Chapter 3

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Lachlan yawned out of boredom, and also partially due to being woken so early. They had all been brought to a separate room to learn history. If there is anything he does remember, it's learning about this. "After all the countries fell, there was chaos, but one man stood up for everyone and made seven different, new lands. His name was..." "This is so boring." Lachlan whispered to Rob. He nodded, not looking from the bright screen that played the old black and white documentary. "He became the leader of Minecraftia, the largest of the Territories." The screen showed this man up there, waving to crowd, smiling. But that's all you could see. You couldn't see his face.
     Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dr. Davis take down some more notes, and then exit the room in a rush as usual. "He must have drank all of his refill." Vik whispered. Rob laughed softly, even though he wasn't there to understand the "refill" part.
  The film went into detail about how the seven lands continuously bickered and fought with each other. It explained how they went into war three times, and how Minecraftia was always the good guy. It told of the downfall of Nievia, the coldest biome. How the place split into two sides, and eventually fell. That was really all it mentioned about Nievia, the rest was Minecraftia's achievements. How many wars and battles the Territory has won. How many leaders it's had. The rest was just a blur, but the thought of Nievia stayed in his mind. Why did they only mention it very briefly? You'd think the downfall of a populated civilization would be something the documentary would mention. But it never did.
  The video dragged on. It wasn't very interesting, and it wasn't likely that they would have to take a quiz on it. Dr. Davis walked back into the room, this time clipboard was in his hand. His timing was almost perfect, like they had planned it. The film had ended, and the lights flickered back on.

  Then they were taken back to the familiar cell, and it's boring, gray walls seemed less welcoming than ever before. It was drafty. Warm air drifted into the lonely room. Jackie closed the door behind them as they stepped back into the damp prison. His mind drifted back to Nievia. What happened to it? Where did it go? What's there now? He wanted to ask someone. But who would know?
  "Hey Rob?" Lachlan asked. "Yeah?" He answered instantly. "Do you ever wonder about.... Nievia?" Rob just shook his head. "But I do know some things about it... not too much, though. I overheard a guard talking at night. I think his name was Aron. Anyways, Nievia was a large, successful place, despite the cold. People were happy. But then, the place fell in ruin. A rebellion swept through the entire territory. People turned hateful and desperate. And then, one day, there was a bomb..." he suddenly stopped. "How long ago was this?" Lachlan asked from his usual spot on the wall. Rob shrugged. "I don't know. I only know what I heard." He frowned. "Sorry." "It's alright. You don't have to apologize."
    Right then and there he remembered Vik, who probably felt left out. But when he glanced in his direction, in the corner to the left of the bars, he seemed to be in his own little world. And that's where Lachlan wanted to be too. In in his own little world. But he couldn't stop thinking... "You know, you guys have been handling this entire situation very well..." A charming voice said from outside the caged off room. No, it was surprisingly charming. It was James. He laughed, as usual, standing outside the bars that separated the cell from the rest of the building. He had a comfy smirk on his face. "I mean, all this happens to you and you're so calm? Aren't you a little bit scared...?" He asked, his voice curious and mocking. No one answered his question. "You're not?! I guess someone will have to fix that!" He chimed, sounding happy as ever. Lachlan looked away, and tucked his knees into his chest, feeling submissive... surprisingly. "You don't have your mommy to cry to anymore, or your daddy to protect you. Don't you realize that?"
   "Jamie!" Another voice called sternly. "How many times have I told you not to pester the animals?" Jackie. "What? It's not gonna do much." Jamie argued. Jackie frowned, now in sight. "Ever heard of depression? The pitiful things already had enough of it." He muttered, adjusting his lime-green and black striped beanie. Go Jackie. Lachlan thought with some enthusiasm. Jackie scowled, than folded his arms. "It's not your shift, asshole." Jamie grumbled. "So get lost." Jackie stiffened, and took a deep breath. But he didn't yell. "Well talk about this later. If I catch you again, I'm reporting you to the boss." Jackie seemed calm.
   Jamie just laughed. "Who said you have any authority over me? Your rank is no higher." "But I can still report you." Jamie opened his mouth to object, but closed it as he realized Jackie was walking away.  There was a silence that swept through the place, which felt awkward for the three teens, and probably for Jamie, too. Then Jamie smiled again, and turned to face them. Jackie must have left. "So you were talking about Nievia?" He asked with his classic smirk. "You heard that?!" Rob blurted out, much to his own surprise given by the look on his face. Jamie shook his head, smiling for real this time. "Nothing goes unheard around here. Well, that's not entirely true, since you exist." Lachlan wondered what he meant by that. Were there secrets being kept from them?
    "Why in Minecraftia do you want to learn about Nievia? The place doesn't exist anymore!" He laughed some more. "I just want to know what happened." Lachlan murmured, wrapping his tail around his legs for extra support, like it would protect him. "What happened?" Jamie's eyes suddenly lit up. "I'll tell you what happened. We happened." He paused, suddenly realizing something... "Oh, why the hell am I talking to you? You're just a bunch of animals." He turned and sat in a small desk outside the cell. Was it always there?

