Chapter 10

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"Are you so sure about-"

"Don't make me regret this." Hunter grumbled, silently opening my cell with the key he was holding earlier. I skipped out as soon as he opened it.

"But, what about-" I tried to say, but he immediately covered my mouth with a paw. "MMMPH!"

"Just shut up already and get outta here! Or do you want to be stuck here for who knows how long?" Hunter yelled quietly, I shook my head, he removed his paw finally. "Now go."

"Wait." I said, he looked at me with an unamused look, "Thank you." I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear. His eyes softened the tiniest bit, but he turned away quickly.

"Whatever. Just go." He muttered, walked away, and sat in his spot earlier. My ears folded back a little, I felt pity for him, he's risking his life just so I could be free.

"What about your master?" I asked quietly, his ears turned to my direction.

"I don't care about my consequences." Hunter said blankly, I took a glance at the open window then back to him.

"Okay then.. bye." I said, slowly made my way to the window, looked at him once more, was about to leave but he spoke.

"Take the portal you'll see first. You'll get to Sarepia Forest that way." Hunter said without looking at me.

"Okay, thanks again." I said and finally left to the window.

Once I jumped out of the window, the land wasn't like from Jamaa, instead it was with grey soil and trees with no leaves. The sky wasn't like from Jamaa either, it was black.

I looked around for the portal he was talking about, after a while, I saw a grey glowing and working portal between two trees. I skipped to it, quietly, and walked in.


"Ah!" I yelped as I landed, the feeling of the soft grass made me feel relieved. Once I made it out of the portal, I noticed it was hidden behind bushes and trees. I shook my fur from any dust and dirt before carrying on to my house.


When I saw my house not far away, I sighed in relief. I noticed it was kinda late so I picked up my pace a little.

"SWIFT!" I heard two voices exclaim, and I was already engulfed in a hug, again.

"AH-" I yelped in surprise, but I recognised the two already. "Izzy? Jake?"

"We're so glad you're safe!" Izzy exclaimed, I smiled at them, despite my tiredness. Jake looked at me seriously.

"Did Hunter do anything to you?" He asked, my heartbeat picked up a little. Izzy checked for any injuries.

"She's not hurt, so that means Hunter didn't do anything." Izzy stated, Jake sighed in relief and nuzzled me.

"Wait, how did you guys know this was my house?" I asked, Izzy bursted out laughing. Jake's face turned red.

"Well, thanks to this guy, we found your house. He told me to follow you home." Izzy laughed and nudged Jake. I looked at Jake slowly.

"Ja-ke?" I asked slowly, my own cheeks reddening slightly. Jake folded his ears back in nervousness.

"Uh.. I.. we.. uh.." He said nervously, Izzy was covering her mouth to stop laughing some more. I also found myself giggling.

"Okay, okay. Why don't we all just go home?" I suggested, Izzy snorted but nodded.

"Uh.. okay.. s-see you tomorrow?" Jake stuttered, I chuckled and poked his nose.

"Yeah. Good night guys." I said.

"Good night, Swift!" Izzy exclaimed, nudging Jake.

"G-Good night.." He stuttered, I waved back at them before entering my house.

Author's POV

With a strong hit to the face, Hunter was knocked down to the floor. His master was furious, dark aura surrounding them.

"The prisoner... ESCAPED?!" His master yelled, slamming a paw down. Hunter coughed and looked up bravely at his master's eyes. "ANSWER ME!"

"Y-Yes, master.." He choked, his master growled and hit Hunter once more.

"But how?! That cage's bars are very sturdy, she couldn't have broken out like that!" His master yelled, pacing back and forth. Hunter didn't bother to lift his head up, he just stayed in his position with fresh bruises on his face. His master stopped pacing then looked at Hunter. "Or.." His master's voice was low, but scary.

Hunter waited for the worst to happen, his master walked up to him slowly. "Someone let her out." His master muttered, Hunter narrowed his eyes. "Did you let her out..?" His master asked.

Hunter didn't reply, he just stared into his master's eyes that were containing anger, "DID YOU!?"

Hunter shut his eyes, "Yes.. master, I did.." He said.

To Be Continued...

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