Todobakudeku- My hero Academia

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Midoriya's POV

I stood in my battle stance beaten and bruised. In front of me was Shigaraki. 

"Its time for me to kill you now hero" he snarled. He jumped towards be with his hand out stretched toward my neck. I ducked down and charged up one for all to 5%.

"DETROIT SM-" was all I could say when I felt someone stab me in the abdomen from  behind. I looked behind me and saw Dabi. I started coughing out blood. Dabi pulled the sword out and I fell to the ground. I started to bleed out laying on the floor of a 10 story building. Dabi and Shigaraki smirked and walked away. 'These are going to be my last moments. I have to at least alert someone I am up here, or give One for all. Please. I wasn't able to confess to my crushes. I want to live." Were my last thoughts before my eyes closed and stayed like that.

~time skip to the next day in class~

Todoroki's POV

I walk into class and went to my seat and sat down. I lied my head on my desk and waited for Midoriya to walk in. I need to tell him something.... I waited and waited for 10 minutes. 'If he isn't here in the next 5 minutes he will be late' I thought. I was snapped out of thinking when Mr. Aizawa suddenly burst into the classroom. He looked sad, angry, and had remorse. What happened???

"Everyone please get in your seats, I have some horrible news to tell you" Aizawa told us. Everyone looked worried but sat in their seats.

"Yesterday there was a fight. Midoriya against Shiagraki and Dabi. Midoriya sadly lost his life in the battle. I am sorry to have to tell you this." Aizawa told us with his head down.' Midoriya is dead!?!?!?' I thought. Uraraka started to cry and so did the other girls. Iida wanted to, but he had to be strong. Bakugou gasped and sat there shocked. Everyone else was either crying, or trying to take in the news.

3rd person's POV

"why don't you take a swan dive of the roof"  Bakugou suddenly remembered the words he had said to Deku back in middle school. He was only kidding back then. He didn't actually want Deku to die. He suddenly started to shake as he remembered all the insults he called Deku.

"die useless Deku"

"your annoying"

"f*cking leave me alone"

"why don't you run home to your dad, oh wait he left"





Bakugou lied his head in his arms and started sobbing. Everyone could tell he was the most effected by it. After all they had been together since childhood.

~Time skip to the funeral~

Still 3rd POV

About 50 people surrounded a casket with lots of flowers on it. People went up to give speeches about Izuku Midoriya. Currently up there was his mother.

"Izuku was the light of my life, after his father left he was the only one I could think of, I would protect him no matter what. When he was younger he looked up to All might and always wanted to be a hero. Originally he couldn't have that dream and I couldn't do anything about that. During his middle school years he would come home with bruises, cuts, and burns. He would always say he tripped or just a villain he ran into. I didn't believe him but I just shook it off. When he got into UA that was time I had seen him the happiest. He could finally complete his dream of being a hero. Even when they were constantly in life or death battles he would still smile and have fun. I wish he cold have completed that dream fully. I know he helped a lot of people and I know he didn't want to worry me but I miss him, so much. He was the only one I had left.... now he is gone. I know he would have wanted us to be happy but  I don't know if I can but I will try for my sweet baby boy." Inko said while crying. After Inko went Todoroki went up, 

"Midoriya was a role model to me. Going to the sports festival I challenged him and wanted to beat him. During our fight though he made me see my left side differently, he inspired me to use it again and he knew he was going to basically be sacrificing himself from 1st to help me over come this fear. after our  battle we became good friends. He would help me, I would help him. He knew about my childhood and what was happening at home. He even met my mom. He was one of the few people I opened up to. I am going to miss him so damn much. Heck I even grew feelings for him but that doesn't matter anymore. I know he is watching all of us from above." 

Bakugou's POV

Todoroki stepped down and a lot of other people went All Might, Aizawa, Uraraka, Iida, My mom, but then suddenly it was my turn to go up. I slowly stand up and walk to the podium. I look down and start my speech,

(I am literally writing this, watching god eater, playing truth or dare on discord, and eating Ramen at 11:30 pm.)

De- no Izuku had been my first friend. Before I got my quirk we were absolute best friends. But... After I developed my quirk and became cocky and self absorbed. I ignored him and bullied him. I called him Deku.... After I found out he was quirkless I got worse. He would try to help me or do something good for me but I though that he thought I was weak. I realize now that he was just trying to help. In middle school I hurt him, I bullied him, insulted him, and a lot of other horrible things. When I found out he was trying out for UA as well I freaked out. I was annoyed, pissed and mad. I told him to take a swan dive off the roof and I burned his hero analysis book and threw it out the window. Back then I was full of rage, I didn't know what I was saying. When we both got into UA, I felt like he was trying to tease me by having no quirk then suddenly getting one and beating me. I hated him. I ignored him, insulted him, the same as in middle school. I didn't feel bad because I thought he was going to always be here. I now know that you should love someone while they are still here, apologize, don't regret your decisions because they could be gone in the next couple minutes. I deeply regret my decisions on how I treated Izuku. I wish he was still here So I could apologize for all I have done, but I know he is gone forever. So Izuku I just want to let you know if you can hear me, I am sorry for everything I have done. I will never bully anyone again, I loved you. And I still do love you" I finished my speech while crying. I couldn't look Inko in the eyes. I ran with tears in my eyes outside. I heard someone following me and I looked behind me and saw Todoroki. I kept running. Until Suddenly I heard a loud honk and I saw lights. A car was heading towards me quickly. I stood there with tears in my eyes wanting to be done with life because of what I have done. I felt someone tackle me, but we were both hit by the car....

3rd person POV

Everyone heard sirens as 2 teenage boys bodies lied bloodied on the floor. Shouto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou were hit by a car after they ran out from Izuku Midoriya's funeral. Everyone wanted them to be okay. They had already lost Izuku. and now possibly Shouto and Katsuki. What everyone didn't know is that Shoto and Katsuki already passed. They were now smiling happily in heaven reuniting with Izuku. They all confessed their love to each other and they stayed together, then and forever more. Nothing could no separate them again. They can finally have happiness.

(Hi guys, so I decided to write this one-shot. I got inspiration from another fanfiction. I can't remember which one and I knew I wanted to end it a certain way but I can't remember how so...I hope you like it!!! I also found this picture I wanted to use but didn't know how so I am just going to put it here!! Thanks for reading!! Vote and comment!!)


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