Red Means I Love You | Yoshikage Kira

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— Yoshikage Kira x Fem Reader Smut Imagine.


SUMMARY: Based on the song, "The Red Means I Love You," by Madds Buckley—Yoshikage Kira finds himself disturbed by the new neighbor in town. After being able to see through her window every night, he finds himself unable to sleep, which angers him, so, he seeks to solve the problem himself.

WC: 4.7k

WARNINGS: DARK CONTENT! Non-con/rape, gagging, rope bondage, stalking, yandere elements, dismemberment, murder, exploding body, graphic descriptions of (canon-typical) violence and blood, light necrophilia (he fucks a dead hand). Reader also has a few glasses of wine but is not portrayed as drunk, and she also eats steak.


Yoshikage Kira does not wake up fatigued.

Every evening, he arrives home by eight o'clock, drinks a warm glass of milk, and does twenty minutes of stretching before he goes to sleep, and at the latest is in bed by eleven o'clock.

He goes to sleep like a baby and wakes up in the morning with no fatigue.

Except, these last few days, he had been waking up with fatigue.

It angered him, not knowing the cause. He'd wake up with stiff shoulders, a sore back, and eyes heavy before he would drag his feet to eat breakfast and go to his job.

In fact, it angered him so much that he started skewing his schedule to see if that was the issue. He started going to sleep at ten o'clock to see if that would fix it, but no, he would still wake up with fatigue.

When he still felt fatigued after several days of this occurring, he went to the doctor to see if he was alright. The doctor told him he was perfectly healthy, but told Yoshikage Kira that he should try to get more sleep.

This, of course, brought on the determination to find the source of the cause and eliminate it.

One night, before he went to bed, he sat down with his warm glass of milk at his dinner table and began to ponder what could be causing this sudden change.

His schedule had remained the same, no doubt about that. Work had remained the same—it was almost comical how redundant it was. His neighborhood is quiet. His-


No, it wasn't.

His neighborhood was in fact, not quiet.

On the way to work every morning, during his quiet walk where he would usually hear nothing but the birds sing, he would see you, his new neighbor leaving your house.

You moved in last week, and every morning on his way to work he would see you walking the opposite way he was heading, so of course, he was subjected to seeing your face every single morning.

Normally, this wouldn't be an issue for him. Except, this time, he enjoyed seeing your face, and that posed a problem for him.

If he enjoyed seeing your face, and it led to his fatigue, then he would have to get rid of something to solve the problem. He supposed that he would simply have to get rid of you, in order to solve these sleepless nights.

With that, Yoshikage Kira nods to himself, knowing what he has to do. He finishes up his glass of milk and does his twenty minutes of stretching before heading to bed.

The next few days were hard on Kira. Originally, he had planned to spend the next few days carefully planning the ways to lure you in so he could eliminate you, but each night before he could fall asleep, he'd see your figure through his window at night.

His eyes would linger over the silhouette of you in the soft orange lighting of your bedroom. Your body would appear and disappear through your window, going back and forth deciding about what you want to wear to bed that night, or what you want to wear before going out with your girlfriends.

While crawling into bed, he would feel his throat drying up as he watched your hands travel over your body, smoothing out the fabric that clung to the soft curves of your silhouette. He'd adjust the collar to his silk night pajamas and clear his throat, still paying specific attention to how your hands move over your body.

To make matters worse, he could feel his cock twitch underneath his underwear as his mind rambled with thoughts on how to deal with you, or, better put, this disturbance that keeps showing off in the house down next to him.

Maybe he'd lure you in for a nice dinner, expressing how gorgeous you are during the entire evening, and maybe he'd get you into his bed if he served you enough wine to make you a little bit easier to convince.

Yes... That is how he'll lure you in. He makes the decision and rolls over to go to sleep, sleeping soundly for what feels like the first time in a long time.


The next week, he moves carefully. He is thoughtful, and conniving. His words are sweet like honey, and they lure you in like a bear to the comb, so, he "accidentally" runs into you one morning on his way to work. He's quick to introduce himself.

"Ah, you're the neighbor who just moved in, correct?" He takes your hand and gently squeezes it. He makes a note of how soft they feel and he gently runs a smooth thumb over the back of it.

"Yes, I am," You say, and you introduce yourself along with your name.

Her voice... how sweet... He thinks to himself, and he politely bows his head.

"Well, good morning, my name is Yoshikage Kira. A pleasure to meet you. I live just there if you need anything." He nods his head toward the house in the corner.

