Chapter 1

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Darkness was all he saw. He tried to breath, but the air was too thick. He tried to scream, but there was no noise. He tried to see, but everything was a blur. He coughed, the cold floor letting him know he wasn't dead.

He blinked, his eyes adjusting to the dark. He sat up slowly, and his vision cleared. He was in a cell, bars blocking him from the outside world. He coughed again. "You okay?" A voice asked. He turned his head quickly, possibly a but to fast, because for a split second he had a mini headache. The next thing he knew, he was looking at another boy. He sat in the corner of the cell. Of course, his vision being blurry, he couldn't see anything wrong with him. "Y-yeah..." The other boy smiled. "Good. You've been out for a while. What's your name?" he asked. "L-lachlan. Why?" He asked. The other boy chuckled softly, and his eyes showed sympathy.

"Well," he started. "If we're gonna be stuck together for a while, wouldn't we want to know eachothers names? Oh, and my name is Rob." He intoduced.

"Hi Rob." Lachlan said. "Can you tell me... where am I?" Lachlan asked. "The chamber of secrets, my friend! Okay, no, uh, welcome to.... the Lab. Do you want me to go into what the lab is?" The boy asked. He seemed casual, like he's been here for a while. I nodded. "The Lab is basicly where they abduct a few kids from their homes with government rights, and take them, and they..." he trailed off. Lachlan felt suddenly scared. "They what...?" The other boy sighed. He put his hands in his blue hoodie pocket, and as Lachlan studied him again, he could make out something different about the strange boy.

He had a pair of dark-brown wolf ears and a fluffy tail, and little claws on his hands. He had deep-brown eyes, but they seemed to have orange-yellow flecks. They also seemed to emit a soft yellow glow. Rob wore a blue hoodie with a large bloodstain on the left shoulder. Fear grew in Lachlan's blue eyes, and he backed into the wall, finding there to be no more room for him to move. Rob's facial expression didn't change, but sadness lingered in his eyes.

"They do this." He said quietly. Lachlan just then took in what this ment for him. He shifted positions, but wasn't able to get comfy. He looked back at the bars separating him from society, not wanting to look at "So it's like... some sick hybrid factory?" Rob nodded. "Sick indeed. There should be others here soon, too. At least we're not alone."

Footsteps echoed down the stone hallway, growing louder with each passing second. "It's one of the gaurds." Rob wispered. The footsteps grew so loud they sounded like they were right outside the door. 'Please don't come for me...' he thought, clenching his fists

A gaurd stopped right in front of the door. He wore a black uniform, his hair was semi-long neatly cut but still managed to be untidy, he had ice blue eyes, and spots on his face that looked like freckles. "Lachlan Power?" He asked, though it was more like a demand. "Oh boys." Rob whispered. Lachlan was quiet. He didn't know how to respond... yes would lead to doom, and no would also...

The gaurd opened the bars, and Rob buried his head in his hoodie. He was scared, Lachlan could tell. Lachlan wasn't scared. He was terrified. The gaurd stepped in the cell and looked around, snrunching his nose. "How do you breath in here?" He asked. "Well, the more of you dead, the better, am I right?" He laughed to himself. The two just stayed silent. "No, I'm not funny...?" He put on a fake look of hurt, before looking down at Lachlan, and smirking. "Oh the things we could do with you..."

Lachlan tensed in fear as the young gaurd reached down and clenched his wrist. Lachlan let out a small yelp as his grip tightened and the was yanked to his feet, which were wobbly from the lack of use.

Lachlan was pulled out into the hallway, his wrist hurting from the grip, which he suddenly felt lift as the gaurd looked for the key on his keyring to close the gate.

He saw the opportunity and took it.

Lachlan dashed down the hallway at full sprint, cells upon cells blurring in the corner of his vision. He could hear the one gaurd yelling, but he couldn't hear much through the blood rushing in his ears. He was able to see a door ahead, but he didn't know where it lead. His gut begged him to stop, but he kept going, the multiple sets of footprints threatening him from behind. He almost made it to the door when he felt heat wash over him as something pierced through his skin in an agonizing way. He yelled and fell to the ground, groaning. The bullet had made a mark in his leg, making him unable to run. The world began to blur around him in a familiar way before it all went black once more.


Lachlan felt cold metal on his back through his maroon hoodie, and he slowly opened his eyes. The pain in his leg had ebbed enough for him to think strait and recall what happened. He tried to sit up, but something pushed him back down. He looked at his chest, realizing that he was strapped to a metal table, like in those science movies. He started to struggle, knowing it won't help, but he did it anyway. He tried to call out, only to find something tied around his mouth. He glanced fearfully around the room, his thoughts flying at a hundred miles an hour. "Calm down." A man's voice said soothingly as he walked in Lachlan's view, standing right above him. The man stroked a lock of hair out of his face, and smirked... an evil smirk. That surprised Lachlan, the man seemed so... nice....

"Don't worry. I'm only gonna-" he paused to think. "play with you." The man wore an over-sized lab coat, he had messy brown hair, he wore rounded glasses, and he had deep green eyes. He looked about twenty-five.

