tell us what she's hiding either. But how long will it take?

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