The Respected Queen | Kageyama Tobio

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Everyone in the volleyball boys team were in the gym practicing... They had recently played a match against Nekoma where they lost for a few points... They were a little upset but they still continued their practice because being depressed might effect their next matches in the future...

Hinata: Kageyama!! Give me a toss!!...

He yell while running near the net to spike the ball that will Kageyama give him... Kageyama threw the ball at him and just as Hinata was about to slam it with his palm... The door of the gym brust open revealing Takeda sensei... After being distracted Hinata miss the ball and got stuck to the net...

Hinata: Ugh!!...

Everyone looked at Takeda Sensei who was panting for running the whole wat from teachers room to the gym... Choch Ukai went toward him and gave him the water bottle... Takeda sensei took it and drunk the whole water inside the bottle... Everyone was shock to see his state and wordered what happened that made Takeda sensei like this...

Takeda: We have a practice match this week...

Everyone became excited obviously exccept from Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Kageyama... Tsukishima just didn't care with whom they were gonna have a match... Kageyama knew he would try his best... And Yamaguchi was a bit nervous....

Daichi: With which school sensei?...

Takeda: Nippon Sports Science School... (This is a real University that really exists in Japan... But since I'm not creative with naming things that's why I just change it and wrote school...😅😅)

Suga: But NSSS(nippon sports science school) doesn't have a boys volleyball team...

Takeda: Exactly... They invited us to their school to have a match with their girls volleyball team...

They become silent not believing their teacher's words...

Asahi: You're joking....

Takeda: I'm not... Few minute's ago their manager called us and invited us to play at their school with their girls team... They said that the team wants to play with boys because the girls team were too week to play against them... That's why they chose us... (I'm sorry for the flex😂)

Noya: Oh. My. God!! For real?!... We get to to play with girls?! We get to see them in their uniforms and practice shorts?!...

He yelled with stars in his eyes... And Tanaka was already day dreaming about the match day... But both were slapped by Ennoshita...

Kageyama: When's the match?...

Takeda: On Thursday...

Coach Ukai: Okay boys!! Let's not go easy in them because they are girls!! They kind of insulted us indirectly by inviting us so let show them what we really are!!..

Everyone: Yes!!

*On the match day*

Coach Ukai: Kiyoko, go and bring all the equipment to the gym...

Kiyoko: Okay...

She stated calmly and walked away while Noya and Tanaka were fanboying over her from behind...

Kageyama: Oi Boke!! Calm down!! Why are you even nervous to play with girls?!...

Hinata: I'm not nervous to play with them!... I'm nervous to be around them!... Girls make me feel shy!! Thay's why I'm unconfortable...

That's when a group of girls entered the school chit-chatting... When they noticed the boys... They all went toward them and lined up while bowing...The boys lined up too and bowed...

Girls and Boys: Thanks for having a match with us!...

They all looked at each other and gave off friendly smiles...

Girl 4: Let's go inside and practice before the game...

Daichi: Yeah...

Every girls looked friendly exccept for one... Her eyes were cold and blank... Hinata thought that the cold girl's hair looked like Kenma so he yell looking toward her...

Hinata: Woah!! Female Kenma!!...

She frowned and gave Hinata a death glare...

???: What?... Who's Kenma?...

Hinata backed up and looked at Kageyama... She definitely didn't had Kenma's personality but more like Kageyama's... That's why he looked toward him... But Hinata Answered to her qyestion anyways...

Hinata: Kenma is a Nekoma's player and my friend... His hair looked just like you so I accidentally yelled out... Sorry... Btw... I'm Hinata Shoyo!!... And this is Kageyama... We both felt nice to meet you...

Kageyama: When?...

He hit his back before cheerfully giving the girl his hand for a hand shake... At first she stared at it before finally taking it...

???: Y/n Namisa... Damn man you're short... When is the shortest player in our team is taller than you...

She took her hands away and went inside the gym alone without saying anything to anyone...

As soon as she said, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Tanaka and Noya brust out laughing... While Daichi, Suga, Coach Ukai, Takeda Sensei and other people present their tried to contain their laugh... Hinata's soul left his body by a insult from a girl...

Kageyama: I like this girl... She always speaks the truth...

Tsukki: Why are you laughing?'re even shorter that Hinata...

Noya: Huh?! What did you say?!...

He yelled and bit Tsukishima's shoulder but was pulled by the collar by Asahi like a shopping bag...

But suddenly a girl came toward them and bowed...

Girl 2: Sorry for her behaviour!!... She's actually our captain but she has a bitchy personality... But she behave fine with the people she get's along with...

Suga: That's okay... I'm Sugawara but you can call me Suga...

