Another Dare for everyone

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Mei: Okay so we have another dare from our friend FlowerBlossom_Broppy and it's really interesting because this dare is from Discord!

Luca: Discord?

Mei: Yeah, anyways she dared us to watch her and ocean's daughter ember!

Alberto: Oh...well that doesn't sound that bad

Mei: Well lets bring her in

*Esmerald and Ocean enter holding ember*

Ocean: Okay here's emmy, good luck with the dare *Hands ember to luca* Okay emmy we'll be back in a bit, right now, Sonic and his friends will babysit you

Ember: Okay dada

Esmerald: Oh and also, emmy has a tendacy to wander around so you might wanna keep an eye on her at all times

Alberto: Don't worry es! we got this

Esmerald: Okay good luck! *walks off with ocean*

Luca: Hey Sonic wake up! emmy's here

Sonic: *Immediately wakes up* Emmy?!

*Ember giggles at sonic*

Sonic: *sees ember* Oh Hello emmy! what are you doin' here?

Alberto: We've been dared to watch her

Sonic: Please, that's easy, all we have to do is keep an eye on her at all- *notices emmy's dissappeared* WAIT WHERE'D SHE GO?!

*Ember giggles and crawls away*

Sonic: Oh- Runaway baby! *rushes to ember and picks her up* Got her!

Mei: SO that's what they meant by wandering off, she's trying to get away from us

Sonic: Pfft, No no! she's just super curious that's all, now emmy we need you to stay here okay? because es and ocean put us in charge and it's our duty to watch you and not let you get away okay?

Ember: Okay

Sonic: Okay *places ember on the ground* now! whatcha wanna do?

Ember: You sing

Sonic: Really? I mean i wouldn't want a secret talent of mine go to waste

Luca: It's not really a secret talent sonic

Sonic:...Okay emmy, how about I sing you a song that longclaw once sang to me, would you like that emmy?

Ember: Okay

Sonic: I've been sleepin' in my mind

Sonic: But now my heart is risin'

Sonic: Risin' with the tide

Sonic: Floating on a wave

Sonic: Buoyed by the sea

Sonic: Carry me away 'cause the world is not for me, Mmm

Sonic: If I could see through different eyes

Sonic: From ten thousand foot skies

Sonic: I'd navigate the lies

Sonic: And never fear demise

Sonic: Nor be timid of the rule

Sonic: How can I grow wise

Sonic: If never I'm a fool?

Sonic: And home, home is in my heart

Sonic: So why do I get lost in the crowd

Sonic: Trying to be proud

Sonic: Oh I must be quiet enough to hear the sound

Sonic: The song inside my soul

Sonic: As it echoes in the clouds

Sonic: Hey, I'm going to sing it loud

Sonic: Hey, I'm going to sing it loud

Sonic: Raindrops ripple as I breathe

Sonic: I can feel the deep blue miles from my feet

Sonic: Coming up for air, conscience coming clean

Sonic: I have left the past at the bottom of the sea

Sonic: 'Cause home, home is in my heart

Sonic: Why do I get lost in the crowd

Sonic: Trying to be proud

Sonic: Oh I must be quiet enough to hear the sound

Sonic: The song inside my soul

Sonic: I'm gonna write it down

Sonic: Hey, I'm going to sing it loud

Sonic: Oh, I'm going to sing it loud

Sonic: Ooh~ No matter where you land or how far you may fall

Sonic: You have heart, you have hands

Sonic: And the highest calling of our lives

Sonic: Is to find the grace at the very place we stand

Sonic: And rise!

Sonic: Hey I'm going to sing it- Rise

Sonic: Hey I'm going to sing it- Rise

Sonic: We will rise!

*Ember giggles and claps her hands*

Sonic: Soo, How was that emmy?

Ember: *spreads her arms as far as they can go* This amazing!

Sonic: Aww thanks emmy! *Picks up ember*

Luca: Huh, you have quite a way with kids don't you?

Sonic: Yeah, once you get past the wandering off and stuff, it's actually super cute

*Sonic looks down and sees that emmy's disappeared*


Mei: AH! *poofs into her red panda form* We gotta find her! ASAP!

Sonic: EMMY!

Mei: EMMY!

Luca: Ember!

Alberto: Ember?!

Sonic: Emmy, where are you?!

*5 minutes later*

Sonic: Ugh this is pointless we can't find her anywh- *feels something wriggling in her quills and starts giggling*

Luca: Sonic why are you laughing?! this is serious!

*Suddenly ember peeks her head out of sonic's quills*

Sonic: Oh there she is! *takes ember out of his quills* Emmy, you little missy are one sneaky little troll, y'know that?

