Chapter 4: a new Branch.

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☽╭──━━┓Golden Deer Moon┏━━━─╮☾

Six challenging years had passed since Cosmo embarked on his quest to become an Astros guard. During his daring journey, a kind-hearted guard went against the norm and granted him rare access to the magnificent Illustros temple. Within those sacred walls, Cosmo discovered a deep sense of purpose that drove him to devote countless hours to perfecting his skills and protecting his beloved community.

While others may have assumed he had left his adventurous life behind, they couldn't have been more mistaken. Every moment of those intense six years of training prepared him perfectly for the upcoming expedition. Cosmo's unwavering focus remained fixed on the illustrious temple, igniting an insatiable desire to uncover its thrilling mysteries and locate the elusive secret library spoken of in hushed whispers.

Cosmo's determination seemed to know no limits, transcending time and sacrifice. He was willing to pay any price to ensure the triumphant completion of his exploration, recognizing that the true value of his quest far surpassed any measurable cost. The invaluable knowledge and profound transformation awaiting him within those sacred walls were worth every step of his arduous journey.

As the first rays of dawn graced his momentous 16th birthday, Cosmo teetered on the edge of a life-altering event—a pivotal moment brimming with anticipation. This special day held a precious gift in store for him: the legendary Astros staff, a cherished possession of great renown. The towering peaks of Stah stretched toward the sky, basking in a gentle cascade of sunlight that wrapped the landscape in a warm, golden embrace.

A surge of thrilling emotions pulsed through Cosmo's heart, blending excitement and exhilaration into an intoxicating mix. The imminent induction into the revered ranks of the Astros guards charged his every step with purpose and meaning. The promise of his destiny, interwoven with valor and honor, swirled around him like a tangible presence.

Amidst this tapestry of anticipation, one memory offered solace—a night of profound significance within the sacred temple's hallowed walls. It whispered to him, a mysterious call that tugged at his soul, beckoning him to relive that fateful encounter forever etched in his core. Like a haunting melody, it played in the recesses of his mind, weaving a symphony of curiosity and excitement, painting vivid hues upon his imagination.

Lost in the memories, Cosmo found himself gazing at the ancient scroll he had retrieved from the temple all those years ago. Its worn parchment and mysterious inscriptions served as a constant reminder of why he'd wanto to go back. The desire to unearth the truth behind the Astros' true purpose burned within him, amplifying his thirst for knowledge.

Suddenly, a familiar voice broke through his reverie. It was the same kind guard who had guided him on this path, approaching him with a beautifully crafted staff in hand.

It was non-other than his very personal Astros staff, a marvel crafted from the majestic silver-ash trees that grace only the highest peaks of Stah mountain.

These trees possesses an otherworldly allure, drawing sustenance solely from the tender dew that gathers on the carpet of short grass, delicately nourishing the soil with its pure essence. Within the roots of these ancient giants lie mystical properties, as if the very earth imparts its magic to them.

Each slender length of bark hewn from these enchanted trees absorbs the ethereal mist that shrouds the mountaintops, rendering it a material both supple and resilient. The staff, born from this marriage of chilly mist and arboreal strength, boasts a flexibility that bends but never breaks, even in the most fervent battle. The dew and mist embody, for the Astros community, the sacred union of sacrifice and well-being. They imbue the wood with just enough moisture, forging a foundation that is fortified, unyielding, and primed for a luminous future.

 A warm smile spread across the guard's face as he extended the staff to Cosmo.

"Happy birthday, Cosmo,"

 the guard said with pride. 

"Today, you take your rightful place among the esteemed Astros guards. This staff symbolizes your newfound responsibilities and the immense power within you."

Cosmo's eyes widened with awe as he accepted the Astros staff, bearing testament to his own journey, adorned with swirling symbols that dance along its length. A mesmerizing silver substance infuses these engravings, casting a radiant shimmer capturing the light that hits it. At the pinnacle of the staff, his initials stand proudly etched into the grey wood, marking it as an extension of his spirit and purpose. Together, the intricate carvings and sparkling insignia weave a tale of cosmic destiny.

