Chapter 2

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Warm Welcomes

The school looked like a palace rather than a normal school, plants were decorated around the pathway, lots of students are already using their magic abilities and chatting with their friends and classmates. There were torches that were lit with a blue fire rather than orange, the path to the entrance was smooth.

Hedges were surrounding the area around the school entrance which was decorated with flowers of different colours, I heard a roar from above and I saw a jammer with a-wait, am I seeing it clearly? A DRAGON?! The dragon was black, with a green underside, green eyes, horns, claws, tail and wings. The jammer riding it was a bunny, wow, I somehow wish to ride one.

Suddenly, someone literally swooshed past and bumped into me. I hit the ground with a thud. Groaning in pain, I slowly sat up to look at the jammer who bumped into me.

"Oh, I am so sorry. My mood usually affects my magic and since I was excited for new comers, I began speeding up." The jammer rambled, another fox. He raised a paw and it started glowing a yellow fire, yellow aura suddenly went around me and lifted me from my paws and safely onto the ground again.

He offered a smile, "Sorry again for bumping into you, miss. I'm Jake, by the way." I smile softly in return, but I'm curious as to why he isn't as bad as I thought a boy could be here. "What's your name?" He asked. I take a look at his features, he had dark brown fur, yellow eyes, black lightning markings on his coat, and he was wearing a grey scarf.

"U-Um, I'm Swift. Nice to meet you, Jake." I stuttered slightly at the start, to my surprise he chuckled. "What?" I asked shyly.

"Nothing, it's just that you seemed like you were scared of me. Don't worry, I don't bite." He said while smiling widely, I smile a bit wider but feel a little embarrassed. Suddenly, in a flash, someone teleported between us, causing me to jump back.

"Jake! There you are!" A female fox exclaimed happily, Jake muttered something under his breath and turned to her.

"Hehe. Hey Izzy." He greeted, I finally was able to look at her features. She had a light brown coat, green eyes, and she was wearing a green spiked collar and a green headdress. Somewhere in the headdress was a tiny symbol. "I was just looking forward to the new comers, oh, here's Swift. She's a new comer." Jake smiled at me, Izzy stared at me and smirked.

"Oh, well, she looks perfect." Izzy whispered the last part, Jake reddened for some reason. "Hehe, just kidding!"

"Just shut up." Jake growled.

"Hello? I'm still here?" I blurted out, Izzy chuckled.

"Hi, by the way. Name's Izzy, if you want, you can call me Iz." She smiled, I wagged my tail happily. I wasn't wrong about choosing to go to this school! "Me and Jake were friends since pup school, we both got the 'special invitation'." She emphasised the last part.

"Special?" I asked confused. Jake smiled again at me.

"Jammers say that the invitation is special because jammers who get it are considered lucky or, in some other cases, special," Jake shrugged, I slowly nodded in understanding.

"Okay, but why use the word 'special'?" I asked again, Jake narrowed his eyes in thought. Izzy was smirking the whole time.

"Well, most students who go here either we're destined to be here and gain their magic, or they came here because their fate leaded them to here." Jake explained, it kinda makes sense. Was I destined to be here? Or was I here because of fate?

It's because you were needed, young fox.

It's... It's you..!

"Who?" Izzy asked confusingly, I blinked and stared at the confused foxes. I shook my head slowly.

"Nobody, hey, can you show me around?" Izzy's eyes lit up and she jumped in joy.

"Yay! The best part for new comers!" She exclaimed, Jake laughed while I smiled with a war, feeling in my heart, "Come on, you two!" She yelled when she started running towards the entrance. Jake shook his head with a smile.

"I've never seen her this hyper before, guess she already likes you." He said, laughing. I chuckled.

"Yeah, race ya to her!" I poked his nose and dashed to the entrance, from afar I could tell he was pouting.

"Hey! No fair! You gotta be warned, I could STILL run fast!" He exclaimed.

To Be Continued...

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