Feverish | Renji Abarai

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• Renji Abarai x afab!Soul Reaper!reader smut imagine

• Warnings: canon violence, pollen, affects of pollen, pollen sex, unprotected sex, creampie, cunnilingus, dirty talk, use of the word, "cunt,".

• Summary: Defeating a Hollow shouldn't have to be this hard, but unfortunately for you and Renji, it was.


Going to the World Of The Living wasn't necessarily in your plans today, but, unfortunately for you, you had been sent there on a whim by Captain Kuchiki to check out an abnormal Hollow that had been disrupting the lives of humans.

Normally, the Soul Reaper assigned in the designated area would take care of it, but unfortunately for you and Renji, he had been affected by the Hollow and was sent back to the Seretei to be healed by Captain Unohana.

"I don't think I've ever seen a Hollow like this, " you mutter, looking down at your Denreishinki to view the report of the Hollow that attacked the Soul Reaper.

"Really?" Renji peers over your shoulder to look at the device in your hand. "What were the medical reports that Captain Unohana sent you?"

"She said she doesn't have a full diagnosis yet, but she says that so far after you get attacked by the Hollow, you get incredibly feverish. She said she'll need more time with the patient to fully understand the illness," you respond, closing the device before stuffing it into your shihakusho.

You turn your head to Renji who's huffing and scratching the back of his head.

"Alright... Well, let's just go and locate this Hollow so we can get rid of it," Renji mumbles begrudgingly, taking out his Denreishinki. "Follow me, I'll lead the way."

You nod and follow him, both of you using Flash Step to bounce over buildings until you reach the edge of the city where Renji's Denreishinki blares off an alarm.

Renji gives you a hand signal to follow him down, and you do.

You drop down from the sky level, observing the area. You proceed with caution, grabbing a hold of your zanpakuto in case the Hollow was to come out of nowhere, unsuspecting.

The area is abandoned-small motels and apartments surely left to be demolished soon, along with broken street lights hanging by a thread and roads that you were sure hadn't been driven on in ages. It was sad, in a way, but you knew that places like this were driven out because it was no longer safe to be there. For instance, you were sure this Hollow had been here for a long time, somehow gone under the Soul Society's watchful eye for years.

Still holding on to your zanpakuto, you follow Renji's lead as he makes his way around an abandoned building, both of you keeping your head on a swivel, your feet are light are feathers while walking on the gravel.

"The Hollow should be around here, except, I'm not seeing it, " Renji mumbles under his breath, his eyes narrowing to the scene in front of him.

You watch too, looking at the rows of abandoned buildings sitting quietly, all except for the rubble moving as a breeze gets too strong.

"Wait-" Renji begins, but before he can finish his sentence, you feel it too, noticing an immense amount of Spiritual Pressure begin to fill the area, and instantly you and Renji move in sync, pulling your zanpakuto out of its sheath before standing back to back to prepare for the Hollow.

The Hollow finally reveals itself with a loud roar, the large, tall, black figure materializes from thin air, and immediately you and Renji run into battle. Without words, you know what to do, as countless training hours with Renji had to make up for the lack of communication.

In a flash, you're in the Hollow's blind spot on his left side, meanwhile, Renji is using Zabimaru to distract the Hollow in the front, blocking his attacks from the Hollow's giant claws.

While he has him distracted, you raise your sword above your head to land a finishing blow, but unfortunately for you, the Hollow swings its arm back in a powerful force, making your eyes widen as you quickly dodge it in time before it could have knocked you over in the sky.

"Renji!" You shout, huffing. "I thought you had it distracted!"

Renji narrows his eyes at you when he pulls Zabimaru back.

"I do! Maybe it's you who isn't in its blind spot!"

You roll your eyes, hearing Renji do another, Roar, Zabimaru! before noticing the Hollow turn its attention back onto the Soul Reaper. Quickly, you take this chance and run up to the Hollow, and with a yell you bring your zanpakuto onto the Hollow, slicing its arm off in one swing, and quickly move back.

The Hollow lets out an ear-piercing screech in return, and you and Renji have to cover your ears in hopes of salvaging your possibly already damaged ear drums.

"What the hell?!" You yell over the sound, wondering why this Hollow was so abnormally loud compared to the other ones you've encountered.

You feel the ringing in your ears continue for a painfully long moment, but soon the sound begins to fade away into silence, and it isn't until moments later you begin to stand back up only to see that the Hollow had vanished.

"Great," Renji grumbles, huffing as he lets Zabimaru turn back into its original form, sheathing his sword. "We lost the Hollow."