Gratefulness filled Cosmo's voice as he replied, 

"Thank you. It is an honor to be entrusted with this duty. I will do everything in my power to protect the Astros and seek knowledge that will benefit us all."

Ready to face the challenges that awaited him, Cosmo declared: 

"I am prepared for this journey. Lead the way, and together, let us ensure the safety and prosperity of the Astros community."

The guard and Cosmo proceeded to the main plaza of the Astros settlement, where all the guards had gathered. As Cosmo stood at the center, he could sense the eyes of the other guards fixed upon him. One particular guard, with a thick braid cascading down their shoulder, caught his attention. They seemed visibly distressed, but Cosmo's focus had to remain on the center stage.

Taking a deep breath, Cosmo addressed the assembly of guards, infusing his voice with determination and conviction.

"Fellow Astros guards," 

Cosmo began, his voice resonating across the plaza. 

"Today marks a significant milestone in my life as I officially join your ranks. However, our purpose extends beyond mere protection. We are seekers of knowledge, uncovering the mysteries that surround us and safeguarding the wisdom of the Astros."

A moment of silence followed, allowing his words to permeate the air. Cosmo continued, his voice filled with purpose.

"We are bound together by a shared purpose, united in our pursuit of truth. Together, we shall navigate the vast expanse of Anima, confronting challenges and unraveling the secrets that lie in wait. Each of us has a crucial role to play, and I am honored to stand beside you as we embark on this transformative journey."

Cosmo's gaze shifted towards the guard with the braid, a flicker of concern crossing his eyes. However, he had to redirect his attention to the task at hand—the induction ceremony.

"With this Astros staff in my possession,"

 Cosmo declared, raising the staff high for all to see, 

"I pledge to protect and serve our community with unwavering dedication. May the wisdom of the stars guide us and our pursuit of knowledge lead us to a brighter future."

A resounding cheer erupted from the assembled guards, their support and camaraderie bolstering Cosmo's resolve. It was a moment of unity and shared purpose, a testament to the strength of the Astros community.

Cosmo's heart swelled with gratitude and determination as he handedly accepted the newfound responsibility. He knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy, but with the support of his fellow guards and the wisdom of the Astros, he was ready to face the challenges head-on.

"cosmo... Young one..."

said the astros comunity sage. A wise elf, indeed, probably around 250 years of age, he was gently caressing his long long beard as he slowly approached the young man. 

His robe was shining engulfed in the radiance of daylight, his sleeves were so long they formed a train behind him.

"I admire... the sense of discovery and passion for knowledge... you are displaying..."

He says, quickly turning his smile into a frown.

"But It is forbidden for the Astros order... to leave the settlement..."

he pauses, a dramatic pause, as all the cheers and support for cosmo transform into a solemn silence that pierced ears more than a thousand roaring thunders.

The old sage then touches cosmo's newly crafted staff, gently caressing the silver marks engraved on the Silver-ash wood that was used. he meticolously traced every single crevice and then paused, his gaze locking into cosmo's.

"Cosmo... Young man... you are a very pecuilar one... aren't you?"

he asked.

"Your staff is telling me everything I need to know... about you of course..."

he spoke.

"and all I need to know is that your... excitement might be harbringer of... serious consequences... Young Cosmo..."

he then turns to the blue sky, his hand reaching for the heavens.

"You need to know... You are ready... I will be showing you..."

Cosmo listened intently to the sage's words, his heart sinking as the truth of the situation became apparent. The joy and anticipation he had felt moments ago now gave way to a sense of disappointment and confusion.

"But... but the pursuit of knowledge, the thirst for discovery," 

Cosmo's voice trembled as he spoke, struggling to find the right words. 

"Isn't that what the Astros stand for? To explore, to uncover the mysteries of Anima?"