Ember: *giggles and nods yes*

Sonic: Oh you're so sweet emmy *Hugs emmy gently*

Ember: *hugs sonic back*

Alberto (whispering to luca): Oh my gosh- Sonic literally gives me older brother vibes here...

Luca (whispering to alberto): Yeah he really does

Sonic: Now! emmy how about i tell you some of my life stories?

Ember: Okay!

Sonic: Okay now it all started in a far-away land known as green hills, montana! i was minding my own business after messing with donut lord when suddenly i see that a car was about to run over a turtle!

Ember: *gasps*

Sonic: But i saved it! and i showed it what it was like being speedy before it flew out of my hand

Sonic: But again i saved it! and then placed in the forest safe and sound

Sonic: And then blah blah blah, i meet donut lord in person and he shoots me with a tranq dart right in the leg! which was a problem since i could run at super speed i couldn't actually do that now since my legs felt like spaghetti

Sonic: Then- get this, donut lord, locked me in a dog cage! weird huh?

Mei: Wait-

Sonic: but the cage door was unlocked so i was able to crawl out

Sonic: and then a couple of car chases later and i meet Mei, Luca and Alberto, i drive them and donut lord and his wife pretzel lady to san fransisco- i was an excellent uber driver by the way

Mei: Sonic you kept crashing into stuff

Sonic: Don't remember that- Anyway i find my rings at the top of the transamerica building i think it was called?- because earlier when donut lord shot me i accidentally used my rings to make a portal to san fransisco and dropped my rings in that portal- and just before i was about to use them, the evil, neferious eggman shows up...oh and also earlier donut lord punched right in the face

Ember: *pretends she's fighting eggman*

Sonic: Yes, that exactly! and then after i get everyone to safety, me, mei, luca and alberto try to run but SOMEHOW eggman got ahold of one of my quills so he could go at the same speed as me

Sonic: But then as we were running through the desert eggman shoots a plasma ray and...I pass out cold *pretends to pass out*

Ember: You die?

Sonic: Sadly yes...But I lived! and me and my new animal friends used our chaos energy to send eggman through a ring portal that lead straight to a planet full of mushrooms!

Sonic: and THAT my dear sweet emmy is how I became friends with mei, luca and alberto

Sonic:..and another thing lemme show ya something

*Sonic slowly pulls up a drawing he made of luca and alberto*

Sonic: This is "Luberto" AKA Luca and Alberto's ship name

Luca: Sonic- come on don't try and convince ember to ship me and alberto

Sonic: I know! i know you and alberto have wives, i'm teaching her the importance of ships

Sonic: Now emmy, you may have heard of ships as like the aquatic vehicle that transports stuff and people but ships also means two characters together in a romantic sort of way, like for example luca and alberto- even if they have wives -then there's your mom and dad and poppy and branch, Molly and Giulia, Alberto and beatstar, luca and luna...okay basically it's an important part of your life you MUST learn about...but i think you already know because i just explained it to you

Sonic: But! lemme tell you some of the ship names of those couples in alphabetical order, First! there's "Albertostar" then "Broppy" then "Esmean"  and then there's "Lunuca" and so much more!

Luca: *facepalms*

Mei: Is sonic really teaching ember about ships?


Alberto: *rolls his eyes playfully* Come on luca, let sonic be himself, plus he's keeping ember distracted

*A few hours later*

*luca, alberto and mei were staring off into space*

Esmerald: Hey guys! we're ba- Whoa!

*the entire studio was a mess*

Ocean: what happened here? did the place blow up?

Luca:...We tried to catch ember and we're worn out but sonic handled it...

Esmerald: Oof- well we just came to say that the dare's over and we're here to pick up ember so where is she?

Mei: They're over there

*Esmerald and Ocean look over and see Ember sleeping in sonic's arms*

Esmerald: Oh my troll- they're so cute!

Luca: Yeah adorable- *passes out from exhaustion*

Sonic: So es! ember is perfectly okay, she's been cared for and has been taught the importance of shipping! >:3

Esmerald: Oh that's great soni- wait what? you taught you her about shipping?

Sonic: Yeah, it's essential for a child to know how ships work!

Ocean: Uh no it's not sonic

Sonic:...Eh but i still taught her about it, Anyway *hands ember over to ocean* thanks you for the dare and now...i need to take a nap because teaching is EXHAUSTING

*sonic flops onto his face and falls asleep*

(Esmerald, Ocean and Ember belong to FlowerBlossom_Broppy)

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