Chapter 20

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Little Phantom

"How are we sure that it's not a Corruptor pretending to be a Phantom?" Vivian asked, suspiciously.

"Corruptors aren't known to shape shift, but.. that is a precaution." Jake replied, eyeing the little Phantom.

"It looks very young, we can't really leave it here." I said, concernedly. The three furrowed their eyes in thought. "If it is a Corruptor, we can just.. kill it I guess." I added.

"O-kay, then Swift. Anyone have knowledge about Phantoms?" Isabela asked, looking at us.

"I never encountered a hatchling, nor did they tell me about them, so.. I don't really have much." Jake said, ears laid back. Vivian shrugged.

"Hatchlings don't really need much nourishment, but this little one looks like a runt." Vivian said, flicking her tail to nudge the Phantom. I carried it gently with my mouth.

Let's find a cave to settle down for a while I said through our link.

Yeah.. we'll report back that this place is a positive for Corruptors later Jake said.


Jake set up a mini fire in the middle of the cave, while me and Vivian gather some food like fruits. Isabela went to get some more fire wood. We placed the Phantom in a small bed of leaves at a corner, it moved a little a while ago, so we think it might wake up soon.

"I got some more wood." Isabela said as she dropped some branches and sticks.

"And I got some more food." I said, dropping a dozen apples with some pears and cherries.

"This should be good for now." Jake said, finishing up the fire. "Let's eat, I'm starving." He added.

We all ate in silence, the only sounds being the crunch from the fruits. Our ears perked up when we heard sounds coming from the Phantom.

It looks like it's waking up I said through the link. We all crept towards the little Phantom, watching it move around.

It's eye opened slowly, revealing its light blue color. It's top arms twitched, it whimpered when it felt it's wounds. It stared up at us, with a curious eye.

"We won't hurt you." I whispered to it. It made a little cute squeak, then it's middle arms raised up towards me. As if asking to be picked up. I carefully brought a paw to carry it, the Phantom waved its little arms up and down and smiled. "Awww.." I cooed.

"It's adorable!" Vivian squeaked, the Phantom looked at Vivian and waved. Jake was still wary.

The Phantom grasped onto my leg and made buzzing noises, almost like purring. I smiled actually. This Phantom looks harmless I said in the link.

Yeah. And it's SOOO CUTE! Vivian squealed, smiling.

I agree, what about you Jake? Isabela asked.

I say we just keep an eye on it for a while Jake replied, still suspicious. I rolled my eyes a little. The Phantom squeaked when it saw the apples, it pointed to them and I padded over to the pile.

I laid the Phantom down gently, it took an apple them munched on it quickly.

"A hatchling.. liking apples..?" Vivian spoke, ears peeking up in curiosity. "Pretty odd, don't you think?"

"It's a hatchling, it might like anything it sees." I suggested. By now, the Phantom ate about five apples. It laid back down with its eye closed, making the buzzing noises. "Looks like it's full."

"Is it a girl or a boy though?" Jake asked.

"I don't really know how to distinguish between a boy and a girl Phantom." I muttered. "I never even saw one in person before a while back." I added.

"Seems to be a girl, boy hatchlings don't really eat fruits like apples." Vivian said, thoughtfully.

"Seems like it. Should we name her?" I suggested.

"I guess." Jake shrugged. "What about.. Lily?"

"Nah. What about Issa?"

"What about Harriet?"

"No, what about Nikki?"



"Kiki?" I suggested, Vivian squealed at the name.

"Yes! It fits her. Plus, it's CUUUTTTEEE!"

(My god, Vivian. Since when were you a fan girl? XD.)

The Phantom opened its eye at us, it tried to fly up, but it kept falling down. After lots of attempts, Jake came to a conclusion.

"Since Kiki is  a runt, it might take longer for her to learn how to fly." Jake said.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said. Kiki blinked at us. "Your new name is Kiki from now on. Okay?" I said to her.

She nodded and buzzed. Taking care of Kiki might be lots of work, but it will be worth it.

To Be Continued...

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