Somethings Going On

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I once again went into the HQ. To once again... Throw it at the alpha's. Then something weird happened. Peck and Liza fell to their knees basically. They looked like they were praising me, "Dare, Rico and Juno are hurting and in pain. They are sick and could infect us. We can't see it but we know. None of the alpha's can kill them. We need you." Something was off on the room. Other Alpha's watched me go to the room. I killed them once. There's gotta be a catch. I opened the door. I almost walked out from what I saw. Juno was shoving a cracker down Rico's throat. The both paused and looked at me. Rico flew up into the air and then bolted at me. Juno charged from the bottom. I jumped out of the room and moved to the side. Rico hit Juno instead of me. Juno clawed at Rico and they got into a fight. I backed up more and more as Juno finished off Rico then turned to me. Revenge in her eye. Gilbert walked into the room, "Dare what's going on?!" I looked at him, "They were trying to kill me." Peck and Liza stood behind him smiling. Juno jumped at me and I fell to the ground. I heard Gilbert tell me to stop.. but she put a bigger hole in the fedora. Without thinking I took my sword and cut her down. Her blood dripped down from my sword. I dropped it and looked at Gilbert. Boy did he look mad, "Dare, what's the meaning of this?" I pointed to Liza and Peck who where in fact still smiling, "They told me to kill them right after I gave then the shard." Gilbert had a hint of fear pass through his eyes, "Not Already." He turned around to look at Peck and Liza. Yes, they were still smiling. I took the chance to run. Something's going on... I will figure it out.

(I've been up all night. Bad things that happen in reality really can effect you. I won't be able to sleep for the next forever! Also, hope you enjoyed the chapter, more tomorrow! Trying my best to make it daily!)

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