The final battle

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*Meanwhile with ellie*

*ellie was looking for Captain putty*

Ellie: Captain? It's all over, Just give yourself up


*suddenly putty jumped her and they began to fight*

*Meanwhile with Luca, Sonic and Alberto*

Sweet Pete: Coming through!

Sonic: *Notices the carpet* Grab onto that carpet!

*luca and alberto climb onto the carpet while sonic jumps up and lands on top*

*Then the carpet flung them off and they fell on the ground before they got back up and started running again*



*meanwhile with ellie*

*ellie went inside a shed and locked the door and went to get a weapon*

*But since putty was made of...putty, he slipped under the door*

Capt. Putty: Yoohoo

*then ellie through some type of spear into him*

Capt. Putty: Oh so close *slips out of the spear*

*then ellie throws captain putty to a newspaper and the print gets stuck to his face*

Capt. Putty: Ah, it's stuck to my face like Silly Putty! Remember that stuff?

Ellie:...Let's finish this

*then captain putty lunges at her and they began to battle*

*after a few minutes putty knocked down ellie*

Capt. Putty: *sighs* Poor, sweet, little Ellie, You never should've been a cop in the first place...Any last words?

Capt. Putty: What? I can't hear you...No? Okay, Bye bye, you're dead

*then suddenly ellie used the fire extinguisher to freeze him*

Ellie: Hey putty...don't be so...fragile *flicks him and he falls and shatters to pieces*


Sweet Pete: HAHA! 

*sonic, Luca and Alberto were trying to run but were soon cornered*

Sonic: We're trapped!

Sweet Pete: I'm gonna find you!

*sonic, luca and alberto hide behind a box*

Sweet Pete: Come out, come out wherever you are

Alberto: How are we gonna get out of here?

Alberto: *notices a crane holding some stuff in a net*

Alberto: Fellas? you thinkin' what i'm thinkin'

Alberto, Luca and Sonic: EPISODE 325!

Alberto: Sonic! the grapple-cutters!

Sonic: Uhh...i forgot them over at the factory

Alberto: *eyes widened but still keeping a smile on his face* You what?

*Sonic smiles doltishly with a shrug with a chuckle*

Sonic: Whoopsies

Luca: Okay yeah we're screwed

Sonic:...*picks up a pipe* Not yet we are

Sonic: Luca! hit me on the head with this

Luca: Are you sure?

Sonic: Oh yeah do it

Luca: Okay here goes nothing *hits sonic on the head with the pipe*

Sonic: OW! ow ow! that hurt, i can't beileve we'd do this alberto everyday

Luca: Gah! it didn't work! *hits sonic on the head again*

Sonic: OW! O-ow! okay i think i may start to get some brain damage here

Luca: Okay try me then

*sonic hits luca on the head with the pipe*

Luca: OW! holy carp that's painful

Sonic: What do you expect? you're getting bonked on the noggin! of course it's gonna hurt

Sweet Pete: Okay, things are getting weird *runs towards them*

Alberto: Uhh guys? this is isn't good!

*then just before sweet pete could attack them, yellow birds showed up swirling arounf their heads chirping*

Alberto: HEY! it worked! come on! we gotta hit that switch over there

*sonic, luca and alberto rush to the switch and try to grab it but then sweet pete blows up the bird and aims his cannon arm at them*

Sweet Pete: Farewell...boys

*suddenly a floodlight shone down on him*

Ugly Sonic: This is the FBI! We've got you surrounded


Sonic: Well, looks like he wasn't a liar after all

*Sonic then jumps up and hits the button on the switch which releases the net and came on top of him*


Ugly Sonic: *laughs* See sonic? I told you i has a show *coughs* Ow! stupid teeth, i think i bit my tongue

Alberto: Woohoo! We're the smartest spies on the planet!

*then the police showed up*

Sonic: And you thought you could beat us? Ha! don't ya know who we are?

Sonic: This speech is our recital, we think it's very vital

Sonic: To rock-

Luca: A rhyme

Sonic: -That's right

Alberto: On time!

Sonic: It's Tricky is the title, here we go!

Sonic, Luca and Alberto: It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time, It's Tricky... it's Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Tricky)

Sonic, Luca and Alberto: It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time, It's Tricky Tr-tr-tr-tricky (Tricky) Trrrrrrrrrrricky!

*suddenly sweet pete used his cannon arm to fire one more cannonball at luca*

Alberto: *notices the cannonball coming towards luca*

Alberto: Luca lookout!

*Alberto jumps in front of luca and the cannonball hits him before he fell onto the ground limp*

FBI agent: Down! Get down on the ground!

Sweet Pete: Alright alright, calm down

Luca: Alberto?

*luca gets on his knees in front of alberto*

Luca: A- Alberto come on, Don't mess with me...Come on...Not this time, man

Luca: I know you're just pranking me, I'm not falling for this twice...Come on...Alberto?