His eyes catch the small, genuine smile that adorns your face, and from that moment onward, he knows he's locked in.

From then on, he recognized your schedule quite quickly. It's easy to catch up to you, to bump into you, to find easy ways to make conversation with you—he has you in his hands. You're nothing but a mouse to a cat's claws in his eyes, and he's planning to pounce.

His plans come to fruition when he finally has you dangling over his mouth, caught by your tail when he invites you to have dinner over at his house, as a date. He's so gentlemanly when he asks, and of course, his usual attire in his suit is ever so easy on the eyes, so you're quick to say yes.

You didn't think anything could go wrong. In fact, you assumed that this was nothing more than perfect. He's single, he's your age, he's nice, and he's your neighbor—it just made perfect sense to go out with him, so when you agree to dinner, and when you sit down in front of him, you can't help but feel so giddy about how well your love life seems to be moving now. 

"So? What do you do for work?" You ask in that sweet voice of yours, which makes his chest tense. Kira clears his throat as if to distract himself from the rampaging thoughts inside his head so he can continue his plan without a hitch. He offers you a warm smile and opens a bottle of wine with a pop before he pours the red liquid into your glass. 

"I'm a salesman," he replies and then fills his glass of wine. He looks over at you once he finishes pouring his glass, and notices you swirling the red liquid around in the glass. He's intrigued, and he chuckles as he sits down across from you, grabbing his own glass of wine. "And you? I suppose you must be some professional wine connoisseur," he says, forcing a smile as he takes in the intriguing, yet sickening sight in front of him as you now take a whiff of the wine. Normally, he wouldn't be bothered by someone tasting the wine as such, but because of the fact that it was you, he felt repulsed. Everything you did was repulsive—even showing up in this hideous silk, red dress that hugged your waist, with fabric long enough to embrace your calves, and with a cut low enough to expose your cleavage, was so repulsive that it made his cock twitch beneath the fabric of his pants. Nevertheless, he kept this warm demeanor on his face so he wouldn't act too rash too soon.

"Oh stop," you say with a giggle as you cut into the steak in front of you. Kira forces another smile when you giggle playfully, and as you cut into the steak. "No, I'm not, although I'd love to be a professional wine connoisseur one day, but..." You let out a dreary sigh. "...I'm just a  manager in the shopping mall downtown." You chew on your steak and then take a sip of wine, and Kira sees a surprised look on your face once you swallow the wine. 

"I didn't realize this wine would pair so well with this steak..." You say with a smile as you take another sip. 

Kira has to take another deep breath before replying to you. He hates being so close to you, finding your smile almost intoxicating. He knew he couldn't last much longer at the table, so he makes the decision to hurry things up. 

"Oh, really? I'm pleased that you find it so pleasant on the palate," Kira replies warmly before he finally turns to cut into his own steak. His eyes wander over your body once more, his eyes linger on your hands decorated with jewelry and fingernails painted with a French tip, and he quickly averts his gaze to the wine bottle placed before him, once he feels his cock quickly rush with blood. 

Kira then grabs the bottle of wine, refills your halfway-empty glass, and then places it back onto the table. Then, dinner resumes, going off without a hitch, his eyes keenly watching that glass of yours as you drink so he can refill it whenever it gets halfway empty as dinner continues. 

Under his unassuming gaze, Kira watches you like a hawk. With eyes sharper than a razorblade, he makes sure he doesn't miss a beat in this conversation, watching for any moment he could catch you in his talons.

"Sorry, forgive me, but I need to use the restroom," you say, wiping your mouth with a napkin before standing up and grabbing your pocketbook. You give him an unsure look, and he knows instantly that you don't know where the restroom is. 

Finally. He's gripping you tightly now in his sharp claws, and he stands up, wiping his mouth off as well before placing the napkin down on the table. 

"Oh! Let me show you where the bathroom is. I apologize for not giving you a tour earlier of my home," he says, and gestures for you to follow him, which you do. 

You follow him down a long hallway, your eyes wander to the decorations around you, taking notice of how neatly placed everything is and how dust-free it is.

"You have a lovely home," you mention as you follow Kira, and you notice him turn his head to look at you briefly with an amused look on his face. 

"Why, thank you," he says plainly, and soon he stops in front of a door at the end of the long hallway, and you stop and watch as he brings his hand up to twist on the golden doorknob in front of him, and he steps into the room to let you inside. You go inside and notice you're inside the bedroom, but your confusion suddenly falters when you see the master bathroom connected to the room. You bow your head, thanking him. 

