Chapter 12: Glimmerfar.

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☽╭──━━┓Golden Deer Moon┏━━━─╮☾

Then, a stinging sensation, almost as if something was poking him.

A faint, loud voice, thin and graceful started to slowly enter Cosmo's ears, hearing more and more with each passing instant.

"I've told you... he's..."

And again, the sound disappeared. Everything was so confusing for poor Cosmo, and as his hearing slowly made its way back, the same voice continued.

"Your Grace, there's no need to help this lost soul, Can't you see he's as good as dead?! Plus haven't your graceful eyes gazed on his pointy ears? Purple skin?! He's a good for nothing for sure, he will only bring us troubles!"

Really? Then Another voice, Warm and cold, added their view on the situation.

"Perhaps Wela is right, your grace. I've heard the Sànus aren't far from here, and I'm sure that if they ever set their eyes on this... being, they'd be sure to execute it where it stands."

The sound of their armor plate scuffling, as they kept moving back and forth.

"And when have you ever cared?! Oh my days it always seems as if you're up to steal my Grace's favour! I'm doing all the work, and I found the thing! Step back, just cause you're His grace's Highest ranking soldier it doesn't mean you have ANY rights to interrupt me and my quick thinking, Right My grace?!"

Then another voice joined the conversation, deep, determined, a bit preoccupied.

"Cut it out you two, We've no time discussing these matters in the current circumstances."

Cosmo slowly started opening his eyes, everything seemed so bright... all he could lay eyes on were three very short figures standing "tall" besides his laying body. He couldnt't help but noticing that all around him seemed to be thick woods, foliage of a thousands shades of emerald, ranging from the deepest of greens to golden hues.

The wind was blowing softly and as the Moongazed slowly started to regain his consciousness, he had forgotten almost everything that had happened to him so far. A foggy cloud permeated his mind, as he kept squeezing his brains as hard has he could... to no avail... it seemed Cosmo had forgotten his identity, his companions, his comunity, his connection with the stars, Stah mountain and the astros, Something truly was off. The only thing he could recall was that faint feminine voice, and a fragmented dimension of blue.

Cosmo blinked, his vision gradually sharpening as he struggled to make any sense of his surroundings.

"Who... who am I?"

Cosmo's voice trembled with uncertainty as he spoke, he needed some answers, and he needed them fast.

"Where... where am I?"

The figures exchanged glances, their eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and concern. Stepping forward, the first voice Cosmo had heard belonged to a creature he had never seen before, with an appearance reminiscent of a fox. Its long, fluffy ears swayed gently as it wagged a crimson tail. The face bore similarities to a human, but with striking somatic traits that leaned more toward the animal kingdom. With a cocky air of self-assuredness, the figure raised a hand to its chest and proudly declared its identity.

"I am Wela, hailing from the realm of Glimmerfar,"

Cosmo Certainly didn't enjoy her tone of voice, but he kept listening closely to what the creature proclaimed.

she then gestured to the second figure, a human adorned in shining armor, wielding a sturdy lance,

"This lowly being here is someone that isn't worth talking about."

Wela's gaze then turned toward Cosmo once more, a mischievous grin playing upon her lips. With a sense of self-importance, and the same arrogance Cosmo didn't seem to appreciate, she continued, eager to assert her role and proclaim whatever she was so cocky about.

"And you, my ungrateful friend, are in the presence of Duke Wornes of Glimmerfar. I, as his main guide, have been PERSONALLY chosen by His Grace. None in this world can rival me. Yes, yes, you'll have time to shower me with praise."

Cosmo's was shocked, his mouth wide open, his jaw dropping to his feet. His bewildered mind could only muster a whisper, expressing his bemusement, The creature was so...


Indeed, Wela, as a Foxborne, stood at a diminutive stature, with a slender frame, narrow shoulders, She was a living breathing stick figure! The same figures Cosmo Loved scribbling onto his Astronomy Lessons Notes.


Wela exclaimed, unsheathing a pointy dagger, that in her grasp, appeared more like a Great-Sword.

"NEVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN, OR YOU'LL FIND YOUR FATE RIGHT WHERE YOU STAND...! Or... I mean, or where you sit, since you... well, you are sitting, so..."

