Chapter 27

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The Start Of The Storm Part Four

Author's POV

The small group walked in silence from the recent events that just happened, and stayed wary in case of anymore danger. Swift stayed close to Jake the whole time and the girls, excluding Laika, kept squealing on how close they are. Swift would roll her eyes at them but Jake didn't mind, he was just glad Swift found protection by staying next to him. The night sky was blocked by Sarepia Forest's tall trees, and so only little light was let in, so it was pretty dark.

While walking, Swift looked to her right and then saw something carved in a tree. She squinted her eyes to try and read the writing, there were two letters engraved on that tree.

S and H

Swift suddenly got light headed as some voices could be heard in her head.

"We'll be friends forever, right?" A female child voice sounded.

"Of course, until the end." A male child voice replied, "I promise." And cheerful laughter followed, sounding like it was from the two children.

"Swift?" Jake called, Swift shook her head and looked at Jake, who was in front of her. "Are you okay?"

Swift looked at the carved letters again, then back to Jake. "Yeah.." She replied, Jake was suspicious but didn't question any further since he noticed they're pretty far behind the group. "Let's just catch up with them." She added, Jake nodded quietly and they trotted after the rest.

Unbeknownst to them, three small Corruptors were hiding in a bush, watching them. One of them made clicking sounds, and they disappeared.


"It's like we searched the whole forest by now." Kyle said, "We've only seen one Corruptor, do you think the others disappeared?"

"That's bad news, 'cause if they did we'll have no idea how many there really are." Jake replied and took out a dual sword, "I say we check again."

"Ugh, again?" Laika whined, "My fur's getting all messy because of the armor."

"Shut up, Laika." Izzy, Jake, Swift, Vivian, Isabella and Kyle groaned at the same time. Laika laid her ears back and huffed to herself. Not you too, Kyle She thought to herself.

"Everyone, let's check again. Laika, if you don't wanna come, then we might as well leave you here." Jake said seriously, everyone else started following Jake. Laika groaned and followed them stubbornly. As they walked again, they heard clicks.

Everyone halted, slowly forming a defensive circle, their backs against each other as they prepared their swords and powers. More clicks were heard, they looked around to see nothing but nature. Until a purple eye appeared in the darkness, they all growled at it. Suddenly, more purple eyes appeared. Surrounding them in an open area, they all gasped when the purple eyes revealed themselves to be small Corruptors.

They had two antennae's on their heads with sharp, purple tips, one bug purple eye and back spikes. The group didn't move, aware of the Corruptors that were watching their moves as well. Laika backed away then suddenly stumbled, which caused a loud ruckus as the Corruptors made a loud pitched noise, the group covered their ears tightly.

It's so loud! Swift exclaimed in their link, when the noise stopped though, the Corruptors started descending towards them.

Attack them! Jake ordered in their link. The biggest Corruptor of the group's antennae vibrated and the rest of the Corruptors started attacking, the group defended with their powers and dual swords. Jake impaled two with his swords and zapped seven with his Lightning powers, Izzy stabbed three with her swords and trapped five in strong vines she summoned with Nature magic, Vivian used her swords mainly and she was luckily trained for this kind of combat. Swift shot several water balls as her wristband and necklace glowed faint blue, Kyle used his Fire powers to mow down several Corruptors at once, Laika used her Earth powers to crush some Corruptors, while Isabella used her Water powers as well.

"There's too many!" Swift hollered as she shot more Water balls, she dodged an incoming bite from one, "What should we do?!"

Jake got an idea, "Swift! Drench those Corruptors in water!" Swift did so with no hesitation, she drenched ten Corruptors, they stopped mid-air and looked confused. Jake then zapped them and it made a powerful electric shock, knocking them out. "Let's combine powers!"

Kyle then looked at Izzy, "Izzy! Cover them in vines!" He hollered, Izzy halted for a few seconds, before covering the Corruptors in vines. Kyle shot fire on the vines and it was scorching hot for the Corruptors, they burned to ash. Kyle and Izzy nodded quietly to each other.

Laika used her powers to create shields to protect them, but scowled at Izzy as she did so. Izzy shrugged at her and continued the power combination. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the remaining Corruptors flew away in panic. Dozens of Corruptors lay dead as several were also left as ash from Kyle's fire.

The group cheered in victory but collapsed in exhaustion, they all panted heavily. That was... Swift started in their link.

Awesome! Izzy exclaimed. Great teamwork you guys Izzy said happily.

Yeah Jake agreed and smiled at all of us, rather proud. We all stood up after a while.

"Gotta admit, that was.. fun. Good job guys." Laika spoke quietly, Izzy gasped dramatically.

"Did you just say something nice?" Izzy joked, half sarcastically and half literally. Laika scowled at her. "For once, I'm thinking what you said was nice, Laika."

"Don't get used to it." Laika muttered.

"I guess we can go back now, we've had a long day.." Vivian said tiredly, leaning against Isabella. Everyone agreed and walked back home.


Hidden, someone stayed on top of a tall tree branch as he watched the group leave. He was rather impressed on how good they were at teamwork and magic, his tail dangled loosely as he was laying down. His eyes somewhat glowed in the darkness as his paws were because of his magic, he slowly got up and disappeared once again in the forest.

To Be Continued...

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