You huff, sheathing yours as well. "I hated that sound. I suppose that's the Hollow's defense mechanism. "

Renji nods, a strange look appearing on his face. "Yeah... Probably one of its defenses. I noticed a strange aroma emitting from the Hollow when you cut it. Did you notice it?"

You try to think back to when you cut off its arm, but the moment was so fast you weren't sure if you smelled anything or not.

You take a sniff of the air to see if you could smell anything now, but all you smelled was a small hint of sulfur.

"I smell a bit of sulfur. Is that what you smelled Renji?" You ask, crossing your arms.

He nods. "Yeah, now that you mention it, it did smell like that. "

"Alright," you pull out your Denreishinki and send a message to Captain Unohana. "I sent a message to Captain Unohana. Hopefully, that report will help her conclude what's wrong with the Soul Reaper that got attacked by the Hollow. It might be nothing, but you never know, I suppose. "

"Okay, good. I think for now though, we'll just have to sit around here and wait for the Hollow to show itself again. I don't think we'll have to wait long, though."

You agree and soon you find a place to crash for the night. You stay in a motel room, one that's not terribly beat up and still in somewhat good shape, and Renji sleeps in the room next door. He would have shared a room with you, but you teased him that he probably snores so he huffed and took his futon to the room over.

You lay out your futon and roll it out and sit on it. You take off your zanpakuto and lay it next to you, along with your Denreishinki so you could watch for the alarm just in case the Hollow would appear.

So, you sit and allow the motel to be filled with silence. You watch the time pass by, by watching the sunset creating a pretty pink sky over the horizon.

It isn't long though before you begin to feel sleepy and drift off into a hazy rest.


Your rest doesn't last long.

You wake up in a hot sweat, a feverish heat runs down your body, and you almost feel like you're going to be itching like a madman. Your forehead, arms, torso, and legs are practically covered in sweat, and suddenly you feel claustrophobic in your Soul Reaper garments.

What the hell is wrong? You wonder, sitting up from your moist futon. You turn your arms over and look at the sheen of sweat that covers them. While you looked, you could swear you were getting hotter by the second, and these clothes were getting the better of you.

It all felt incredibly overwhelming to be woken up like this, and hell, you weren't even sure what the cause of it was, making a bit of anxiety begin to settle in.

"Hey! Are you okay in there?"

You swing your head to the voice and a knock comes from your door, and immediately you swallow thickly. You weren't sure how to respond.

Your instincts tell you to lie. "I uh, I am. Why?"

You expect Renji to walk in to finish the conversation, but you can feel his hesitancy from his presence outside the door.

He's silent for a moment.

"...How long have you been awake?"

You raise an eyebrow. "Not too long. Maybe like three minutes? Why?"

You hear Renji mutter something before listening to his feet walk away from your door. You blink, wondering what that was about, but it's not long before you begin to feel another wave of heat rush over your body.

What? How could you begin to feel even hotter than before? It felt as though someone was pressing an extremely large heating pad over your body, and you were suffocating. Your clothes suddenly felt too tight, and a familiar pressure began to build in your lower abdomen.


In a moment of realization, you knew what this was. That Hollow released an aroma, or more than likely, some type of pollen that would normally cause other Hollows some sort of confusion, however, it seems to be taking a different toll on Soul Reapers.

Your breathing begins to quicken as the pressure spreads throughout your lower body and slowly creeps its way down to your nether regions, and your fear is only heightened when you begin to feel a throbbing sensation on your clit.

You huff, aggravated. Why now? Couldn't the pollen have waited until you were back home in the Seretei by yourself, where you could handle this with ease?

Your worries are quickly heightened though when you hear your Denreishinki ring.

You quickly grab it and open it to see who's calling, and you're quickly relieved when you see that it's Captain Unohana.

"Captain!" You gleam, hoping that she has good news and possible information on how to solve your current position, where you're now rubbing your legs together in hopes solve that ache.

"Glad to hear you're doing good. I have some results that might help you and Renji out. You haven't destroyed the Hollow yet, have you?"

"No, we haven't. We only scratched it before it ran away. "

"Okay, well, it seems that there seems to be some type of defense mechanism that it releases, causing you to go into a feverish state. I haven't found the solution yet, but I'm using Kido to try and heal him. It's working so far, but it's incredibly slow. You haven't been hit by the pollen yet, have you?"

As much as you'd like to deny the fact that you haven't, the effects of being hit by the pollen were way too strong for you to simply ignore. There was an urge, a yearning fire kindling inside your body, and as much as you hated to do it, it needed to be reported.

"Sorry to disappoint you Captain, but both Renji and I have. We're slowly starting to feel feverish," you admit, albeit only telling half the truth.