"Enough, Wela,"

Cosmo's mind was finally at peace, as the deep voice of the Duke resonated, quelling the Foxborne's outburst.

the young moongazed kept staring curiously at the Man.

The Duke that was also a Foxborne, was taking a few steps forward. Cosmo couldn't help but notice this one had three tails, shimmering in a silver hue. The gentle breeze rustled through the surrounding woods, creating a serene backdrop.

"Please forgive her. Wela tends to get rather exuberant when meeting new individuals,"

the Duke explained, bowing with an elegance that bespoke his inherent kindness. Such refined demeanor exemplified his well-mannered nature, Cosmo Liked this one.

Cosmo's gaze shifted from Wela to the Duke, taking in the contrasting personalities of the two Foxbornes. Despite the initial chaos and Wela's antics, Cosmo couldn't stop but feeling great warmth and kindness emanating from the Duke. It was a stark contrast to the confusion and uncertainty that was filling his poor exhausted Mind, How tiring!

"I... I understand," Cosmo replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and gratitude.

"Thank you, Your Grace...?"

How do you even address one of these?! Would you be able to? Cosmo had Certainly never dealt with a member of royalty, having lived secluded on the Stah Mountains for years and years, he didn't even know that such things as "dukes" could exist, What are dukes even? Some weird shaped Ducks? His brainstorming was cut short, as the duke smiled, a graceful and simple smile that for some reason flustered the poor young man, What the heck was going on?!

then the Duke, extended his hand in a gesture of kindness,

"Excuse my rudeness, it would be better to stand up, you wouldn't want to dirty those shining robes of yours, they're fabulous. Grab onto my hand."

Cosmo felt a sudden jolt, like a bolt of lightning, Like, full electricity, as the duke's words echoed deep within him.

No one had ever shown genuine concern for him, for his stuff, well, nothing that was his meant anything to anyone. The poor Young one was experiencing whirlwind of emotions that swept through him,

And as his eyes were slowly getting watery, he couldn't help but be uncertain about the true meaning behind the duke's unexpected kindness, was there even the need to read through the lines? Everything was surely going to turn out to be alright... right...?

the forest surrounding them seemed to amplify all senses, they were bathed in a radiant glow as if illuminated by a celestial spotlight. Nature's beauty was on full display, with shimmering leaves, branches, and every aspect of the environment enchanting even the darkest of souls.

Cosmo couldn't help but notice the contrast between the Duke and his entourage. the soldier and the guude's gazes were filled with an aura of superiority, as their arms were crossed. Could have they been treating Cosmo as if he were below them? Was he right to ask himself that question?

Thoughts rushed through Cosmo's mind as a gentle breeze transformed into a powerful gust, shaking the vibrant trees and signaling the significance of the encounter.

"The woods of... Glimmerfar..?"

The Duke's smile radiated warmth, revealing a set of pearly white teeth in a grand display, very shiny. With profound and serene grace, he responded to Cosmo's question. Extending his arms as wide as possible, the Duke then spun his entire body on one foot before finally opening his mouth to speak.

"YES! Glimmerfar's woods!"

the tone of his voice was pretty loud, Cosmo got startled as the Duke swept toward him, his demeanor exuding a suspicious ease, while extending a compassionate hand once again.

Overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude, Cosmo finally yielded to the Duke's offer, using the proffered support to lift himself from the emerald blades adorning the ground.

As they stood face to face, the Duke initiated an explanation, revealing their routine forest scans,

but first of all, they had to explain what a duke was to poor Cosmo. And what a task that was! Someone that is superior? Like... Above someone else? Cosmo couldn't grasp such a concept, he thought of it as incredinbly weird.

He only understood and enjoyed learning that his figure was entrusted with safeguarding the well-being of his city, that made Cosmo think the Duke was a Good Man, Afterall, His duty is to protect.

The duke then continued his explanaitions, and Cosmo learnt his grace was ALWAYS accompanied by his loyal entourage, that he diligently performed security checks and patrolled the expansive woodland, aiming to thwart any looming threats before they even had a chance to present themselves.