Fear shown in the younger boys eyes yet again. "Jamie!" He called. "Yeah?" A familiar voice called. 'You...' Lachlan thought as he heard the voice of the gaurd from before. "I'm almost ready! Can you bring me my tools?" The older doctor asked. "Yeah, just a sec..." some crashing noises could be heard coming from a closet that branched off the main room. Lachlan now felt even more worried for his saftey, due to the clumsiness of Jamie...
"Hey, Dr., which knife do you need?" Lachlan's eyes widened. Was he going to be awake the entire time? "Uh, get the smaller one." Lachlan a little relieved, but the thought of cold, sharp metal tearing through his skin was still unsettling.

Jamie walked back into the room pushing a small cart with little tools on it. It reminded Lachlan of the dentists, expect he knew this would be far worse. "Do we put him to sleep yet?" Jamie asked. "Not yet, not until we know he's strong enough. I'm not waisting any of this DNA." The doctor replied, studying something in a labled jar.

"Jamie, could you hand me the shot?" Jamie looked down at the little cart in front of him. He looked around it, confused. "Which one?" The older doctor rolled his eyes. "Which do ya think?" Jamie paused, then picked up a long needle. "Oh." He said. Jamie held the needle in a threatening way, walking towards Lachlan. "Don't worry... this will only hurt... uh, alot." Jamie Lachlan tensed, waiting for the searing pain to come.

And come it did.

A sharp pain engulfed his entire body, clouding all of his senses. His vision was blurry, and the tang of blood in his mouth. He coughed, his throat burning, and his lungs ached burned with every breath. He started to hallucinate.

He was suddenly alone, back in the same cell as before. Blood was all over the floor and the made him wonder, what was going on...? He heard a growl behind him, and he slowly turned around, knowing nothing but the fear and pain. Rob was behind him, but it wasn't Rob. It was a lone wolf, the same color fur as Rob's, but Rob wasn't a full wolf. It had the shoulder bloodstain, but there were more stains all over his blue hoodie...If you'd call it a 'he', it was more like an 'it'.

"Rob-?" Lachlan squeaked, his voice high pitched, the pain throat less relevant. It just growled, stalking closer to Lachlan.
Before he could react, it flashed out a paws, leaving a deep scratch in his shoulder, blood slowly seeping out. He cried in pain, and backed away from it. The wolf stalked closer no matter how far he backed away, and soon he backed right into the cold metal bars that made it impossible for him to escape.

He took a deep breath, knowing this might be his last moment to live. Lachlan closed his eyes and prepared for the worst. He felt something bite his leg, and before he could react, he was plunged into a cold darkness.


Lachlan opened his eyes groggily, then groaned solftly. His eyes adjusted to the dark cell as he sat up slowly, only to see the cell bars dividing him from a black hallway. "Dammit." He whispered. He heard a soft breath beside him, causing him to quietly turn around, to see Rob sleeping on the floor under the cell's bench.

His tail was wrapped around his curled up body. He looked so peaceful compared to the Rob in his dream. Lachlan watched him twitch in his sleep, then roll over onto the other side. He knew sleep wasn't calling him yet, but he also knew he should rest. Instead of tired, though, he felt boundless energy, all confined inside of him. He felt something brush his hand softly, causing him to yelp. As if in an automatic instinct, he looked to see what it was.

Through the darkness, he could make out a long tail-like-thing, having a yellow-blonde color. Lachlan looked away and covered his mouth, and looked as though he was trying not to scream, but instead, what came out was something high pitched and muffled. Rob's ears flattened against his head, as though it was to loud for him over in dreamland.

Lachlan was breathing heavy, the events of what happened hours ago pouring back in one big tidal wave. He was something else now.

Lachlan buried his head in his knees. All he really wanted to do was just go back home and sleep, but unfortunately, that wasn't an option. Rob shuffled and streched from under the cell's bench. He yawned, showing these cute little fangs. He dragged himself out from underneath the bench and streched again, staying on all fours. He crawled over next to Lachlan and layed down beside him. Lachlan felt the warmth beside him, so he lifted his head a little. "Hey Lachlan." Rob greeted quietly. Lachlan looked away, not wanting to talk. He heard Rob's tail thumped quietly against the slick, stone floor. "It isn't so bad..." Rob comforted quietly. "Isn't so bad, huh." Lachlan muttered. Rob leaned more on Lachlan, in a friendly way. There was a silence between the two. Lachlan looked as though he had just woke up on a Monday morning, while Rob looked wide awake. "Okay, it's really hard to get used to it." Rob admitted. "You don't say." Lachlan replied, looking back at Rob again.

Rob pushed himself into a sitting position. "You know," he started. "I bite the inside of my mouth alot." Lachlan smiled a small bit. "I used to do that sometimes."

Rob chuckled. "Really?" Lachlan nodded. There was a silence again, but this time it was comfortable. Lachlan started to feel drowsy, all his energy from earlier gone. "You should sleep," Rob whispered. Lachlan already had his eyes closed, his head leaning back against the wall. "Because tomorrow will be a long day for you. Trust me..." Rob finished, knowing his new friend couldn't hear.

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