Chapter 2: Struggle in the snow.

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☽╭──┓Icy crystal Moon.┏━─╮☾

Cosmo found himself nestled in a hidden crevice, his senses heightened as he eagerly listened for the approaching footsteps of the guard. The guard's presence grew nearer, his vigilance evident as he scanned the surroundings, hoping to catch any glimpse of the intruder. The falling snowflakes obscured his vision, adding an extra layer of difficulty to his search.

In that moment of distraction, Cosmo's mind raced, considering his options with a mix of caution and urgency. He knew he had to act swiftly, carefully weighing the risks and potential rewards.

Seizing the opportune moment, Cosmo recognized a chance to disarm the guard and secure a valuable weapon. With precision and grace, he silently emerged from his hiding spot, his eyes fixed upon the staff clenched in the guard's hand.

In a single fluid motion, Cosmo extended his hand, attempting to snatch the staff away from the guard's firm grasp. His fingers closed around the polished wood, successfully wrenching it free, leaving the guard momentarily defenseless.

Cosmo had only a brief window of time to assess the weapon before the guard would undoubtedly attempt to reclaim it. As expected, the guard swiftly regained control of the staff and initiated a struggle to retain possession. Both Cosmo and the guard clung tenaciously to the staff, each determined to emerge victorious. The guard's unwavering resolve was palpable as they fiercely grappled for control. Yet, Cosmo refused to yield, channeling his strength and agility to resist the guard's desperate efforts.

Driven by his unyielding determination, Cosmo skillfully utilized his dexterity and the cover of night to his advantage. His grip on the staff tightened, his fingers digging into the wood, refusing to let go.

Their struggle persisted, snowflakes swirling around them as they engaged in a fierce battle for supremacy. It became a test of strength and willpower, with neither combatant willing to concede defeat.

Unbeknownst to Cosmo, the staff he now possessed was no ordinary weapon—it was the renowned Astros Staff. Crafted from the majestic Silver-ash tree, this elegant staff was a symbol of protection for the community of scientists residing in the lofty peaks of Catsia's mountains.

The staff's design captivated Cosmo as he inspected it, marveling at its intricate beauty. Carved from the Silver-ash wood, its sleek grey exterior was adorned with delicate swirling patterns, filled in with a glimmering silver substance. It was a testament to the Astros' belief in the supremacy of knowledge and wisdom, as their weapons were deliberately crafted to avoid delivering fatal blows.

A surge of excitement and relief coursed through Cosmo as he realized the significance of this acquisition. The Astros Staff represented not only his first weapon but also a tangible manifestation of his growing abilities and resourcefulness.

Empowered by his newfound possession, Cosmo understood that the staff's purpose resonated with the Astros' core values. It embodied their commitment to safeguarding life, prioritizing enlightenment and understanding over mindless violence. With this unique weapon in his hands, Cosmo could incapacitate his adversaries without causing permanent harm, staying true to the Astros' principles.

As his fingers tightened their grip around the Astros Staff, a renewed sense of confidence surged within Cosmo. He was ready to face any forthcoming challenges, prepared to wield this symbol of wisdom and protection with courage and determination.

Cosmo approached the fallen guard, extending his hand in a gesture of assistance. 

"Are you alright?" 

he asked, genuine concern in his voice.The guard, still catching his breath, looked up at Cosmo with a mix of surprise and gratitude. 

"I appreciate your concern, young one," 

he replied, accepting the offered hand.The guard brushed off the snow from his uniform and studied Cosmo with a keen gaze. 

"What makes you think that I won't be gettin my staff back now huh?! Just cause you you gave me a little helping hand it doesn't mean that you aren't a trenspasser! The temple is sacred and you know damn well that you shouldn't be here at night!"

Cosmo took a step back, his expression earnest. 

"I-I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't mean any arm I-I just wanted to..."

He hesitated for a moment, debating his next words. With sincerity in his voice, Cosmo chose to share the rumors he had heard. 

"I've heard of a rumor, one big rumor... A hidden library, right below our temple."

Cosmo paused, his gaze meeting the guard's.

 "If only I could go inside of it, just for a bit! I know it might sound scary, cause I'm small and I look very young, but I'm very capable I swear."

He awaited the guard's response, hoping that his explanation and respect for the temple's sanctity would lead to a peaceful resolution.

"you know, young one..."

paused the guard

"I used to be an adventurer like you, only I found that the astros way of living was the best way of living my days. You're safe here, the Sàuns can't get you."

he then gazed back at the staff that Cosmo had wrestled out of his hands moments ago.

"That will have to go back to me."

he stopped.

"But indentify yourself and maybe, and I say MAYBE, I'll be able to make an exception and let you go. Just. This. Once."

The guard muffled voice suffocated by his shining helmet was decise, this was cosmo's chance.