There was a brief silence over the phone.

"Alright. I think you and Renji will be okay. Keep me updated if anything gets worse. I'd hate to send more Soul Reapers out there to also catch this fever. Just do what you can."

You nod, still rubbing your legs together to quell that agonizing urge. "Yes, Captain. Thank you."

With that, the conversation ends, and you place your Denreishinki back down next to you.

Shit. Now you were positive about what you had to do to get rid of this fever. You were surprised that Captain Unohana couldn't figure it out, but you figured that since the other Soul Reaper is being healed with kido, then maybe it wasn't affecting him as much.

With an aggravated sigh, you huff and get up to go to Renji's room to go share the news.

You unlocked your door and walked to his door to knock on it, but before you could knock, you hear a faint sound of quick pants and breaths coming from beyond the flimsy wooden door.

No. He wasn't. Did the pollen affect him this much? You wonder, your eyes widen and your ears begin to burn while you continue to listen. Sure, you were horny too-your clit was aching, and a wet patch had formed in your underwear within the past several minutes, but you didn't think it had affected Renji this much already.

While you listened in, your ears got hotter and your heart picked up its pace, and you could feel your clit begin to throb.

Shit, he sounded so good. It felt like you were fighting every urge in your body to withhold yourself from turning the handle to just open the door to walk in and see him, only because you were colleagues. You've known Renji for a long time and he was truly one of your best friends, but now... you were reconsidering every second of ruining your friendship with him, here and now, because of this damn fever.

Your body, however, had other plans despite your internal conflicts.

Your hand knocks on the door.

Words fumble from your mouth.


For a minute you hear a muttered, shit, coming from inside the room and you swallow thickly.

"Renji... Captain Unohana... She called on the Den-"

"And?" Renji shouts from inside the room, and you have to hold your breath.

You blink, trying to remember where you were going with this. Your boggled mind is thinking of nothing with logic at the moment, and you felt as if your body was acting on its own accord.

Your hand grabs onto the handle.

You suck in a breath, waiting for Renji to protest, but every cell in your body is crying out for you to go to him.

Then, with a simple twist of your wrist, the handle moves with you, and the door swings wide open, leaving you in a state of shock when you see Renji laying on his futon, robes fully disregarded to the side leaving his entire body exposed, and his thick cock in his hand.

Renji doesn't move. Instead of him reacting poorly like you'd expect him to-he only looks up at you with half-lidded eyes and parted lips.

Something inside of you urged you to take a step forward, but before you could proceed, Renji stops you.

"Don't, " he says breathlessly, and you can't help but let your eyes flit between his face and his thumb as he continues to trace over the slit on his dick. "Don't move. Don't take any more steps further."

Confused, you knit your eyebrows together. "What? Renji-"

"I said don't," he says more sharply, inhaling deeply before leaning his head back against the wall. He slowly blinks, and his Adam's apple bobs when he swallows before letting out a slow breath. "Shit... I just..." He huffs. He's frustrated, you can tell by watching his tattooed abdomen tense when you see him continue to wrap his fist around his cock, and his lips pursing while he tries to think. You knew he was conflicted, just like you were. Every bone in his body was raging and aching to have you on him, but he couldn't just give in to those desires like that.

"I just can't stop thinking about you," he finally admits, and you feel your heart skip a beat. "I can't stop thinking about fucking you, and I'm afraid if you get any closer, I'm going to end up taking advantage of you."

Taking in Renji's words, you swore you could feel your clothes getting tighter around you. It felt like you couldn't breathe, especially given what he had just admitted to you. If he couldn't stop thinking about fucking you, and you were more than happy to help him out, then all you really needed to give him was a little push.

"Renji," You start calmly, slowly putting one foot in front of the other. "Please, let me help you."

Renji swallows thickly, and you can see his eyes widen and his chest fall up and down at a more rapid pace as you step closer.

"I'm at a disadvantage too," you tell him, and when you finally reach him, you kneel down next to him. Renji watches you with wide eyes, and you can tell he's contemplating every decision that's running through his mind right now. With a pounding heart, it's your turn to feel nervous as you reach for Renji's hand that's lying on his thigh. Renji continues to watch you with wide eyes and you give him a reassuring look as you slowly guide his hand in between your legs and press his fingers against the wet patch that's seeping through your clothes.

Almost instantly, Renji lets out a low groan as he feels how wet you are, his fingers experimentally testing the waters as he slowly begins to massage your cunt.

Only then did you let out a starved moan at the sensation that Renji rubbed onto your aching core. With the moan you let out, you might as well have been a starved virgin who had never been touched before, as the pulsing pleasure surged throughout your body while he continues his ministrations.

