Chapter 33

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Tough Luck

Author's POV

"After all these years.." Hakiro started, looking in awe at the Water Gem. Swift's ears laid back in nervousness, she clutched her necklace a little and stepped back as Hakiro took another step. "All those searches.." Hakiro continued, "All the time I spent looking for it.." He stopped and stared at all of them, "It was with you all along.."

Jake stepped forward, blocking Hakiro's view of Swift. "Yeah, if you're gonna get it you're gonna have to get through me." He growled, his eyes and paws glowing yellow with small sparks. Izzy followed and soon enough everyone was in a protective circle around Swift, Swift closed and locked her necklace and was determined to protect the Gem at all times. Hakiro scowled.

Edit (5 - 10 - 19): (Edited the paragraph before this.)

"You are no match for me. And you're outnumbered." Hakiro smirked and gestured to the Queen, she made a loud screech and the Corruptor from the sky descended and stayed a few meters from the ground, awaiting further orders. "Now," He started, "Give me the Gem, and I might spare your lives.."

"Never." Swift growled, "You're messing with the wrong animals here." She added and got defensive, everyone prepared for the worst as Hakiro turned away and then nodded to the Queen. The Queen made another loud screech and the Corruptors started descending further, "Stay sharp, guys." Swift murmured.

Hakiro chuckled, and just flew to the sky with the Queen and watched another fight unfold.


Since everyone's previous fights, they were losing energy pretty fast, but they had to keep going. Several corpses of Corruptors laid dead, but there are multiple groups left that didn't want to fail their Queen, the Queen's eyes narrowed each time some of her subjects were killed but she kept quiet. Everyone kept Swift a priority and so far the Gem was safe, until...

A Corruptor lunged towards Jake and he was tackled to the ground, he kept the Corruptor's jaws away as best as he could and more surrounded him, venom was slowly dripping from the sides and he fears his paws will disintegrate. Swift noticed and run towards Jake, she tackled the Corruptor and then killed it along with the others. "Are you okay?" She asked Jake, Jake exhaled in relief.

"Yeah, thanks.." Jake smiled, Swift returned it and they battled again. Combinations were used, and every possible method to mow down several Corruptors. But Hakiro's been making it more difficult, by trying to shoot down the persistent animals, and unfortunately, Izzy got hit in the leg.

"IZZY!" Jake, Swift, Kyle and Hunter exclaimed in panic. Jake got cornered, Kyle got tackled, Hunter tried but Hakiro trapped him in a rock trap using the Earth Gem, leaving Swift dodging Corruptors and magic bolts. Swift's heart was pounding when Hakiro aimed his paw at Izzy, and the Gems glowed.

NO! Swift panicked and ran faster despite her fatigue, IZZY! She screamed in her mind and just as Hakiro shot a magic bolt...

Swift jumped in front of Izzy and took the damage, she felt shocks all over her body and she stood her ground as best as she could, Izzy's eyes grew wide in disbelief and shock. By now, the rest already helped her up, when Hakiro stopped, Swift's body was sparking with electricity and she felt like all her life was drained.

Swift's POV

"Swift! No!" I heard Jake's voice as I almost fell to the ground, he caught me in time, "Swift! Speak to us!" He exclaimed, my eyes were already closing slowly, but I fought them.

"Ja-..-ke..?" I mumbled, my throat really hurt.

"Swift! Stay with us! Please..!" Jake exclaimed desperately, his ears starting to water, Swift smiled weakly and looked over at everyone, observing their reactions. Loki, Jake and Izzy had desperate looks, the teachers were extremely concerned, Laika and Kyle looked worried while looking up once in a while, Vivian and Issa had their ears down, while Hunter was staring angrily at his biological father. "Swift.. P-Please.."

"I-I'm... s-sorry.." I gasped quietly, coughing in the process. I felt like my life was fading away, so I smiled weakly again and said. "P-Please.. g-go on w-without me.." Then my eyes closed.. probably forever...

Jake's POV

My world stopped when Swift closed her eyes and fell limp, my paws and body were shaking, when they slowly laid her on the ground, my body shook with electricity and my anger boiled, fueling me. I also noticed the Water Gem, which was glowing before, stopped glowing and it lost its bright blue color. My eyes sparked fiercely and I looked up at Hakiro.

"YOU!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, "YOU WILL PAY! YOU HEAR ME!?" I yelled angrily, I slammed my paw to the ground and powerful electric bolts cracked and shook the ground and mowed down literally all the Corruptors, the Queen shrieked in disbelief. Hakiro's eyes widened when I suddenly jumped and tackled him down to the earth with powerful electricity, I beat him down, driven by my own anger. For my last blow I jumped and slammed into him and by now he was jolting with electricity. I panted slowly.

"You want more? I got all day." My eyes burned with anger at Hakiro who was laying in the ground, surprised at me. The others ran up to us but kept a distance as Hakiro's mouth curled into a smile, my head tilted to the side in confusion, until he punched me hard in the stomach and sent me flying towards the Sapphire Shop. "O-Ow.."

"Jake!" Izzy exclaimed and ran towards me, but limping. I saw Hunter narrowed his eyes at Hakiro and his paws and eyes glowed. "Jake, are you okay?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah.." I stuttered, my eyes on Hunter. His father looked at him with disbelief.

"Hunter." He spoke.

"..Dad." Hunter replied, darkly. "This isn't the way to go.." He said, "Stop listening to that evil king.." He added. Everyone else watched Hunter.

Hakiro chuckled bitterly, "Ever since I started listening to myself, I grew stronger, more dangerous.." He stepped forward, "Jamaa has feared me for centuries, and.. since after I was banished by the Magic Alphas, I've been plotting my revenge.." He said, Hunter didn't look fazed and just stood protectively of.. us.

