Dark goes to Animal High/Coming Out of The Dark

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"It's here?" Dark asked. "Yes. It's here,...... somewhere" His mom said. "So... Animal High is a bunch of trees..? Fun" Dark said, sarcastic tone on "fun" "No, there's a..... thing....., that glows. Your father showed me" "Where?" Then, a portal opened up. "Right here" Dark's mom said. "Whoa. You found it" Dark said. "No,.... it found you" Dark's mother sighed. "Well, this is as far as I can go being full human" She said. "Oh, you need your stuff" She added, going to the car to get it. "Did you remember your school supplies?" She asked. "Yes" Dark replied. "Phone charger?" "Yea" "Outfits?" "No, I forgot" "Really?" Dark laughed. "No, I have everything. You don't need to worry" He said. "You say that like there's a button I can push to turn it off" Dark laughed again. "Hey Dark" Dark turned around to face his mother. "Yea?" His mom then pulled him in for a hug. "I'm gonna miss you......., a lot" Dark hugged his mom back, then faced the portal, then back to his mom. "Alright. I'm doing this" Dark said, walking to the portal. "Oh" His mom said, which made Dark turn around to face her. "Remember this: this school is really serious about keeping humans out. You really got to keep that part of you secret. And if anything happens, you can come home" Dark's mother said. Dark smiled. "Ok. See ya'. Love you" He said, walking in the portal. "I love you too" Dark's mom said. Meanwhile, Dark was in the portal, going to Animal High.



(The video part does not have the full version, so you may have to mute the first one, play the second one and then sync it)

Dark: 🎶I spent my life in the shadows, creepin 'round the corners, trying to find a home to land. I spent my nights feeling lonely, dreaming of what could be, but this is where I take my stand. I might be nervous, but I'm an optimist. It's an adventure, ready to take the risk. Looking for animals, looking for family. Could this be what I've been waiting for?🎶

Dark got out of the portal. "Oh shoot, I'm late" He said, running to the school. He ran up the stairs and went in the school.

Dark: 🎶This is what I've been waiting for🎶

Dark: 🎶Here I am, I'm coming out of the dark. Not afraid to show my secrets or my scars. This is where I'm finally free, this is where I'm meant to be. Here I am, I'm coming out of the dark, out of the dark🎶

Meanwhile, a boy named Eth and his dad were in the school. "No, Eth, your preformance here must be exemplary. I was top of my class here, as was-" "Your father and his father and his father. And I got it, dad. No pressure" Eth said, cutting off his dad. "No, there still is pressure, they're are still alive. And don't think they won't call us asking all the time how you're doing" Eth's father said, taking Eth's bag and walking off.

Eth: 🎶So this is it, back at school, still living by his rules, how can I find some air to breathe? I'm not a king, that's him, and no one tells him "no", I just need a chance to find my wings🎶

Meanwhile with Corey, "Hi, I'm Corey. Corey Bonniefan. ¿Comó estas?" Corey spoke Spanish. "Name's Corey. Hola. Hello?" He added.

Corey: 🎶I might be nervous, but I'm an optimist. It's an adventure, ready to take the risk(With Eth and Dark: 🎶I see the animals🎶), they look like family🎶

Dark, Corey and Eth: 🎶This is what I've been waiting for🎶

Dark, Corey, and Eth: 🎶Here I am, I'm coming out of the dark. Not afraid to show my secrets or my scars. This is where I'm finally free, this is where I'm meant to be. Here I am, I'm coming out of the dark🎶

Dark: 🎶Out of the dark🎶

On the other side of school, someone who was called Andrew was carrying Peace. "Hey Peace" Chris said, walking up to Peace and Andrew. "Chris" She said. "Welcome back. I just saw Kadi" "I really don't care, me and her got into an argument" "What? I'm sorry, you need me to shock her?" Chris asked. "No, it's fine. I'm ok. I'm over that" Peace said. "Hey Rye, what's up?" Kadi asked. "Nothing much. Except this year's gonna be a hopping good time" Rye replied. "Hey, so.... you're going to make some mischief with your claws, right?" He asked. "I- uh.... I missed you, but I'm trying to avoid mischief" Kadi said. "Uh...... yeah, that sounds terrible" Rye said and laughed.

Eth: 🎶I might be nervous, but I'm an optimist🎶

Kadi: 🎶It's an adventure, ready to take the risk🎶

Corey: 🎶I see the animals, they look like family🎶

Dark, Peace, Rye, Andrew, Eth, Chris and Corey: 🎶This is what I've been waiting for🎶

Dark, Corey, Eth, Andrew, Rye, Peace, Chris and Kadi: 🎶Here I am, I'm coming out of the dark. Not afraid to show my secrets or my scars. This is where I'm finally free, this is where I'm meant to be. Here I am, I'm coming out of the dark, out of the dark🎶

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