The Duke harbored little doubt that any malignant force could ever emerge from the heart of Glimmerwood, Though there was a slow and soft mention of a certain "Dream-Maiden", that seemed to be inhabiting the previously mentioned location.

For now, it seemed the Duke refrained from delving too deeply into those tales, for his attention seemed to have shifted to understanding the enigma of Cosmo's unexpected arrival in his forest.

And so they started walking once again, and Cosmo was warned the journey back to the city of Glimmerfar wasn't going to be a long one.

their footsteps were resonating through the forest, Cosmo once again found himself engulfed in a frustrating and disorienting haze of uncertainty. He couldn't recall his place of origin, and each question posed by the Duke and his entourage only served to further confound him. Frustration kept bulding within him! argh how Annoying! Cosmo just couldn't even give one bit of information back to the kind soul that was rescuing him.

It seemed His mind became entangled in a web of unanswerable queries, and the urgent need to regain his memories gripped him fiercely. Without the recollection of his past, he knew he could never truly embrace life to its fullest extent.

Struggling to maintain his composure, Cosmo made valiant attempts to respond to the Duke's considerate and methodical inquiries, while enduring the sarcastic and haughty remarks of the Ermh... Tiny... foxborne companion.

Meanwhile, he incessantly questioned why the Human guard stood unwaveringly behind them, forever armed with her imposing spear, was she supposed to ask that feelingless? There was a faint familiarity about her that stirred within him, probably something that had to do with the word "Guard", but for now Cosmo seemed not to pay too much mind to it.

As they traversed deeper into the resplendent emerald forest, their path eventually led them to the edge of a cliff.

W O W, What a view!

From this vantage point, Cosmo beheld a tranquil village huddled below, its quaint wooden houses scattered about, How nice and peacful would living here be? he kept thinking to himself. Then his jolting gaze spotted a wonderful merchant plaza, bustling with life and a majestic structure adorned with a grand wooden dome.

However, the centerpiece of the village, a solitary edifice constructed from stone and brick, just couldn't stop attracting his attention, as it overlooked the vibrant tapestry of rustic, colorful dwellings. Descending the cliffside along a narrow, rocky path, they made their way closer to the village.

It was at this moment that the tiny foxborne interjected, her voice dripping with arrogance and self-importance, how annoying.

"Well, nameless purple dork,"

she began, her words laced with derision,

"you can finally behold the marvel of our village. Spare yourself the laborious effort of conjuring up insincere compliments. Its beauty will undoubtedly overwhelm your feeble ruthless senses."

Her narcissistic remark hung in the air, a testament to her inflated ego. Cosmo's gaze met the tiny foxborne's, and he struggled to suppress a laugh.

"Fuf... No, no, it's truly beautiful,"

Cosmo wanted to punch her.

"There's peacefulness about it, something that stirs a familiar feeling within me, something dear to my heart."

The tiny foxborne's eyes sparked with a challenging glint as she locked her gaze with Cosmo. Unfazed and without a hint of exertion, she clapped back with an air of arrogance.

"Well, I'd relish in this fleeting moment of familiarity if I were you. It's likely the only time you'll get a taste of remembering something from your forgotten past, given that empty cavern you call a brain."

A haughty and resonant laugh escaped her lips, reverberating with narcissistic superiority,

YUP, It's punching time!

But Cosmo's compassionate nature had the best of him, as it guided his response.

He understood the importance of empathy and maintaining peace within the new group, at least for the time being.

Cosmo looked directly into the foxborne's eyes, his voice steady and thoughtful.

"I may have lost my memories, but I believe there is more to a person than their past. While I may not remember who I was, I can decide to focus on who I can become. Memories may fade, but the capacity for growth and kindness remains."

He offered a reassuring smile, refusing to let the foxborne's provocation ruffle his composure.

Cosmo's spirit allowed him to transcend the pettiness of their exchange, and even better, THE LITTLE FOX GIRL SEEMED TO HAVE TURNED BITTER! Jackpot!

As the tiny foxborne nervously began to fidget, her fingers absentmindedly brushed against her fluffy tail and bitter undertone started permeating the air, They arrived, They were finally home.


I'm back! Trying to improve a bit on the emotion side of the writing, AND HERE'S WORNES AND WELA'S CONCEPT ART, BYE!



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