Chapter 1: Beginning

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Alternate Universe: Earth-20

After the arrival of the mysterious woman Arturia , the fight that seemed so intense was finished in instant . It was truly a shocking turn of events when Commander Erwin's death was declared among scouts , millitary and others.  The only scout to survive beside him was Floch, a new cadet . (In this version, Floch didn't bring Erwin back for injecting a titan serum into him) The beast titan had managed to escape as well but that didn't mean they hadn't accomplished anything.

A new strong ally had arrived who had helped them capture Reiner and thus take control of armoured titan . They had further discovered that humanity hadn't perished beyond the wall and they were rather considered as enemies that needed to be wiped out by rest of the world . Eren had also come to know the name of his titan and his father's motivations.

For now, the millitary officers were discussing with Queen Historia about what needed to be done while Hange was questionning Arturia surrounded by Levi and Eren in basement.

"So you are telling us that you were brought by someone unknown into our world while you were fighting some servant ?" Hange blinked.

"Yes ! Gilgamesh, Archer Class servant ." She nodded her head.

"What is that Holy Grail war? Is it some holy ritual like our wall priests ? Do you worship some grail ...." Hange' s eyes gleamed excitedly .

"No! The Holy Grail War is a grail for which seven mages compete by summoning us servants to fight on their behalf . The Holy Grail can grant its winner any wish and so far five holy grail wars have taken place . Last time, I was summoned by a man known as Kiretusu Emiya but in end , even as I fought for him, he discarded his ideals and belief that he claimed to have been fighting the battle for and attempted to destroy the Holy Grail itself . I didn't want to do but he commanded me by using one of his command seals and it resulted in a big fire and devastation and end of Fourth Holy Grail War and all servants disappeared .

Well ! That is what we thought but when I was summoned back in this war by Shirou, my current master, then Gilgamesh had managed to stay in this world without ever disappearing and started to interfere in this war too. That man possess no honour...still he has all the noble phantasms " Arturia explained.

"Ohh! This is really interesting . So..." Hange was about to ask next question but Eren banged the table loudly . "You had no choice but to obey due to that command seal . You fight for masters that just summon you on whim ! How can you keep yourself enslaved like that and yet talk about honour?" 

"When I was alive, I had devoted my life to protect my people and Kingdom of Britain from evil forces . At that time, I pushed everyone away and stayed true to all ideals that I had to for sake of that goal . Now that I am dead, my name is but a legend or myth like several other heroes who lived. We are only called upon because the Grail wills it . Grails itself chooses its prospect masters and that is the only reason we are even able to materialize ourselves back in human realm. As such , it is my duty to..."

"Even so! You are here, aren't you? In this world, there is no Holy Grail or your master and yet you were able to exercise your power and are still holding your presence. Do you still think that you need to conceded to something like that ?  " Eren's green eyes flared.

She raised her eyebrows. This boy!  He was different from the rest of his comrades, wasn't he? The only thing she could see in his eyes was a strong resolve, a resolve to be free from any kind of authority, to be free from any kind of imposition . Whether it be about himself or even her, it was if he couldn't handle slightest restriction on free will.

Just what happened to him ? Just what led to such a strong urge for Freedom (within him.

"That is enough, brat !" Levi grabbed Eren ."The brass is calling us. We can continue this later." 

"Aw ! But it was getting so good." Hange whined as she stood up and followed Levi  Seeing Arturia affixed to chair , Levi grunted ." You too, Pendragon girl!"'

"I would appreciate it if you just call me Arturia !" Arturia demanded indiginantly.

"Sure!" Levi's eyes stared at her lifelessly as she braced herself and followed them. Apparently people-eating mindless titans wandered abound in this world or that is what everyone here used to believe.

But she soon came to know through whispers among people as she passed by that a certain race of people called Eldian to which everyone here belonged were the only one capable of being turned into titan after being injected with a spinal fluid.  But once she sat down along with others before the Queen , she was able to grasp the full truth .

There were also some special titans , approximately nine like Eren's titan in which the human host stayed conscious and could turn and revert back at will . Titan shifters could also see the memories of their ancestors and according to Eren's memory, he had only 8 years or even less than that to live since he had acquired it five years ago.  Apparently Eren also possess the most powerful titan , the Founding titan in addition due to which he was being attacked by other people and that titan had the ability to control all titan but only if someone with a royal blood commands it . But if a royal like Queen Historia possessed that titan , then they couldn't command it since they turn to mere puppet of First King of Wall. At one look, it was a hopeless situation but at very same time , she could see a glimpse of shock on Eren's face.

It was if he wanted to say something but then decided not and sat back in his seat. A way to use the Founding titan..the answer seemed obvious to her but yet it looked like except Eren, no one here had realised it yet and he didn't look like he was planning to reveal it .

 "Could he be worried about his friend Historia then?" Arturia wondered . It would only be natural for someone in his position. After much deliberation , it was decided that under supervision of Commander Hange, Arturia would serve along with 104th cadet corps in scout regiment.

Over months, the reparation of wall and rebuilding work progressed rapidly and even anti-titan catapult was stationed along the walls. After being awarded a medal by Queen Historia, Arturia could see subtle changes in Eren's attitude.

He was still the same stubborn kid yearning for freedom but his eyes which were brimming with light and brightness when she had first met him,had lost their warmth . It was if he was looking ahead at something distant all the time, something so far that no one else but him could reach it.

She shook her thoughts away as blue ocean came in her sights. Eren and others had never seen sea ! For them, it was probably a big moment.  One by one, everyone disembarked from their horses with their eyes full of gleam as they paddled through the water.

Everyone looked so happy! 

She smiled seeing Mikasa and Armin play with each other as they threw water at each other. 

"The stuff I talked about wasn't wrong after all." Armin smiled .

"Yeah ! It is so damn big !!"  Eren replied montonicly.

"Look , Eren . Even on other side of the wall....." Armin continued.

"That is what I always believed. If we kill all our enemies, will we finally be free.." He raised his hands with melancholic eyes towards a place far away..." 

The whole gala vibe that was circulating among all a moment ago vanished in an instant as they heard his reply.

"Eren! Just what did you saw that day ...that day when you touched her hand?" Arturia wanted to ask him but she felt out of place, like a strange among comrades  of a world that wasn't her own. 

Just who brought her here and for what reason? She still couldn't understand. Was it a call for her to save this world? How was she still able to materialize herself in this world where there was no Holy Grail ?

But even while these doubts subsided in her mind, there was only one doubt that had etched her mind the most.

"Just what was about to happen in this world?"


Alternate Universe: Earth -21

A dark silhouette lurks behind the door as the wood creaked.

"Aayonokoji Kiyotaka, was it ? Are you really going to keep reiterating that stupid excuse for trespassing in my room?" His red eyes stared at the emotionless dilapidated pupils of latter.

"I don't know what to tell you but facts . Whether you can accept them or not is entirely up to you , Light Yagami ! " He rolled his eyes while resting on bed.

With each moment, the tension in room rises rapidly as two geniuses of their own world scrutinize each other.

Au revoir readers! Keep posted for the next chapter.

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