Info and Ideas

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So here's the information we already have:

The lab is underground. There are five sections: one for holding the experiments, one for holding the animals they extract the DNA from, one for testing, one for torturing, and one for entering/exiting the facility. Each room that holds the experiments has 10 cages. Usually there's only one experiment per cage, but in RARE — V E R Y RARE — occasions, there can be two in one cage. The tests each experiment goes through varies depending on which animals' DNA they have. For example, all experiments are given intelligence tests, but flying hybrids are given flight tests, ones with venom are giving poison strength tests (they bite something and the scientists wait for the bitten victim to die), hibernating hybrids are forcefully overfed and put into winter-like conditions to study brain activity during hibernation (and to control their dreams), etc. All hybrids are forced to watch the death of anyone as well to try draining away their emotions. The scientists want emotionless, obedient killers and servants. And if any of the experiments act hostile to the scientists, they're, of course, punished. Punishments can range from starvation and/or dehydration to severe beatings and shocking.

...that's all the info I can remember. Luna, if there's any I missed, lemme know.

And as for you guys, you can give ideas too. We need more ideas for tests, mostly, but any ideas you have for anything are welcome.

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