"Of course. I'll just be sitting at the dining table whenever you finish up. You can find your way back, correct?" He asks, and you don't miss the warm smile that graces his face as he grips the handle on the door. 

You nod and offer a warm smile back, feeling your face flush with warmth as he gives you that smile you've loved all evening. "Yes, I'll be okay." 

With that, you shut the door, and then you hear the door shut to Kira's room. You sigh, feeling good that he returned to the dining room so you can use the restroom peacefully without worrying that he can hear you pee. As you move to use the restroom and sit down on the toilet, your heart pounds in your chest, considering how well tonight has progressed. Yoshikage Kira certainly seemed to be such a good man as you took note of how he was constantly a gentleman and consistently listened to you, asking questions about your life once you began talking about it. 

You sigh and finish up using the restroom, making sure to flush the toilet before you move over to the sink where you wash your hands, while you do, you smile to yourself, continuing to think about how amazing Yoshikage Kira has been, and, remembering the way he looked at you in your dress earlier at the table. 

Once you finish washing your hands, you shut the water off. You open your pocketbook and take out your makeup kit to quickly powder your nose, but are stopped short when you suddenly hear a creak from the floorboards. You furrow your eyebrows and shut your powder-press before stuffing it into your pocketbook. You look down at the floor to make sure it wasn't you making that creaking noise, but, the floor is tile, which makes your heart pound in your chest, quicker than it was pounding earlier. 

Maybe this house is old, you think to yourself, quickly trying to rationalize instead of being paranoid about some floorboards creaking. You close your eyes and take a deep breath before exhaling slowly, trying to calm your heart before you return to dinner with Yoshikage Kira. Then, slowly—once you feel relaxed—you open your eyes once again and smile before gripping the door handle. 

You push the door open and step into the bedroom and you take a glance around the room to confirm your suspicions that there wasn't anyone there. You remain vigilant, standing a little stiff as your head swivels on a pike to look at every corner of the room. The room was a little dark considering it was nighttime now, but, as far as the eye could see, you couldn't make anything out that could potentially creep you out, so you let out another sigh, knowing you were safe. Now, with newly found confidence, you make your way toward the door to join your date.

Floorboards creak beneath your feet as you make your way toward the door—the familiar sound sends shivers down your spine—and when you stop to grab the handle, you notice a quick creaking sound come from the corner of the room.

You stand still, and your breath picks up again, frozen in place. You grip the handle tightly, and slowly you begin to turn it.


Shit, you panic and quickly grab the handle and give it a yank to open the door, but the door doesn't budge. Shit, shit, shit, shit. You yank on it again, harder this time, and when the door still doesn't give, you throw your pocketbook down onto the ground, gripping the handle with both hands, giving it a harder pull. Your heart pounds in your chest and you breathe heavily as panic quickly rises, realizing the situation you're in. 

You open your mouth to shout for help when suddenly you feel a pair of hands grip your waist from behind, causing your heart rate to soar. You shriek, but your sounds are quickly muffled when a cloth is shoved into your mouth, and a strong arm places you into a headlock, reducing you to a weak, choking mess as you try to shove the cloth out of your mouth with your tongue and as you beat your hands against the perpetrator's arm locked around your head, but the man is quick to push the cloth further into your mouth and he tightens his arm around your neck, making you suddenly lightheaded. 

"Make a move, and I'll make this more painful for you than I originally intended it to be."

Your eyes widen, and you instantly feel like crying once you hear his voice. Your mouth instantly feels bone dry, and your legs go stiff once you realize whose voice it is. 

Kira smirks to himself, and he hoists you up now so your body is pressed against him, pressing his hard cock against your backside. He groans, and his eyes narrow onto your helpless face, as you whimper weakly. He feels you breathing quickly, and he sighs contently at the sight, feeling a rush of victory course through his blood, knowing that he'll soon have peace and quiet once more once he gets rid of you. 

"Now..." Once he notices you remain still, he slowly guides you over to his bed and lays you down on it, then, he slowly moves back. He watches you with piercing eyes, narrowed onto you like daggers as he admires his prize. "...Strip." 

When you don't instantly make a move, he moves his hand to grab his cleaver from on top of his dresser, but when your eyes catch the glint of that shiny metal reflecting from the moonlight, you quickly move and kick off your heels, and then stand up to take off your dress. With shaky hands, you slide off the dress and let it fall onto the floor in a puddle around your feet. Then, you slowly step out of the dress from around your feet, and your hands move to the waistband of your panties, shedding the thin fabric quickly from your body, leaving you to wrap your arms around your torso protectively.