Cosmo took a deep breath, considering the guard's words carefully. He understood the guard's concern and the need for security within the temple. With a sense of resignation, Cosmo made his decision.

"Okok, but please I don't want to get in trouble! "

 he began, his voice steady. 

"My name is Cosmo, and I am an orphan. I was taken under the protection of the Astros after my village was destroyed by raiders at the feet of the Stah Mountain. I'm very curious, and I ended up here after hearing those rumors"

As Cosmo finished speaking, he slowly extended his arm, offering the guard the Astros Staff.

 "And yeah... If giving the staff back will save me from troubles I'd be more than glad "

Cosmo awaited the guard's response, hoping that his honesty and willingness to cooperate would persuade the guard to make an exception and allow him to continue his quest.

"Very well young one"

the guard pushed the staff back to Cosmo. 

"You may scurry back to the temple in search of this... Delusional secret library you've heard the rumors of, but I want you out of the temple by dawn, have I made myself clear? i'm already bending so many rules That alone can have me banished and delivered straight to Sàun maws, so head back, NOW!"

The guard shouts with authority, his robes shining even more and reflecting the graceful snow falling from the nigth sky. He points to the location of the temple and stands still waiting for cosmo to go ahead. The footprints he previously left in the snow were still fresh, allowing cosmo  to trace his way back to the entrance of the temple. nodding in understanding, acknowledging the guard's warning and the significance of his concession, He tightly gripped the Astros Staff, feeling a mix of gratitude and determination.

As Cosmo directed his gaze towards the entrance of the temple, he felt a deep breath fill his lungs, infusing him with a sense of purpose. The path ahead was shrouded in mystery, but he was ready to face the challenges that lay before him. With each step, he followed the fresh footprints he had left in the snow, a guide leading him back to the grand entrance of the temple.

As he reached the entrance, Cosmo paused, his hand gently touching the doorframe. He took a moment to reflect on the magnitude of the temple and the hidden wonders that awaited him within. The anticipation of uncovering the secrets of the library ignited a fire within him, fueling his determination.

With a his hopes high, Cosmo stepped forward, crossing the threshold once more. The journey to the secret library beckoned him, and he embraced the unknown with a mixture of curiosity and bravery.

As the massive silver doors were slowly pushed open by Cosmo, their height reaching around 10 meters, the sound of the howling wind grew stronger. The gusts intensified, amplified by the motion of the doors. Yet, as the majestic doors settled into place, the creaking sounds subsided, allowing Cosmo's vision to sharpen. The white marble flooring, adorned with intricate golden and royal blue stripes, seemed to come alive as the moonlight bathed the entrance in a radiant glow.

A sight of grandeur awaited Cosmo as his gaze shifted to the center of the temple. A colossal column stood tall, its form carved with precision. From this central structure emerged nine shrines, each displaying a simple yet intriguing design—a graceful arched indentation with a marble cup placed before it. Beneath each shrine, intricate engravings adorned the column, a series of symbols whose meaning eluded Cosmo's understanding. They appeared cryptic, their secrets waiting to be unlocked.

Lower on the column, at about halfway height, a multitude of wooden shelves overflowed with a wealth of ancient scrolls. Delicate and weathered, these scrolls depicted the celestial wonders of the stars—their ethereal dance and intricate patterns. Among them, Cosmo discerned the depictions of two prominent stars, their significance palpable. One star radiated with a golden brilliance, commanding the majority of the scroll, while the other, a small and dim blue star, held a lesser presence, occupying a mere fraction of space.

The scene captivated Cosmo, filling him with a sense of mystery. He marveled at the intricate engravings and the vast collection of scrolls, alluding to the rich knowledge that lay within the illustos temple, he could only imagine what was to be uncovered in the secret library. Eager to unravel the mysteries concealed within, he took a step forward,

and as he pondered over the scrolls and the enigmatic words, Cosmo couldn't help but feel a jolt of excitement.

Carefully considering his options, Cosmo weighed the potential value of the enigmatic scroll against the risks and limitations he faced. After a moment of contemplation, he decided to take the scroll with him for further investigation.

With a gentle touch, he carefully rolled the scroll and secured it within his small sack. Though its meaning eluded him at present, Cosmo sensed that it held important clues and valuable information that could aid him in his quest for knowledge.

With the scroll safely stored, Cosmo adjusted his linen cape and made sure his grip on the Astros Staff was firm. A sudnen chill coursed through his body, accompanied by a tingling sensation. A surge of clarity washed over him, as if his mind had been sharpened by an unseen force. He instinctively knew that something had awakened within him—a heightened intellect that would aid him in his future endeavors,

Radiating confidence and determination, Cosmo pressed on, Each step brought him closer to the treasures of knowledge that were concealed within these ancient walls. With every passing moment, his thirst for understanding grew stronger, fueling his resolve to unveil the secrets of the Illustros temple.

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