Baby sitting: Minami x Reader

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Date Published: 2/4/17

Warning: Cursing and slighty (very OOC chicken nuget) OOC Kenjirou Minami

Words: 784

Authour: Emo_Kitty350


"Why am I here again?" I ask the seventeen year old figure skater,

"Because I was left alone with a child and it's crying!" he explained quickly, as child started crying,

"Oh my god Minami! Where are they!?" I asked frantically before searching the house for the crying child,

"She's in the living room..." He trailed slightly



"KENJIROU MINAMI!!!!! WHAT THE HELL? What makes think that's a good idea?!"I yelled before sprinting off into the living room to find a little two year old laying on the floor crying. "Oh you poor chicken nugget.... Did the evil Minami leave you all by yourself?" I asked the child, as I scooped her up in my arms.

"You know she can't talk right?"

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious, now shut up I'm trying to calm down." I stated in a quite voice as I rocked the crying child.

"So," I looked up at the dirty blonde teen, "Who the fuck trusted you alone with their child?"

"My aunt, she was in need for a quick babysitter so I got stuck doing it." He explained, "She said worse case scenario was that I would end up killing her." He shrugged

"Thank god you had the brains to call me!" I exclaimed as the child finally calmed down and looked up at me with her big brown eyes. "Brown eyes run in your family don't they?" I asked smiling down at the little girl,

"I never actually noticed that!" He giggled slightly, and sat down infront of my on the floor. "Can I hold her?" He asked after a mintue,

"Ok, be a good chicken nugget for the chicken nugget." I said as I handed him the child,

"What?" he asked confused,

"Oh it's nothing!" I smiled, "So I never actually got her name."

"Charlette... My aunt wanted to give her a Western civalization name." He explained right before she started crying, "I don't think she likes me!" He cried

"Maybe she's just hungry? Wheres her bag?"

"Over there." He pointed, and quickly made my way over there to find jars of babyfood.

"Bingo!" I smiled as I grabbed one of the jars randomly before searching for a baby spoon.

"Ok, since you don't have a highchair I'm going to have tp ask you to hold as I feed her."I explained, and he postioned her where she was sitting in his lap. "Ok chicken nugget open your mouth?"

"Which one?" Minami asked, I sweatdropped

"I really need to stop calling cute things chicken nuggets huh?" I laughed nervously amd fed the two year old girl.

After feeding the sweet child, I laid her down for a nap.

"Hopefully she sleep for awhile." he mumbbled

"How long are you babysitting her for anyways?" I asked, and sat down on the cream colored couch.

"Until four thirty, so about fifteen more mintues."

"And you're one hundred percent postive that I'm allowed here?" I asked although I really didn't care.

"Y/N my mom flat out said you were welcomed here whenever!" he eclamied as he flopped down on the couch next to me.

"Whatever chicken nugget." I mumbled before cuddling up to him

"Why do you call me that?!" He asked confused

"Because you're cute!"

"Like a chicken nugget?" He asked confused

"Yea! With barbecue sauce!" I smiled and pointed to the red streak in his dirty blonde hair casuing him to sweatdrop.

"I still don't see how you find chicken nuggets cute..." He sighed before wrapping an arm around me and blushing.

"Minami! I got back early!" Yelled a female who I assumed to be his aunt. "Oh? Who's this?" She asked when she walked into the living room and saw us cuddled up on the couch.

"This is my friend Y/N!" He smiled, "I had to actually call her over here because I didn't know what to do..." He scrated the back of his neck nervously.

"Well Y/N you must have natrual motherly instintcs!" His aunt smiled and clapped her hands together, "Have you thought about dating Minami? You two seem like a grate match!" She commented with a closed eye smile causeing me to blush.

"Aunt May! You can't be serious you just met her!" Minami shouted and got off the couch.

"Minami be quite I just got Charlette to sleep." I mumled,

"Ah yes Charlette! Thank you for babysitting her, soffy if she was a handful." SHe smiled and collected her things and Charlette before taking her leave.

"She didn't even say goodbye!" He pouted,

"Im sorry chicken nugget." I said from my spot on the couch with my arms open,

"Let me guess, cuddles?" He asked

"Yup you guessed it! Now sit your ass down so we can cuddle.

Yes, thats the end. Im sorry for kinda just ending it there but I really needed to get this out or I would've forgotten because I have other work I need to do. Don't forget request are open but don't forget that there are rules! I'll see you in the next update!


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