Sonic: Luca...*puts his hand on luca's shoulder* he's not faking it...

Luca: *sniffles* Y'know...the morning we met you, when we were just kids at the cafeteria...I never told you this, but I begged Mei and Sonic to let me stay home from school because I was scared


Young Mei: You're a great kid luca, you shouldn't be afraid of trying new things

Young Sonic: Yeah remember the biggest risk is not taking any risk at all...We'll find a friend for you *places his hand luca's shoulder*...I promise

Young Luca:...Okay guys...

Luca (voiceover): I was so scared...And I was lost...Just like you and...we needed you more than you needed us

*then young mei, sonic and luca see alberto sitting alone and they walk over to him*

Young Mei: Hi, Mind if we sit?

*flashback over*

Luca: All these years, I...I let you feel like you were second sea monster because...i wanted to feel like first sea monster

Luca: We were nothing without you

Luca (choking up): So that night when...In the trailer when...when you told me about Double-0 berto, I...I just should have told you that *sniffles* I shouldn't have treated you that way...I'm sorry, Alberto...I love you *Sobs on alberto's chest while sonic hangs his head sadly while putting his hand on luca's back*

Alberto (weakly):...Really?

Luca: *gasps* ALBERTO! *throws his arms around alberto* You're back *kisses his cheek repeatedly*

Alberto: Yeah I know lu...

Sonic: *sniffles and wipes a tear from his eyes* This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen

Luca: Plus...there's something i kept all these years *pulls out the golden pog*

Alberto: *gasps* the golden pog? you've kept it all these years?

Luca: Yeah...guess your collection's complete now

Alberto: Yeah...especially now with you...*he and luca nuzzle affectionately* 

Sonic:...Wait guys, if they were making the bootleg movies that must mean...

Luca and Alberto: *gasps* MEI!

*sonic, luca and alberto run to a shipping container*

*an FBI agent uses a cutter and cuts the chain off and soon every bottlegged character ran out*

Luca: Mei-mei?

Alberto: Do you see her?

Sonic: No, Mei?

*then finally a figure coughed inside and walked out revealing it to be...mei with a dumbo suit*

Mei: GUYS!

Sonic, Luca and Aberto: MEI!

*they all run to mei and hug her as she hugs them back*

Sonic: Oh mei...i thought we lost you

Mei: Hey you guys wouldn't give up on me, after it's what friends do right?

Alberto: You're dang right mei *wraps his arm around luca's waist*

Sonic: Also what'd they do to you?

Mei: Oh yeah, they dumbo'd me

Sonic: Don't worry i know a guy who can fix you up, plus we have your red panda tail right here *pulls out mei's tail*

Mei: Oh guys...thank you

Sonic: Oh that's not the only good news

Sonic: Luca and alberto are a thing now!


Mei: I knew they'd become a thing!

Sonic:...Can you guys believe it? all the animal squad back together

Mei: It has been a long time...It's really good to see you guys, plus look at what you did, you stopped the whole valley gang

*meanwhile with ellie*

Ellie: *holds putty in a baggie* You're under arrest, you low-rent gumby *hands him to the FBI* He's all yours boys

FBI agent: Nice work on this case, The FBI could use someone like you

Ellie: Thanks, But I think I'd like to start my own detective agency

Luca: Hey ellie! get over here

*ellie turns around and gasps excitedly*

Sonic: Mei-mei We'd like you to meet our dear friend, ellie she's a--

Ellie: -Fan, I am a huge fan

Mei: Nice to meet you ellie! and thanks for helping the boys find me, i hope they weren't too much trouble

Ellie: *laughs* Oh they weren't too much trouble

Luca: You know, Al, I'm sorry it took all this to get us back together but hey, at least we're a thing now

Alberto: Aw you big softie, come here

*Alberto and luca share their first kiss as their tails wrap around each other*

Mei: Oh *sniffles* This is so cute, Oh they're gonna make me cry *fans herself*

Sonic: Although i don't know what you guys like to do most, driving like crazy or driving US crazy

Sonic, Mei, Luca, Alberto and Ellie laugh together*

Ellie (laughing): I've always wanted to do one of these laughs with you guys! How long does it last?

Sonic (laughing): The worse the joke, the longer the laugh

*Finally they stopped laughing and they all walk off*

Alberto: So lu, Does this mean we are officially a couple?

Luca: Absolutely, i guess some things are worth rebooting after all

Alberto: You said it. You wanna do an Animal Squad reboot?

Luca: No that's not what I meant, I mean maybe, I'd have to see the script first

Alberto: So That's a yes!

Sonic: Hey, do you think we can get like- a pop star to do the theme song?

Mei: Oh yeah! Like a super serious version

Alberto: Sounds like a plan pals!

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