What is he doing? Izzy asked, worried for what might happen since everyone's seen what Hakiro's capable of, or.. at least what he could do so far.. He'll get killed!

"I'm afraid.. we can just let Hunter do as he wishes.. Hakiro is way more powerful than we anticipated." The healer spoke, looking at Swift's closed eyes and limp body. "Swift was a young soul, she fought with honor.." She started, stroking Swift's head gently. I walked up to her and sadly stared at her. "We must put an end to this."

I wiped a stray tear and nodded.


Swift tried to open her eyes, but she just couldn't help but feel pain. She tried reaching for her necklace, but it was gone. Panicked, she woke up and looked down to her neck, her necklace was gone. She looked around, but all she saw was darkness.

"Hello?" She called, her voice echoing.

"Swift, young one." Kira's voice soothed Swift's uneasy feeling a little, Kira appeared from blue smoke and she looked at Swift. "

"M-Ms. Kira.." Swift stuttered, she then fell down and out her head under her quivering paws. "I-I'm SO sorry! I c-couldn't e-end this war.. I-I wasn't ready.. N-Now.. m-my friends a-are about t-to-" Kira's paw went to gently caress Swift's face, Swift's tears were wiped as Kira brought her to her feet. Swift sniffled. "H-Huh..?"

"Swift, I have seen how you fought. You protected your friend, Jamaa and your Academy family. That's all that matters." Kira smiled, Swift wiped her tears and looked up at Kira.

"B-But.. y-you said the fate of my f-friends will-" Kira's paw shushed Swift, despite Swift blaming herself, Kira smiled. Swift was beyond confused. "W-Why.. a-are you not mad..?"

"Why would I be mad, young one?" Kira asked, patting Swift's head gently. Swift's ears went down. "In fact, I'm quite proud of how much you've done." She said, thoughtfully. Swift looked up, surprised.

"P-Proud..?" Swift stuttered, sniffling a little at the end. "H-How are you still proud after what happened to me..?" Kira went closer and, to Swift's surprise, hugged her. Swift was shorter and smaller, so her small body was curled up in Kira's chest. Swift felt vulnerable so she stayed close to Kira, she felt a strong sense of familiarity and couldn't help but notice their similarities. "M-Ms. Kira..?"

"Yes, Swift?" Kira asked, looking down to meet Swift's gaze. "Is there a problem?"

"N-No." Swift quickly dismissed, "I just can't help but.. notice similarities between us.." Swift trailed, they both were gray in color, they control water very well and their eyes are beautiful shades of blue. Kira chuckled at this and petted Swift's head once again. Swift noticed a bright white light from afar, it looked like it was drawing closer. "Plus.. you're voice is a little.. familiar.." Kira looked quietly, "It's like.. I've heard it before my invitation.."

Silence for a while.

"Maybe it's time I tell you, young one." Kira said and stood up with Swift still clutching onto her foreleg, Kira looked at the bright light, then to Swift. "Young one.." She trailed, Swift's ears perked up in attention. "I, Kira.. am your grandmother, Swift."

Swift's eyes widened, so large, it's like they're about to bulge out of their sockets. Kira smiled softly and she started walking with Swift towards the bright light, Swift then remembered a faint memory when she was a child.


"I'll be back, Swift, I promise." She heard Kira's voice, she was barely two years old that time so she was surprised she could still remember this. "Savannah, my daughter, give this to Swift, it's my farewell gift.."

"Of course, mom." Savannah smiled, tearing up slightly. Then they hugged, little fox pup Swift looked curiously at them, then her face brightened up when her mom showed her the heart necklace, and reached for it. "I'll give this to you when you're older." Savannah chuckled, Swift made a pouty face but nodded. "Be safe, mom."

"We will." Kira said and she walked out with the Magic Alphas. Savannah held Swift in her arms as she watched her mother leave, tears welled up in her eyes, Swift reached a small paw out, calling out to her grandmother.

End Of Flashback..

"What.. h-happened to the Magic Alphas..?" Swift asked, as they were drawing closer to the bright light. Kira's ears went slightly down.

"Days after we left, we were attacked by a mysterious animal. They were powerful, ruthless, he ended.. us all." Kira sadly said, Swift suddenly realized something.

"G-Grandma Kira..?" She asked, Kira looked down at Swift, "A-Are.. you.. dead..?" Kira sadly stopped when they were right in front of the bright light, she hung her head low.

"I-I'm afraid so.. I'm sorry, Swift. I know I promised to come back, but when I seemingly woke up inside the Water Gem, I realized I was.. gone. When I heard your voice again, I knew the Gem was still safe and you were growing healthy. So I sent a message to Jamaa Academy to give you the invitation, I saw your future, if you didn't get the invitation.." Kira trailed, "All hope will be lost.."

"So.." Swift trailed, "I-It was you who made them send me the invitation..?" She asked, Kira nodded. "Then.. it was my destiny to even be in that school.." Swift said, thoughtfully. "B-But, am I really dead?"

The question wasn't answered right away, "You're not dead, young one, but the Gem's been overwhelmed and it luckily wasn't fully destroyed.." Kira said, "The Gems can bond with its keeper and can uncover its hidden abilities with the help of the animal, in your case, since you come from a family who's had experience with the Gems, the Water Gem didn't take very long to form a bond with you."

"So.. it's like.. the Gem's like my mind and soul..?" Swift asked. Kira nodded. "How will I go back? I wanna go back! Grandma.. please help me.." Swift said, desperately. "They can't end this without me!"

"It's not an easy task, Swift." Kira said, "But.." She added, "I know animals who can help." Kira gestured to the bright light, which was slowly looking like a portal.

"W-Where's this leading to, G-Grandma..?"

"The Spirit World, young one."

To Be Continued...

Word Count: 2130 words (New record :o)

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