Chapter 12

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Hunter's POV

"H-Hunter..?" She stuttered in a broken voice, her ears drooping and her tail falling to the ground. I grunted in pain as I tried walking towards her, but I kept moving. My master almost killed me a while back, but they let me go.. for now..

Instead, she walked towards me and inspected my gashes, "W-What happened?" She whispered, concern in her voice. For some reason, it felt like I couldn't speak.. to her anyway..

"Swift.. I-" I tried to speak, but I was loosing words to say. "I.. Well.." Swift narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Was it your master?" She asked sternly, I unconsciously gulped. I didn't speak. "Hunter." Swift urged, flicking her tail. I sighed deeply and looked up.

"My master." I muttered, Swift gasped in shock. I tried sitting down but it was a pain to even try, Swift suddenly hit me on the head, careful of my head gash, "Ow! What was that for?" I asked, slightly irritated.

"Idiot, you told your master you let me go!" She whisper-yelled at me, I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Either way, I'd end up like this, Swift." I muttered, she sighed and lost her angered expression.

"You know what, I'll just bring you to the healer." Swift said, my eyes widened.

"What-" I tried to say but she cut me off.

"No protests." She said simply but sternly.


"You will do as I say."

"But I don't wanna-"

"Hunter." She said in a scary tone, I heaved a deep, slightly annoyed sigh.

Screw it, I thought. "Fine." I groaned as she jumped up and down in victory.

"Come on now." She said with a smile and skipped towards the, school. I followed her slowly and when I felt the concrete pathway going to the school itself, I froze a little. Something came into my head.

"Now Hunter, have a fun day!"

"I will! Bye!"

I blinked away the memory and shook my head.

"Hunter! You coming?" Swift called from afar, I sighed once again and followed her into the school, as usual it was an absolute pain to move.


Swift's POV

I sighed in relief when we made it into the healer, I almost had to drag Hunter here because of his injuries but he was too stubborn of a fox to let me even touch him.

"Excuse me? Ma'am?" I called in a soft voice, in a corner, I saw the elderly fox mixing herbs. When she heard my call, her ears twitched to my direction and she turned to me.

"Oh, hello young fox. Why aren't you at home at this time?" She asked politely, I cleared my throat and took a glance at Hunter who didn't show himself to the healer yet.

"Well, ma'am, I uh.. found someone who's injured and.." I stopped talking to look at Hunter, who had his eyes shut because of pain, "I thought you could help." I finished with a deep breath. The healer nodded and went over to a small cabinet with small books, novels and some herbs and potions.

"Are the injuries major?" She asked while getting some things. I cringed for remembering Hunter's gashes.

"U-Uh, quite major ma'am." I said nervously, she nodded again and prepared a carpet.

"Where is the injured animal you brought here?" The healer asked softly while putting down a bowl of herbs and a glass bottle with a green liquid inside it.

"One second, ma'am." I said and walked near Hunter.

"I'm not going in there." He mouthed, I groaned silently.

"Do you wanna die from that?" I whispered at him, Hunter shrugged.

"I can die anytime." He whispered, I hit his head with my paw and he yelped quietly, "Okay, okay! Sheesh." He muttered and stood up. I rolled my eyes and entered the healer's room.

"Here he is, ma'am." I said, Hunter showed himself slowly, the healer's eyes widen slightly and her fur rose. After a moment of silence, I tried speaking, "Is there something wrong, ma'am?" I asked.

"No, young fox. Just let him lay down here and I'll do my work." The healer said, and patted on the mat in front of her. Hunter inhaled deeply before stepping towards the mat and laying down on it, which was quite a pain to do.

I sat down beside the healer and let her proceed to do her work. She put some of the green liquid on her paw before she carefully put them on Hunter's gashes, it looked like some sort of anti-septic because Hunter shut his eyes tightly and groaned in pain.

She started muttering some sort of chant with her eyes closed, she repeated the words a few times before Hunter started to glow bright green, Hunter had his eyes closed and for once he looked... relaxed.

The healer was the right person to go to, young fox.

The voice again.. my head was spinning for a while before going back to normal. By now, Hunter stopped glowing green and his gashes slowly, but surely, disappeared.

"Whoa.." I said in awe, the healer started putting away her things as Hunter slowly stood up, and surprisingly he didn't feel too much pain anymore. "Will he be okay?" I asked.

"Yes, he will. Although he will still feel a little pain, it will subside in a week's time." The healer said softly and rolled the mat and put it away neatly, I noticed outside the window, it was already becoming night.

"We have to go ma'am, thank you very much for your help." I smiled and waved, Hunter was the first to step out.

Hunter's POV

"Hey! Wait up!" Swift called, I didn't slow down my pace, I just kept moving forward. "Hunter!"

"What?" I muttered and decided to look at her with narrowed eyes, even though she made an effort to help me, she doesn't really have the right to start more conversations.

"Sheesh, you're grumpy." Swift muttered and I glared, "Where are you going anyway?" She asked, why does she even care?

"Nowhere." I said emotionlessly and started walking again, she caught up with me again though. "Why won't you leave me alone?" I growled in annoyance.

"Excuse me Mr. Grumpy, but I think I deserve a 'thank you'." She said, unamused. I scoffed.

"Well, in this case, thank you." I said sarcastically, Swift blinked then shrugged.

"Well, that's a start." She whispered to herself, "Well, I better go now. You're welcome for the help." She said in a slightly sarcastic tone and walked to the gate, she's lucky that the bus stays for an additional hour in case students left the school late otherwise she'd be stuck here.

But, I still wonder why she suggested and told me things when I captured her, like to 'run away' and live a better life without my master. She's telling that to me, the Rebels' leader.

Why, Swift?

To Be Continued...

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