Kira's eyes rake over you once you remove your clothes, and he immediately scrutinizes your naked body. His cock strains against his pants as he takes in every single aspect of you, finally being able to see what lies beyond those curtains in your bedroom. His facial expression remains blank, but his eyes narrow when he unashamedly admires the curves of your breasts, the size of your nipples, and how they sit on that silky flesh; taking in the curve of your hips, and the angles that align and your pussy that sits between them; how your legs extend beneath your hips with beautiful, supple thighs, calves, and feet—but, those all fell short in comparison to your hands. 

Along with your body, it was those hands that kept him up at night, staring longingly at your silhouette through the window. Those hands that he watched so carefully as they'd caress your own body as you'd get dressed, or how they'd play with the ends of your hair. Those hands that he stared at every time he shook them while greeting you whenever he bumped into you. Those hands that he couldn't remove his eyes off of at dinner. 

He's obsessed, and now that he has you in front of him—standing like a Greek statue with your arms across your body, and shaking like a leaf—he can finally grab ahold of what rightfully belongs to him.

He takes another step in front of you until you can feel his warm breath brush against the skin on your neck. You whimper from the sheer amount of fear coursing through your body, standing still because your life depended on it. You shiver and your breath quickens when you suddenly feel his hands trace over the curvature of your hips; your panic spikes and you shriek when he harshly grips your hips and lifts you, throwing you onto the bed with your legs still dangling over the edge.

You quickly try to scramble back away from him, but he's fast—almost too fast for your liking as he rapidly moves on top of you—a strong arm pins your wrists above your head while the other makes a quick move to reach into his coat pocket to grab a rope. Your eyes widen at the rope, and you try to move away again but Kira plants a heavy foot onto your stomach to keep you from moving, but the action makes you yelp and causes you to gag on the cloth in your mouth. You whine, feeling so helpless under the sole of Kira's shoe, and by the strong grip of his hands he ties a harsh rope around your wrists, the spiny chord digging into your skin makes your eyes begin to water. 

You look at him with hopeless eyes, begging, pleading for a shrivel of mercy as you squirm when he ties your wrists to the bedpost, hoping that maybe this man would change back into that kind gentleman you met all those weeks ago, but, you're quickly left with tears now flowing down your face when he stands back up, removing his coat and tossing it to the side before undoing his belt buckle and then his pants. 

Once his cock is free, he groans and his head tilts back, feeling relieved since he's been holding in his boner for so long. He brings his hand down and strokes it to calm himself before he tilts his head back up to look at you. He feels his heart pound quickly in his chest as he looks at you, tied up, crying, and muffled with the cloth in your mouth. It was such a delicious sight, that made him feel unbeatable, knowing that he'd always get what he wanted, whether or not he had to pin his prey—he always won. 

He approaches you once more and grips your legs harshly and wraps them around his waist, his eyes focused on your pussy in front of him. He takes his thumb and swipes over your folds to see if you're wet or not, and, to his shock, his eyebrows raise when he finds you to be wet. He chuckles lowly, and then grips his cock tightly with his tip leaking pre-cum. 

"Hmm... seems like you don't have a problem with me doing this after all." He grins, and a long curl of his blonde hair falls in front of his face when he looks down at your face, shaking your head vigorously. 

"Mmf! Nnn!" You try to squeal in protest, but the cloth is shoved too deep into your throat to even clearly speak a consonant. 

He finds this amusing and ignores your pathetic attempts to refuse and brushes his thumb over the head of his cock before he slips inside you, letting out a low groan as he bottoms out. You squeal and buck your hips and begin to squirm in an attempt to get him out, but Kira furrows his eyebrows and quickly sets a rough, punishing pace that has his hips slapping against yours to get you to stop squirming, and, instantly, to his pleasure, your legs fall weak as you feel the brunt tip of his cock repeatedly punching that soft spot inside of you. 

He groans with every thrust, not speaking once. No ounce of praise or even degradation. All that consumes his mind while fucking your soaking cunt are thoughts of obsession—obsessed with finally having you, crying as he takes your poor pussy.