   Jamie then pulled out a tablet from the bag he'd been carrying. Only government related businesses had technology like that. If Jamie had such a tablet, than what did the higher ranks have? He plugged a set of earbuds into the jack. He was going to listen to music, which gave them the opportunity to talk. But no one did. Well, not for a little while. The silence was finally broken by...
   "So..... Anything you guys want to talk about?" Vik asked. "I dunno." Rob said. Lachlan shrugged, but then an idea hit him. "Wait, how about we introduce ourselves a little better? Being thrown into a cell with a bunch of random people isn't really a good intro." Rob nodded. "He's got a point. I'll go first." he stated.
  "My name is Rob-" "We know that." "Shut up Lachlan. I'm not sure where I'm from, but it was really, really cold. I can't remember much, but I had a family. They tried to protect me from them. Somehow my family knew they were after me, so we tried to flee..." He frowned. "And?" "And we couldn't." "That's all?" Vik asked. Rob switched positions before speaking. "I was trying to make it short and simple. I can go into detail, though."

~Magic POV switch of awesomeness that will probably never happen again in the entire book because I said so and I'm not adding this little note in the actual thing but that would be cool~

  Rob stood in the middle of the woods. He was alone. No one was with him. He did know where they all went, or why they went. He said he was just going to find some firewood for when the night came. He came back, and they were gone.
     He decided to investigate. They wouldn't help him to escape only to abandon him. They were his family. But yet, there were no traces that they had ever set foot near the small clearing. Suddenly he felt hurt. Had they really left him? He shook his head in disbelief. They couldn't have. They wouldn't. Or would they?
    He tried to find a reason as to why they left. Maybe because he was too much of a risk to them? After all, the government was out to get him. Maybe they were captured? No... he would have heard it. He didn't wander too far, maybe just a little out of earshot. Or further...
   He tried to shake off the thoughts of betrayal, but they lingered. Why did they leave? There were no visible footprints, he noticed with confusion. Only smears in the dirt. It only confused him further. Where did they go...?
    He waited all night. His father had taught him how to light a fire at the beginning of their journey. He now had one in front of him, flickering in the dim moonlight. It was small, but it provided just enough light and warmth. He could hear the sounds of the night all around him. They seemed to lurk closer with every breath. He was told of the creatures that lurk in the shadows at night, but never before had they seemed so real. He could see his breath in the cold air. He must have been up North... Which was good. Military forces weren't as populated up North. He sat there in a bittersweet silence...  until he heard the footsteps.
  He stood up quickly, and looked around. Had his family come back for him? He felt overjoyed at the thought.
   But then there were too many footsteps. Way too many. More than he could count. He couldn't tell what direction they were coming from. They came from everywhere. Then they stopped. There was a loud bang, and everything blurred and faded....

   "They shot you?!" Vik asked. Rob nodded, not showing any emotion for once. "So they did." "Why?" Lachlan asked. "I don't know. But the next thing I knew..."

     His head was pounding, but his breathing was slow. His shoulder ached against the cold floor... at least he wasn't dead. He sat up, triggering a sharp pain in his shoulder, the same one that ached before. He instantly held onto it out of instinct, but flinched when it didn't help to ease the pain, but fuel it. He took in a deep breath. He was well aware of the blood around the area where it hurt the most. The palm of his hand was red. It felt wet and sticky, but he ignored it. He had forgotten what had led up to his capture, but then he remembered. He remembered everything. The woods. His family. The dark. The bullet. He took it all in.
"This is the part when you woke up here, right?"
"Yes. It was very confusing at first...."

    Rob didn't know where he was. He knew he was in a dark cell, but where? 'Probably at some sort of military base... Oh no...' He knew what was going to happen to him, and suddenly, he felt sick.
  "But the funny thing was, they were already done with me when I woke up. I was out for that long. My reaction was kinda funny, instead of freaking out I just sat there and made weird noises." "Why where you making noises?" Vik laughed. "I don't think the sleep medicine had worn off yet." "I was fine when I woke up." Lachlan said. "Nooooo.... not entirely." Rob reminded him. Lachlan glared playfully at him.
   "Wait, Vik, where were you all this time? You weren't in here earlier." Vik paused, remembering something. "Uh, I wasn't considered 'emotionally stable' enough to be with others." "Emotionally stable as in...?" Lachlan asked. Vik shrugged. "Maybe it's because I was so quiet."  "Maybe."

     There was a long period of chatting before it was silenced by Jamie, who had stopped listening to music before the teens realized. Earlier Rob had explained that they were going easy on them because it was the others' first day, but Vik had claimed it to be his second day. Lachlan assumed that's why they didn't anything for the rest of the day. Hours later they were asked to get up for lunch, which was not really that good. The food was alright, but it could have been better. He guessed it was around twelve, because when he got back the area outside the window was bright with sunshine.
     "Wait, Rob, how long have you been here?" Lachlan asked out of sudden curiosity. Rob looked around the room, looking for an answer. "I... I lost count. That doesn't mean I've been here for long, though."
    "Two weeks." Jamie said from the other side of the bars. He got up from the small desk and walked away without saying another word. Where's he going?
    Instead of coming back, a new person took his place. Someone none of the teens have seen before... who could he be? He had wavy, light brown hair. It curled just above his eye. His eyes were a amber-brown color, and he wore the same uniform as everyone else, exept the sleeves looked too big for him, because they covered his wrists and drooped just below his hands. He looked nervous as he glanced towards the three, which surprised Lachlan. He didn't seem to hate them, rather than fear them.
     He stared at them, his eyes wide. He seemed to tremble, and his breathing was heavy. Vik looked down, probably embarassed. Lachlan met his gaze, but only for a split second before the gaurd lowered his eyes. He stood there for a second, before sitting down in the desk. Instead of watching them, he looked down, and opened up his bag. He pulled out a water bottle and a book. His breathing didn't slow down as quickly as Lachlan had expected it too.
      "Is he really that scared of us?" Rob whispered. No one responded. The man didn't seem to hear. There was another awkward silence after that. No one knew what to say.

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