Bootleg facility

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*In the truck*

Sonic: Oh my gosh, that was amazing! we were rapping! did we sing 4*town? IT DOESN'T MATTER!

Alberto: Ellie you should have seen us! we were like real detectives!

Alberto: And luca, that trick you did with the match? genius! *Hugs luca tightly*

Luca: *Chuckles and hugs him back* Yeah i never cease to surprise you

Luca: *Pulls out of the hug* And you and sonic's rapping was the perfect distraction!

Alberto: Ah It was nothing, We totally thought we were busted but then you went fully out!

Luca: and I rapped! who'd have thought?

Sonic: *laughs* You my friend are a crazy little man! You know what? I think this calls for a...CELEBRATORY NOOGIE! 

*Sonic puts luca in a headlock and gives him a noogie*

Luca (laughing): *Laughs* Sonic! Stop it! that tickles!

Sonic: I know that's why I'm doing it!

Ellie: Oh boys? sorry to interrupt your celebration but we're all set up, just plug that step tracker into the computer

Sonic: Oh yeah right *lets go of luca*

Alberto: Alright, let's find mei *Plugs the step tracker into the computer*

*then the computer shows the location...'San pedro docks'*

Sonic: San pedro docks! Yes, we got him!

Luca: I can't believe it! we're gonna get mei back!

Sonic: We're gonna be heroes!

Luca: Y'know alberto i gotta thank you and sonic for making me come along *puts his hand on alberto's shoulder* I mean, this feels...I feel good

Alberto: *Blushes slightly* Hey we're better together than we are apart

Capt. Putty (walkie-talkie): Location confirmed, we're sending SWAT now by chopper, meet us there

Ellie: Yes sir

*At the docks*

*Ellie and the others arrived and met with Captain Putty and the SWAT team*

Capt. Putty: I oughta suspend you for going behind my back steckler

Capt. Putty: And I hope we don't get attacked by the rugrats this time

*the SWAT time laugh*


*two sheep rams in uniform ram down the door*

SWAT agent: Let's go! move, move, move!

*the SWAT team spread out to find a clue*

SWAT officer #1: Clear!

SWAT officer #2: Clear!

SWAT officer #3: Clear!

Sonic (whispering): Where do you think she is?

Alberto (whispering): I have no idea

*then ellie sees something*

Ellie: Sir! I think I found something

*Captain putty, ellie, sonic, luca and alberto walk into the room and saw pictures of the missing toons*

Ellie: Flounder...Sneezey? they're all here

Capt. Putty: *sees a picture of Garfield buff* Whoa, Garfield's little body can't take muscles like that

Ellie: We found them

*Then Sonic, Alberto and Luca walk into a room with a machine*

Sonic: Whoa...This looks like the machine Some cartoons have their CG work done on...except WAY more violent

*Ellie notices a cup of coffee and hovers her hand over it*

Ellie: It's still warm, Must have just missed him

Luca: *shudders* This room gives me the creeps

Sonic:...I'm gonna go see if I can NOT find a light switch

Luca (whispering): Sonic! No, no, no, no, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't!

*Sonic presses a button and to their actually WAS a light switch*

Luca: Oh...looks like you're right

*However luca accidentally steps on the button that turned on the machine and alarms start blaring*

Sonic: Dude! what did you do?!

Luca: I'm sorry! I accidentally stepped on the 'On' switch!

Ellie: Boys? BOYS!

*suddenly the door to the office closed and locked*

*as they tried to escape the machine closed around them*

Ellie: Boys! get out of there!

Alberto: We can't! it closed around us!

Luca: What's happening?!

Ellie: The machine is gonna try and surgically re-edit you, so try to avoid that

Sonic: Goodbye, Ellie! Always remember us!

Luca: If we don't make it out of here alive, let my puppy Elsa live with you, sleep on your bed, eat your food and don't be afraid to really scratch that butt!

*Then a laser begins to scan them*

Sonic: AH! what's happening? Are we about to get waffle fried?!

Luca: Calm down I think it's--

Ellie: --Scanning them and rendering what they'll look like in different animation styles

*Back with luca, alberto and sonic*

*the laser stopped scanning them*

Sonic: Huh, well that wasn't so bad, maybe this could be easier than we- *gets grabbed by a claw* AH!

Luca and Alberto: SONIC!

Alberto: Hold on pal! we're coming!

*Alberto grabs sonic's legs and tries to pull him down*

Alberto (straining): Why...won'!?

Sonic: This body is meant to be looked at! not touched!...unless if it's the ladies or fans that wanna pet me

Luca: What?

Sonic: Nothing!

*Then luca grabs the wires connected to the claw and bites it off, making the claw and tools power down and let go of sonic*

Sonic: Phew...that was close

Alberto: We're not out of the clear yet

*they look ahead and see several lasers*

Sonic: This is like episode 121!