He groans as his pace picks up, feeling close to his orgasm now, and you let out a muffled sob beneath him, your eyes flowing with tears as mascara runs down your face. He smirks, feeling gratified that he has you in such a vulnerable position, but, that gratification doesn't last long when you let out more grunts and look up at him with daggers in your eyes. He's amused once again, and chuckles, knowing that you're angry—furious, even—but before his amusement can last, you've somehow gained the strength to unlock your legs from around his waist which instantly slips out of Kira's hands given that he's shocked, and then you pull back your legs before kicking them onto Kira, directly into the stomach, making him quickly fall, and lurch over. 

You huff, feeling slightly relieved that you have a little lee-way while Kira grovels on the floor in pain, so you work quickly to shimmy your hands out of the thorny rope. You whimper from how much it scrapes your hands, but with enough tugging, you manage to set one free. 

Kira groans, and he holds his stomach when he finally stands back up. His eyes narrow once he sees you remove your hand from that rope, so he quickly marches over to you and lets out a wicked chuckle, knowing he'll have you in his bind again. 

His hands reach out and grab ahold of your throat which makes your eyes pop out of your head and you gag, almost choking on the thick cloth in your throat. A smug smirk appears on Kira's face at the first sign of you struggling and then lets go of your throat with one hand and quickly grabs your other. He moans at the feeling of your hand in his, and then quickly places it around his dick.

"Please... do it for me, my sweet," he rasps, his lips curled into a sickening smirk when he doesn't even wait for you to respond as he grips your wrist tightly and makes it start to stroke his cock. He groans at the feeling, and you whimper with tears coming out of your eyes, feeling so hopeless. You swallow thickly, trying to unclasp your fingers from around his cock, however, you quickly regret it when Kira lets out a frustrated groan. 

"Even when I ask nicely, you can't cooperate?! You bitch!" He yells, almost growling when he finally lets go of your throat and reaches for something off of his dresser. Panic quickly settles into your face when you recognize that reflection on that sharp blade, so you try to scramble away, but Kira's grip on your wrist that's placed around his cock is hard. Your eyes widen when he pulls the cleaver back and you let out the loudest scream you can possibly do with the cloth shoved in your throat when suddenly he brings the cleaver down, slicing through the bones in your wrist.

You scream and sob, clutching your dismembered arm immediately, wondering how everything has led up to this final moment. 

How did your decisions in meeting Kira even lead up to here? 

How could God even leave you to die like this?

Kira is seething as he watches you roll around on his bedspread, spewing blood all over his bedsheets. His eyes narrow once more, breathing heavily. He had to get rid of you, because not only were you disturbing his peaceful life, you were also spreading your nasty, disgusting, repulsive blood all over his freshly washed linens. 

In a blind rage, Kira is quick to gain revenge. 

"Killer Queen!

His body is seething as he watches his Stand manifest before it quickly disappears after it touches you. Kira feels his nails grow and he digs them into his palms, feeling rage pent up in his body from your frustrating refusal and your blatant disregard for his belongings. 



Within a split second, he watches the girl before him explode into a plume of fire and ashes, before withering away into nothingness.

He lets out a deep breath once he sees that you're gone, and he smiles to himself as his breathing relaxes. 

He regains his posture after calming himself and looks down at his raging cock with your dismembered hand still wrapped around it. 

"Oh... yes, my beauty..." He murmurs, as he grips the bleeding end of the hand and slowly begins to move the clutched hand around his cock, and slowly begins to thrust his hips into the hand. 

"Yes... yes, finally... you and I, alone..." 

He moans at the feeling from the hand, loving the death grip that's wrapped tightly around his leaking cock. His head falls back and his eyes flutter to a close as his cock throbs in those beautiful fingers. He moans, muttering more praise to the beautiful hand as he increases the pace of his hips thrusting into the beauty that lies before him. 

Then, he finally feels a sense of happiness wash over him when his cock throbs once more, releasing his cum all over the hand. 

He sighs, and he pulls the hand away. He brings it up to him so it's eye-level with him. He smiles at the cum-soaked hand that's still dripping blood at the wrist—and then grabs a nearby tissue from a tissue box to clean it up. He dabs it up gently.

"You did wonderfully... thank you for bringing me so much pleasure, darling," he says gently. Once he finishes cleaning it up, he smiles at his handiwork and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of the hand before bringing it up to caress his face. He nuzzles into it like a kitten to his mother. 

"I love you." He smiles and nuzzles in again, repeating that phrase once more under his breath. 

He sighs, feeling content once more. 

With nothing to distract him from his sleep, he knew he could finally continue to resume his sleep schedule without feeling fatigued in the mornings. 

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