Chapter 17

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Author's Note: Heyyy, we didn't catch up much with good 'ol Hunter, so.. here's a chapter with his POV.

Trouble Rises

Hunter's POV

I stared at my master as if he was insane, well, they were always insane. But this was beyond usual.

"Don't think this as dumb, Hunter. It will wreak havoc on Jamaa and we'll finally be able to destroy Jamaa Academy forever!" My master exclaimed, clutching the item that could endanger millions, including us.

"Like... how?" I asked in a monotone.

"This item, will bring back the Corruptors into this world, and destroy it, little.. by.. little.." My master smiled evilly, stroking the item. "I'll set up this portal, while you, travel later tonight to that fox. Ask her some questions that could reveal the school's weaknesses.."

"And if she doesn't know any..?" I trailed, raising my tail.

"Then you have to do it yourself." My master said, narrowing their white eyes at me. "Don't fail, or there will be greater consequences.."

For once, I gulped a little.

"Dismissed." My master said. I nodded and ran out.

Revenge sounds sweet, but I got the feeling that this won't go well... I thought.


"Suddenly.. a loud scream was heard! A girly scream may I add, I rushed to see what happened, then I just bursted out laughing to see Jake passed out, and that he was the source of the scream." Izzy finished, laughing. Jake huffed.

"That prank was not funny." He pouted, ears laid back.

"Who would've thought you would scream like a girl though?" I asked him, smiling myself.

"Not you too!" He whined, blushing furiously in embarrassment. "I've been teased about that by Den and Izzy already." He groaned, rubbing his face with his paw.

"Hehe, sorry for bringing it up." Izzy chuckled, nudging him. "Anyways, you wanna learn how to read minds?"

(My god, Izzy, that sounds weird XD.)

Jake looked at her as if she was crazy, "Let me rephrase that, do you want to learn how to be psychologically linked with us?"

I nodded. "Who's the teacher?"

We reached a white door, "Her name is Ms. Lilian. She's very nice and patient with her students, but can be very vicious at late students." Jake said. "I learned that the hard way." He whispered, I snorted quietly.

Izzy knocked on the big white door, then a moment after, a light pink arctic fox with an elf tail and pink heart necklace opened the door. "Ah, Jake and Izzy, welcome." She said kindly.

"Good morning, ma'am." We greeted, her green eyes looked into mine.

"You brought a friend, I see, what's your name, dear?" Ms. Lilian asked, smiling.

"My name is Swift, ma'am." I said.

"Call me Ms. Lilian or Ms. Lily if you wish." She chuckled. "Come on in, I was just teaching a young eagle." Her big bushy tail gestured us in, the room was decorated with cherry blossom wallpapers, a pale blue floor with rugs here and there, then some abstract paintings in the walls. This place looks beautiful.

"Why, thank you, I decorated it myself." A female voice said, I turned around to see a young teen copy of Ms. Lily. "Pleased to meet you," She lent a paw out so we could shake, "I'm her daughter, Vivian."

"Swift. Pleased to meet you." I greeted. "You have good taste." I said.

"Thank you." Vivian smiled. She wore a pink worn blanket on her back, and wore dangling flowers on her tail. "You look pretty, Swift."

"You don't look too bad yourself." I smiled, feeling warm inside.

"Now, Swift, let me and Vivian show you how to be mind linked with your friends. Now all you have to do.."

Author's POV

The healer stood below the big cherry blossom tree tracing circles in a small, glowing pond. Her paws glowed as she made the circles, then the glowing stopped, she gasped in surprise. Her ears laid back in terror.

"No.. they wouldn't... they wouldn't have..!" She cried in disbelief. She stared at an old corner with a broken picture, "What have you done?"


Far away, a purple portal was glowing brightly, a dark figure stood before it. "Rise now.. and walk on Jamaa once more!" The figure said, laughing evilly as black creatures with purple eyes appeared out of the portal.

To Be Continued...

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