Luca: 'Mission Impossibile'!

Alberto: Wait you remember?

Luca: I guess a couple of things are coming back to me

Sonic: Then let's do it! how hard can it be?

Alberto: Very different

Luca: Right, Ready boys?

Alberto and Sonic: READY!

*then luca, alberto and sonic proceed to jump, duck, slide and throw themselves over and under the lasers until they made it through*

Sonic: Are we good? are we in one piece?

Alberto: Well we are *looks at sonic and his eyes widened* but you're not

Sonic: What are you talking about?

*then sonic notices he has a snoopy ear before they proceed to scream*

*Meanwhile with ellie and Captain Putty*

Ellie (nervously): Uhh I'm sure they're fine

*Back with luca, alberto and sonic*

Sonic: I have a snoopy ear! Get it off! get it off!

Alberto: Okay luca you pull off the snoopy ear, i'll hold him back

*alberto grabs sonic and luca grabs the snoopy ear before he starts to pull on the snoopy ear but it wouldn't come off*

Sonic: Ow ow ow! 

Alberto: Keep pulling luca!

Sonic: No! Ow! Stop it! Stop, stop! Ow, ow! *luca lets go of the snoopy ear* It won't come off!

*then they notice the machine opening up*

Luca: The door! Let's get out of here!

*sonic, luca and alberto run out of the machine before they gasp*

Alberto: What the...

*the door to the office opens and ellie rund out to check on them*

Ellie: Boys! You okay?

*then ellie turns her attention to the wall and to their horror and shock, there were parts of different cartoons in baggies on the wall*

Ellie: Look at all those parts

Sonic: *Notices something else and gasps* Oh no

*It was Meilin's red panda tail in a baggie*

Sonic: Mei's tail...

Luca: *gasps* No!...she's been...bootlegged!

*Outside of the facility*

*The SWAT team and ellie walked out while luca, alberto and sonic followed them dejectedly*

Capt. Putty: Hey steckler, Nice work today, I didn't think you had it in you

Ellie: Thank you sir

*then reporters appear asking them questions*

Reporter #1: Over here! One question! Over here! D In Your Face News! With this factory shut down, how does it feel to have made the city safer for toons?

Capt. Putty: Alright come on, Leave them alone, No questions! the three are probably traumatized by what they saw in there

Reporter #2: Sonic! why the snoopy ear?

Cartoon reporter: Captain Putty! Captain Putty! Black and White News! Why is there a wad of chewing gum on your back?

Capt. Putty: *notices the wad of chewing gum on him* Oh come on, Gross! Now that's just gonna be a part of me forever

*meanwhile from above*

Sweet Pete: Well, this is a mess

Bob the viking: We should probably skip town for a while, huh boss?

Sweet Pete: We're not going anywhere without those little punks! I still want my reboot

Bob the viking: Should we try to follow them?

Sweet Pete: Nah let 'em go, I have my own special way of tracking people

*then he goes onto his phone and his account and presses the follow button on alberto's account*


Alberto: Are you sure every room was checked?

Ellie: Yeah, positive

Sonic: I don't understand you said it takes 48 hours! we made there before then...or maybe it was 4-8 hours

Ellie: It's a possibility, that coffee was still warm, It's like they knew we were coming

*Ellie turns to them and notices their dejected looks*

Ellie: Look I know you're sad about Mei, but you should still feel really good about what you did back there, You guys are heroes

Alberto: We're not heroes Ellie, Meilin's gone

Sonic: I was so excited to see her big poofy panda face...

Alberto: Wait where's Luca?

Ellie: Oh he's staying in the back of the truck, I think you should go talk to him alberto, I know how hard he's taking this

Alberto:...*sighs* Okay

*Alberto goes to the back of the truck and sees luca with his head buried in his knees as he sobbed quietly*

Alberto (softly): Luca?

*Luca turns and sees alberto beside him*

Alberto (softly): Are you...okay?

Luca (sobbing): No alberto, *tries to catch his breath* I just wish we could have done something, but we didn't, I'm just a failure *sobs*

*Alberto sits next to him and gently rests his hand atop of his with his thumb lightly stroking the top of his hand*

Alberto (softly): Luca, We DID do something, we found out where Sweet Pete's bootleg facility is, so the next time he tries to bootleg another cartoon, the police can stop him

Luca (sobbing): I know alberto *sniffles* But it's not enough *sobs even more*

*Then Alberto pulled luca into his embrace, letting him cry on his shoulder as he rubbed his back while luca wrapped himself around alberto*

Alberto (softly): It's okay, it's okay luca

*Sonic spied on them from the front of the truck, it looked like...alberto was comforting him, Sonic knew Luca was hurting badly but he also knew alberto was heal luca with his comfort*

Alberto (softly): *rests his head atop luca's while continuing to comfort him* It's okay...okay

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