The sage's gaze remained fixed on Cosmo, his expression a mix of concern and wisdom. It was clear that he held deep knowledge and authority within the Astros community.

"I understand that leaving the settlement poses risks," 

Cosmo continued, his voice tinged with determination. 

"But if I remain confined, how can I truly fulfill my purpose as an Astros guard? How can I contribute to the wisdom and protection of our community if I am limited to the boundaries of this place?"

Cosmo's grip tightened around his Astros staff, its rough wood providing a sense of grounding amidst the swirling emotions within him. He met the sage's gaze, his eyes reflecting a fervent desire for growth and understanding.

"I appreciate your guidance, Sage," 

Cosmo said, his voice steady despite the turmoil in his heart. 

"But I believe that I must venture beyond these walls. I must explore the world, seek out knowledge, and face the challenges that lie ahead. It is through those experiences that I will truly grow and contribute to the Astros community."

The plaza remained silent, the weight of the sage's presence and the gravity of the situation hanging in the air. Cosmo's words echoed in his own ears, his resolve solidifying with each passing moment.

"I understand the risks," 

Cosmo continued, his voice unwavering. 

"But I am ready to face the consequences. I am ready to learn, to grow, and to protect. I will do whatever it takes to uphold the ideals of the Astros."

With his declaration hanging in the air, Cosmo awaited the sage's response. The outcome of their conversation would shape his future, determining whether he would be confined to the settlement or granted the freedom to embark on his journey of discovery.The sage arched one of his eyebrows, challenged by the young and brave Cosmo that took his first stance in the astros comunity, WHAT A WAY OF MAKING A first IMPRESSION! The guard that helped him placed a hand on his face, shocked by the grave challenge he posed to the old sage. The Braid soldier instead seems like they can't hold their composure in much longer, all the other guards stand there silently as the young man and the old sage exchange their views, after all, ins't this what being part of the astros comunity is all about?

 sharing knowledge, learning, exploring, letting curiosity guide the astros hand, and finally be free in knowing and uncovering the absolute truth? the sage reprised:

"You... Cosmo, I offered... my knowledge and... you defied me... this is totally... unpresidented..."

he stops, squinting his eyes as they profoundly lock in with the corageous and determined young man standing before him. He then slowly started making his way to the settlement's council, signaling cosmo to follow him without saying much. Will cosmo follow the sage in the council building and learn what the sage wanted him to share, or will he keep challenging him and fight for his right to go on his discovery mission?

Cosmo stood his ground, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. The sage's reaction was not what he had expected, and he could feel the weight of the sage's disappointment in his defiance. But deep within him, the flame of curiosity and the yearning for knowledge still burned fiercely.As the sage made his way towards the settlement's council, Cosmo's gaze followed him, torn between the desire to comply and the burning desire to pursue his own quest for discovery. It was a difficult decision, one that would shape his path within the Astros community and perhaps even his own identity.

With a deep breath, Cosmo made a choice. He would follow the sage, not out of blind obedience, but out of a genuine desire to understand the sage's perspective and find a way to reconcile their differing viewpoints. This would be an opportunity to learn and grow, to explore the boundaries of the Astros community from within, and to prove himself worthy of the knowledge he sought.Resolutely, Cosmo walked in the sage's footsteps, his eyes fixed on the council building ahead. The Braid soldier's visible struggle only strengthened his resolve. 

He was ready to engage in dialogue, to challenge the old ways and propose a new path that embraced both wisdom and the pursuit of knowledge.As they entered the council building, Cosmo's anticipation grew. The chamber was filled with an air of reverence, shelves lined with ancient tomes and artifacts that held the accumulated knowledge of generations past. It was a place where wisdom resided, and Cosmo felt a mixture of awe and humility.