"R-Renji-" You huff, trying to hold in the keens and whines that your body keeps releasing while Renji hardly is even touching you. Luckily though, he sees your struggle and gets up off of the floor, and leans over you, his face only mere inches from yours.

"Fuck, you look so good like this," he mumbles as he now gently begins to lay you down on the floor, letting his fingers continue to work on you. "I never imagined the day where I'd get to see you like this-all whiny and pretty, laying under me. "

You feel your face heat up at his words. It's true. You must admit, you never thought you'd see him like this either-hovering over you, his face only mere inches away from yours, his lips ghosting ever so slightly over yours-yet, you felt that this was the only way you could see him. Surely, you could feel the pollen lurking inside of you agree with you as well, as you could feel yourself growing wetter by the second. It made you feel hot and sticky, and you needed Renji more than you had ever needed him before.

"Renji," you huff, finally deciding to cut to the chase. "Please, please fuck me. Your fingers feel so good but... I need more."

Renji's eyed widen at your request, and a slow smirk crawls over his lips.

"Damn, I didn't take you one to be so needy."

You narrow your eyes. "Renji."

He huffs, and his hands begin to undress your shihakusho. "Hmm. Let me think about it."

You raise an eyebrow at him, but before you knew it, you were laying bare to the Soul Reaper.

"Just let me, alright?" He says, his breath fanning across your face, and despite being high-strung and horny, you nod, deciding to just let him do whatever he needs to do before he fucks you.


Then, he finally seals the space between the both of you with a feverish kiss, one that has the both of you moaning. It was insane how the pollen had affected you to the point that any physical contact would break you.

Renji's kiss was hot and feverish-his eyes were shut while he kissed you, his mouth opening into yours to let your tongues explore one another's mouths, and strands of spit had eventually been swapped so much that it began to dribble down your chin. In the meantime, Renji's hands were fondling your boobs, squishing and selfishly exploring every mound of supple fat that there was. While his hands were attached to your breasts, yours were tangling through his hair and down his back, also selfishly exploring the muscular expanse of skin Renji had to offer.

His kisses were quick to move-he felt that some reason he had an urgency to feel his mouth on every part of your body-so he moves from your lips and cascades down your body, sucking and nipping on your skin to elicit those pretty moans from you, and every time you did moan, you could swear you felt Renji smirk against your skin.

His descending journey is soon halted, as you feel your thighs being parted open and you watch with wide eyes and a pounding heart. You swallow thickly while watching the red-haired man slowly become enamored with your pussy-who's now squeezing your thighs-and you swore you could hear gears turning in his head while you watched him.

"So wet," he teases while leaning his head forward to gently place a kiss onto your mound, which has you bucking up into the air from the sensitivity.

Your bottom lip curls, pouting involuntarily, waiting oh-so impatiently for him to start.

"Aw, don't be like that," he chuckles, his thumb moves from your thigh to gently swipe over your clit, making you gasp. "I'll have you cumming on my tongue in no time."

You giggle at a promise like that, and, Renji being the man he is, grips your hips and pulls you forward to his face where you immediately feel his tongue begin to tongue-fuck your soaking hole-its hot and sticky, with the way his soft tongue dives into your sticky cunt, letting your velvety walls encase him.

You throw your head back onto the futon at the pleasure, your hands immediately grasping his red locks, trying to find some sort of grounding in this sensation that feels like heaven.

Renji, on the other hand, is enjoying the taste of your insatiable sin so much that he can feel himself leaking on the futon below him, making him mumble a curse into your folds while tongue fucking you.

Your hips stir and buck at the vibration because of how sensitive you were, and you could swear you were coming close to your orgasm when you suddenly began to feel that dense sensation in the pit of your stomach, so you let out a whine.

"Fuck, Renji! I-I'm close, " you stutter, hardly able to keep your composure.

Renji looks up and makes eye contact with you, and with the way his eyes gleam, you knew that bastard had to be smirking once again.

Renji removes his tongue from your dripping hole with a pop, and briefly you whine at the loss of contact, but he quickly is making your hips buck into the air as he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking harshly at the sensitive bud.

Fuck. Shit. Now you could really feel how close you were-a fire burned inside your stomach, and suddenly your skin was prickling with flames, and sweat droplets formed on your forehead. Your breath quickened at a faster pace than it had before, and the tingling sensation from Renji's sucking had quickly become heightened as you let out a string of moans and curses, your hips bucked into the air when finally, your orgasm washed over your body-where hot juices leaked from your hole, and on to Renji's tongue.

