Reunions and Ribs

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Akari POV

I kept on running until I made it to the town. I could feel my brothers presence much closer than before. I can smell him too. Now, where is he? I ran pass lots of different shops selling food. I ran across some trade shops and through some allies. 

I smelt the air and looked around. He should be here. 

I entered a park which had a swing set and a small area of grass. I looked around once more across the green field and saw him. 

"Kumo!" I yelled and ran towards him. He spread his arms out wide, and I jumped into his arms and hugged him for the first time in what felt like was a million years ago.

I just cried in his arms and held onto him tightly, enjoying his presence. 

"Hey, sis." He said in a sweet and kind voice. "Y-your here." I cried happily in his arms. "Were both free." He added.

"I missed you so much Kumo. I felt too bad about leaving you, b-but I did what you told me to. I made friends and lived my life as you said." I stuttered out. Its been so long since I've seen him.

"Shhh, it's ok I told you already. I'm proud of you, and you don't need to worry about it anymore. I'm right here." He soothed.

I felt myself being picked up and he walked towards a large tree. He sat down leaning against it with me sitting in his lap so my head was resting on his chest. 

(AN- Sorry if it seems more like what a boyfriend would do but her tribe did not have much of a personal space bubble.)

He stroked my head softly as he would always do whenever I was sad or upset. I could practically feel my unease and worry vanish into thin air. I took a deep breath in and out to further calm myself. 

"You ok?" Kumo asked. "Yeah, I'm just so happy your here now." I smile. "Me too" He smiled and gave me another big hug.

"So, now it's your turn to follow your own words," I say

"What do you mean?" He asked and let go of the hug.

"It's your turn to live your life to the fullest." I cheekily smile at him.

"Alright, well let's start by exploring this town. What do you think?" He asks me. "Yeah, but wheres Nate?" I ask

"Oh, he told me he said he wanted us to have some time together as siblings, so he is exploring this town too. We can alwase contact him." 

"Ok. Hey, wanna go get some food?" I ask with a smirk.

"You bet!" He smiled.

We both transform into cubs and ran over to another park which had a lot more people, but this time they were grilling. 

"We've hit the jackpot!" Kumo cheered. "This is going to be great" I smile and smelt all the wonderful aromas in the air. Steak, hot dogs, hamburgers.

We both walked to some kind looking people and made our 'puppy dog eyes' and did some tricks. "Aww look here, honey!" The woman told what I assume is her husband. He looked at us and I jumped up and down playfully a few times. "You two are so cute!" She cheered and pat our heads. "Heres something for you guys." She went to the table and grabbed some hot dogs. "Here you go." She offered each of us one with an open hand. "So easy," I tell Kumo "Sure is, we dint even have to do tricks or anything," He said happily "I know right!"  I grabbed the meal in my mouth as Kumo did the same and we walked away with our tails wagging.

Once we were a safe distance away we transformed back to our normal forms to eat our food. "Who do you think our next target should be?" I wonder. "Hmm, I kinda want one of those burgers you were talking about. They smell delicious. Do you think those people are still there?" He asks. "You bet" I still smell them making more of them," I say and take the last bite of my hot dog. "Shouldn't I have the same sense of smell like you?" He laughs "What?" "I mean like, you can tell if they're still cooking the food that is a half-mile away and I can barely tell that there are ribs that way?" 

"Ribs!?" Omg, your right was getting those first I cheered and transformed. "But I wanted burgers." Kumo sulked. "Trust me, the ribs are going to be better. The hamburgers don't have any seasoning." I say "But we can save the ribs for last. you know best for last. Either way, it seems like the burger people are going to leave soon. That means less food." He smirked knowing he was right. "Fine"

"How do you know that the burgers have no seasoning?" My brother asks "I learned to cook with a gourmet hunter. I know what I'm talking about." I smile and transform into a cub. "Wait, then why aren't you cooking?" He asks and transforms too. "Because we don't have any ingredients or a grill. All of them are being used. Also, I'm broke and I assume you don't have any money either." I said.

He sighed and agreed, "I guess your right."

We approached the people with the burgers and started to do our magic. "Hii" A girl who looks around 5 said. "This is great, let's do some of our better tricks and she is bound to give us a few without telling her parents." I excitedly offer "Good idea" He agreed

"Do you have an owner?" She asked and looked at my chocker/collar. "Hmm... no" She mumbled. "Akari we should leave before this gets out of hand," Kumo warned me. "It'll be fine we just have to make sure she doesn't grab us," I say

I look back to the girl and see her eyes lit up after she checked Kumo's collar aswell.

"Mommy!" She yelled a bit too brat like if you ask me. "What's the matter munchkins?" She said in a sweet voice but I can tell its forced. "I want to keep these puppies!" She demanded. "Do they have a home?" The mother asked. "No, they don't. that means that we can keep them right?" The little girl asked and tried to grab my brother. "RUN!" I yell at him "WAY AHEAD OF YOU!" He sarcastically screamed back. 

We were a few meters away from her and that's when hell broke loose. "MOMMY THEY RAN AWAY FROM ME GO GET THEM!!! I WANTED TO KEEP THEM AND MAKE THEM MINE!!! THEY WERE THE FLUFFIEST PUPPIES EVER!!! I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN THEM!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUFRHOERIOIRIJERNLNJV!!" She shrieked. As I ran I can faintly hear the mom try to calm her down but she kept on screaming louder.

"What a brat." I growl under my breath "I know. She needs discipline." Kumo added, "At least we got out of there alive." I sigh. "I smell the ribs" Kumo informed. 

We both made our way over to the ribs area and tried again.

We did our routine with a couple of tricks and 'puppy dog eyes when the miracle happened. "These two are amazing!" The young boy said. "Hey come here and look at them, Wing!" 

"As in chicken wing?" I laughed "That's the greatest name I ever heard." My brother chuckled along with me. "You want food?" The boy asked and we simply bark in agreement "Zushi?" The man named wing asked him. "Yes, Sensei." He replied "haha and this dude sounds like sushi" Kumo laughed. "So true. These two were meant to be." 

"If you're going to give these two some food why not make it worthwhile for us both." The older man said, "What do you mean?" Zushi asked. Wing then looked at us as if he knew something.

 He then proposed an idea, "If you two can do a flip then we will give each of you a stack of ribs." 

"YES!!" I internally scream in delight and did multiple flips in the air. "So you can understand me. Interesting." The man said and gave me the ribs. Kumo did a flip and then got the promised stack of ribs. "THIS IS THE JACKPOT!!" Kumo cheered

Once we got our ribs we nodded our head in thanks then left those kind people. "If your tail keeps wagging like that it's going to fly off." He laughed. "Haha very funny." I sarcastically laughed. "But this is like the best day of my life. You finally are free as well, I get to see you again. We get a stack of ribs for each of us for doing a flip." I sigh contently. "I missed you too," Kumo smiled.

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