Taking his seat across from the sage at the long, polished table, and as the sage poured tea in the porcelain pots in front of them, Cosmo awaited the sage's words, his gaze steady and determined. He was prepared to listen, to speak his mind, and to seek a way forward that would honor both the sage's wisdom and his own quest for discovery.The sage's voice broke the silence, carrying the weight of centuries of knowledge and experience. 

"Cosmo..." he began, his tone measured yet tinged with a touch of regret. 

"Your spirit... is just as a star main core... it burns bright, strong, fiercely... and I can sense the passion within you, I truly do... But there is a delicate balance that we must maintain within our community, a balance between seeking knowledge and safeguarding what we have learned."

The sage stopped for a few seconds, taking a sip of the jasmine tea that was freshly brewed moments ago.

Cosmo nodded, acknowledging the sage's words.

 "I understand the importance of balance, Sage,"

 he responded, his voice steady yet filled with conviction. 

"But I also believe that there is a way to harmonize the pursuit of knowledge with the responsibilities of the Astros community. I am willing to learn from your wisdom and to work together to find that balance."

The sage regarded Cosmo, his gaze thoughtful yet firm. 

"You are an unusual one, Cosmo," he mused. 

"The time has come for me to tell you our stance in this world, we are but a small comunity of astrologists in hiding. We look for the stars and find what others can't, ours is an art that isn't tradeable, it's sacred and it is and should always be respected at ALL times."

And again

"The Sànus... They are the people that control All Sànu Island as part of their empire, except for this Mountain of ours, dear and precious as if it mothered us. This is the only place we Astros are allowed, as we were banished from the Sànu's Empire long long ago, when I was just a youngling of your age."

His eyes staring into the youthful gaze of Cosmo's.

Cosmo listened intently to the sage's words, his mind absorbing the weight of the revelations. The sage's explanation shed some  light on the hidden history of the Astros community, their connection to the stars, and their banishment from the Sànus Empire. It was a tale of struggle and resilience, a reminder of the preciousness of their secluded mountain sanctuary.

"I... I had no idea," 

Cosmo murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and understanding.

 "The Astros community, our pursuit of knowledge, it holds a deeper significance. We are guardians of a sacred art, seekers of truths hidden within the stars. And the Sànus Empire... they cast us aside, separated us from the land we once called home."

He paused, a somber expression on his face. The realization of the challenges and the weight of responsibility the Astros community carried settled upon him.

"The balance we seek, it is not just within our community but in the face of the world outside,"

 Cosmo continued, his voice steady, yet tinged with determination. 

"We must honor our sacred art and protect it, while also finding a way to contribute to the world, to help others understand the wisdom we have acquired."

Cosmo met the sage's gaze, his eyes filled with a newfound sense of purpose. 

"I am grateful for your guidance, Sage," he spoke sincerely. 

"Together, let us navigate this delicate balance. Let us find ways to safeguard our knowledge, respect the sanctuary of our mountain, and extend the light of wisdom to those who seek it."

He took a deep breath, a quiet resolve settling within him.

 "I am ready to embrace my role as an Astros guard, to protect the sacred art and the community we hold dear. With your wisdom and guidance, I will do all I can to honor the legacy of the Astros and find ways to contribute to the world beyond."

Cosmo's words hung in the air, the room filled with a profound silence. The sage's gaze softened, a delicate glimmer of approval shining in his eyes, as the young cosmo continued his efforts to sway him and let him start his own path as an astros Guard. 

"The path forward wont be easy"

the sage exclaimed, preoccupied at the thought of such a young man having to face the troubles and dangers that the Sànu island held, especially after the banishment of the astros.

Cosmo held the sage's gaze, determination burning in his eyes. He understood the sage's concerns and the challenges that lay ahead, but he was resolute in his decision to embrace his role as an Astros guard.

"I am aware that the path forward won't be easy, Sage," 

Cosmo replied, his voice steady and unwavering.

 "But I believe in the importance of preserving our sacred art, and in the potential for wisdom to bring light to even the darkest corners of the world."

He paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing. 

"I know that I will face dangers and trials along this path, but I am willing to face them with courage and resilience. With the guidance and wisdom of the Astros community, I believe we can navigate the challenges that lie before us."

Cosmo's gaze shifted towards the shelves filled with ancient tomes and artifacts, a visual reminder of the knowledge and wisdom that the Astros community had accumulated over the centuries.

 "These teachings, these treasures of wisdom, should not be hidden away. They have the power to inspire and enlighten, to shape the destiny of our world."

He turned his attention back to the sage, his expression earnest. 

"I am ready to take on the responsibility of an Astros guard, to protect and share this knowledge. With every step I take, I will strive to honor the legacy of the Astros and to forge a path that leads to understanding and unity."

Cosmo's words hung in the air, the weight of his conviction palpable in the room. The sage regarded him with a mixture of admiration and concern, his gaze reflecting the immense responsibility that would be entrusted to Cosmo.

After a moment of contemplation, the sage nodded. 

"Cosmo..."and after a brief pause

"your determination and resolve have convinced me. Although your previous adopted behaviour was... unacceptable, I can sense it was for the greater good. Challenging an elder isn't and should never be an act of child-like foolishness, but as we astros believe in sharing, I must accept your view and grant you at least one chance at this goal of yours."

Cosmo felt a surge of gratitude and relief. He knew that the challenges ahead would be arduous, but with the support of the Astros community, he was confident that he could pursue his ambitions.

As they sat in the council chamber, surrounded by the echoes of wisdom, Cosmo's heart swelled with anticipation. The journey ahead would test his mettle and push the boundaries of his understanding, but he was ready to face it head-on.

With passion in his heart, Cosmo rose from his seat, ready to embark on his path as an Astros guard. The sage watched him with a mix of pride and concern, knowing that the young Moongazed would face trials that would shape him into a formidable guardian of knowledge.

he signlas the young man to follow him outside of the council marble white halls, where they will soon be reunited with the other guards, the sage was ready to make a big announcement and he will soon be breaking the silence that built up in the main plaza.

Cosmo followed the sage, leaving the council chambers behind. They rejoined the crowd of guards, who were eagerly awaiting the sage's announcement. The plaza was buzzing with anticipation and curiosity. Cosmo couldn't help but notice the braid guard slipping away from the crowd, their expression still troubled.

With all eyes on them, the sage raised his hand, signaling for attention. As the crowd hushed, the sage addressed them with a commanding presence.

"Dear Astros guards," he began, his voice echoing through the plaza, 

"today we bear witness to the birth of a new branch within our esteemed order. Led by the courageous Cosmo, this branch shall embark on a quest of discovery, safeguarding our knowledge while venturing into the wider world."

A murmur of excitement spread through the crowd, mingling with whispers and exchanged glances. The news of a new branch and Cosmo's leadership sparked intrigue and curiosity.

"But let us not forget the risks and the responsibility that lie ahead," the sage continued, his voice filled with solemnity. 

"The Astros community is built on the delicate balance between the pursuit of knowledge and the protection of our sanctuary. Cosmo and his companions will face challenges and dangers as they represent our order beyond these walls."

He paused, his gaze sweeping across the crowd, his voice carrying both warning and encouragement. "They need our support, guidance, and unwavering trust. Let us stand together, united as THE Astros, to ensure their success and the preservation of our sacred art."

The plaza erupted in applause once again, a symphony of encouragement and reassurance. Cosmo stood tall, his heart filled with gratitude and determination. The sage's announcement had set the stage for his journey, and he knew he would face the trials with the collective strength and support of the Astros community.

As the crowd dispersed, Cosmo caught a glimpse of the braid guard once more, disappearing into the distance. A sense of concern lingered, but he knew that in time, their paths would cross again, and he would be there to offer support and understanding.

With renewed purpose, Cosmo prepared himself, ever-wondering what his path will lead him next.

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