Your head is dizzy by the time you finish your orgasm, and you stare at the ceiling with a blank stare, trying to recover from that powerful orgasm.

Renji, on the other hand, isn't going to let you recover as his tongue starts licking up the rest of your juices, bringing you back down from your high and back into reality when your hips twitch involuntarily from the overstimulation.

"Damnit-" You hiss, your hands fly to grip the futon when your clit twitches at his ministrations.

Renji chuckles when he pulls away. "Sorry 'bout that. You just taste so good," he mumbles, getting up from his position, and now crawling back on top of you.

You're rendered speechless when Renji kisses you again, letting you taste yourself on his lips, all the while you can feel him swipe the head of his cock in between your folds.

God, you weren't sure how you were going to take it-as you felt its sheer thickness just from his head-but fuck, you'd be more than happy to try.

Renji can sense your nervousness as he pulls away from the kiss, letting his lips find the spot below your ear and he mumbles a reassuring phrase into the skin of your neck.

"C'mon, pretty girl. I know you can take it," he says, gently pressing the tip into your folds. "You've been so good so far. I know this pretty pussy can take my cock."

You have to withhold a whimper from his words, but you nod in agreement.

"I can take it, " you reassure him, letting your eyes roll back when you feel the tip half-way in.

He chuckles. "You always were so obedient. "

You're quick to narrow your eyes at him, but your attitude quickly changes when you finally feel him sheath himself inside of you, stretching your cunt to its limit as he bottoms out inside of you, quickly flushing your pelvis to his.

Your eyes roll back at the sensation and Renji lets out a low groan when he feels you grip around him.

"Fuck..." He sighs, taking a minute to adjust to the feeling of your pussy before he starts.

But before he does, he makes an unexpected move and sits up, sitting on his knees, and wraps your legs around his waist, so that your back is now the only thing resting on the futon.

Then, before you could beg him to move, it's almost as if he read your mind and slowly began to thrust inside of you.

Your eyes fall back while your head quickly begins to spin at the feeling of his thick cock slicing you open, the tip of it hitting your g-spot oh-so deliciously.

It doesn't take you long to endure a moaning fit, and neither does it take long for Renji. He can hardly hold himself together-the feeling of your spongy walls gripping his cock is sending him into a spiral.

Fuck, why didn't he do this before? Why did it take the incentive of killing a Hollow for him to finally be inside of you?

Regret continues to fill his head while he continues to fuck your pussy, going faster with each second before.

He's quick to realize though that he's going at a rough pace when he sees you let out a whine every single time he hits the back of your pussy-your face is already in a fucked out state.

"Heh, " he chuckles, his breath picking up the pace, "You look so cock drunk already. Does it feel that good?"

You were surprised you could even comprehend that sentence, but you knew you weren't going to be able to get anything more than a mumble out.


"S-shit, " it's his turn to feel pussy-drunk now. "Don't blame you... you feel so good wrapped around me. Fuck. Don't think I can get enough of you. "

You giggle weakly at his words, and you feel your orgasm beginning to float back up to the top when Renji's pace gets faster, all the while getting rougher.

Renji feels you clamp down around him, making him let out a low groan, this time only pushing him to get close to his orgasm.

"Shit, I'm close. Where do you want me to cum?" He huffs, practically pounding into your pussy now, getting off to you whining and moaning incredibly loudly.

Drunkenly, you turn your head to face him, and through hazy vision, you look down at the sight of his dick pounding out your pussy and you swore right then and there that you needed him to cum inside of you.

"I-Inside, please."

Renji almost laughs. "Damn, you like me that much?"

You nod quickly, feeling yourself approach your own orgasm. "Renji, please, I'm so close. "

He huffs, nodding, and with a few final rough thrusts, he spills his seed inside of you, letting out a string of curses, soon followed by your orgasm crashing down over you, and cumming all over his cock.

The air between the both of you is hot, and as you feel yourselves crashing down from your orgasms, you both slowly realize the affects of the pollen had been washed away.

Breathless, Renji pulls out of you, his cock softening while he watches his cum dribble out of you.

There's a comforting silence in that moment, and you watch him take two fingers to push the cum inside of you making your breath hitch.

He chuckles. "All this because of a goddamn Hollow, huh?"

You roll your eyes. "You really know how to make a moment cheesy, don't you?"

He looks up at you and gently removes your legs from around his waist and places them on the floor before leaning forward to plant a kiss on your forehead.

"You know me too well."

You sigh. "I guess we still need to kill that Hollow, don't we?"

Now it's his turn to roll his eyes. "Give me like an hour. I'm still fucked out."

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