will he accepted it? :Yuri katsuski x male reader

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Title:(Yuri katsuski x male reader)

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I go to this school they don't have a problem with people being straight or not. I am closeted however the only person that knows is my best friend b/f/n(best friend name). She's known for quite sometime. She also knows i have my eye on this one guy named Yuri katsuski. He's gay for the most part at least i think. See he dated this one guy his name was vicktor problem is he moved back to Russia. Well that's not a problem for me. The reason i said for the most part is because my best friend b/f/n decided to go out with him i didn't know this happened until a few minutes ago. She kissed him. That stung. Although i do like him maybe she likes him too and i rather see her happy than her sad. Even if it means me being sad. This day went like these past few days moping around in my house eating my feelings out. B/f/n hasn't talked to me in awhile. School was out so i haven't seen Yuri. Thinking of Yuri gets me through things except when one of those things are of him kissing her. "cuanto amo a hace idiota. How much i love him." school let's back in, about 5 days. Guess i better get back in shape been eating our my feelings wayyyyyyy to much.
*flash back to how the kiss had happened*
I had gotten dissmised from class when i turned the corner i see b/f/n standing infront of Yuri her lips on his. Sadness rushed through me and i ran of crying. She never told me she liked him. I remember just playing back that moment and she didn't talk to me the rest of the day.
*end of the flash back*
Time skip to when he's back at school
Well back in shape GUES i should probably get dressed. I wore the usual outfit. I walked to school considering i live about 2-3 blocks from it. As i come in I'm greeted by Yuri. I wave back. I think to myself while he talks "i should probably tell him now. If i don't it's will never know how he feels". Yuri waves a hand infront of my face "hello, earth to y/n." i chuckle as he says that. I finally gather my corouge and say "can i tell you something just please don't walk away." i say rather quickly. "yeah, what's on your mind
y/n" he says sweetly. "Yuri I'm gay and i like you i know you probably aren't gay specially since u kissed b/f/n." "if you don't want to date it's fine as long as you can accept me."i said holding back tears. "we can't be friends...and i can accept you." he said smiling. "what do you mean we can't be friends?!" i said confused and sad.  " we can't be friends when we feel the same twards each other." he smiled and hugged me. "will you be my boyfriend y/n" he said with the biggest smile plastered on his face. "i thought you'd never ask" i said.

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