Girls 2: Sure... I'm Sakura... (Not from Naruto)

Girls introduced themselves to the boys and the boys did the same... They got along quickly...

ST- Sakura
MB 1- Suzy
MB 2- Maria
SP- Hana
PS- Mina
Aces/Cap- Y/n
Libero- Jenny

(Plz donbt get confused with the positions)

*Inside th GYM*

Everyone were practicing... Hinata was spiking the ball aggressively showing off his jumps and the duo's creation... Well girls in red sports uniform were very
shocked but not Y/n...

Y/n jumped and skiped the ball which first bumped on the ground and fly away and hitted the railing of the balcony... Boys looked at her shocked too while she kept a calm face... Until she gave a creepy smirk to Hinata which scared her team mates and also some of the boys...

Yamaguchi: Scary...

Tsukki: I think we both would get along alot... *smirk*

Kageyama looked at him but he felt something in his heart after hearing him...

Kageyama: *why would they get along?... And why do I even care if they do... There's nothing special about her that worths my attention... Right?...*

*15 minutes later*

Y/n and Daichi stood infront of each other and bowed, thanking for playing the game... And by coin fliping, it was decied that Nippon will attack first...

Maria took the ball in her and and throwing it in the air before slaming it on the other side of the net...

Noya received it and it went toward Kageyama... He carefully targeted the ball right before Hinata to let him spike it... But as he did the female blockers blocked him by a soft block and let it go toward Y/n... Everyone thought that she was gonna receive the ball until she tossed it to Hana and her spike the ball slaming it on the ground...

The boys froze... They looked at the ball then at Y/n who just gave of creepy smirks... Hinata shivered and then looked at Kageyama again...

Kageyama: Why do you always looked at me after her?!...

Hinata: Because she gives off your energy... Scary~...

Kageyama kicked his side before standing straight...

Nippon | Karasuno

1        1             0

After a few game Nippon was already taking the lead by 1 points... Girls were exhausted from the boys energy but didn't gave up...

Nippon | Karasuno

10       1            9

Coach Ukai: Come on guys we need to win!!...

Y/n was about to spike the ball when she was blocked by Tsukishima... He gave her a wricked smirk and stood straight... She wasn't that much shorter than his so she glared at him but then smirked again...

Y/n: I'll spike again in the next game... Stop me if you can...

Tsukishima: Don't worry dear... I'll stop you...

Y/n tsked and went toward her team... That's when the coach of nippon decided to exchange a spiker with a pinch server for totally no reason...

Mina the Pinch Server was a first year just like Y/n and but her serving was the worst... She did served well but when shebs nervous she would miss every single serves...

And today was the same... She was nervous as hell that she was almost shaking... That's when the whistle suddenly came which scared the girl and served it too low... Which end up hitting Y/n's head hard... (I wrote this because I have actually experienced this scene and man it was horrible... It make people feel like murdering someone during the game...)

The whole court became silent... While Sakura, Maria, Tsukishima and Tanaka's mouth curved up... Their lips probably shaking as they tried to contain their laugh... But Y/n was dead silent which worried their team mates to think what will happened to their dear Pinch Server... And the Pinch server was already become pale by the thought of seeing Y/n's wrath...

Tsukishima, Noya and Tanaka were already on the floor laughing their ass out... Y/n slowly went toward Mina and gave her a close eye smile which scared the shit out of her... Putting her hands on Mina's shoulder...

Y/n: You know?... You're lucky that you'll not play in the coart... Or else I would have ripped off your head to take out to nervousness... Understood?...

Everyone was able to hear her as Hinata looked at Kageyama again...

Kageyama: Nanda Boke?!... (What bastard?!...)

Hinata: Nothing... Absolutely nothing...

Kageyama:* she's alot like me... Hinata's right but I don't want to admit it... I wonder what we would look like togath–What?!... Come on I wasn't supposed to feel this way... We're here for the game... Let focus on the game...*

Y/n stood out of the end line ready to serve the ball... When the whistle was heard she threw the ball into air and jumped up to slam it with her palm... She slam it as it went to the other side of the net... Boys thought it was out so no one tried to receive it...

Noya: Out!!...

Just as he said that the ball hitted right at the end of the outline... Shocked when they were told that it wasn't out... This time Y/n didn't smirked she just gave a glare... Meaning that all this time she was playing around... Now she got serious...

Kageyama: She's 10x serious than before...

Nippon | Karasuno

11       1        10

Tsuki: Is our king scared of the queen?...

He asked with stupid grin on his lips... Kageyama's cheeks turned a lil red before arguing with him...

Y/n: Tsuzu!! Why are you being slow?!... Try to receive the ball!! Quit just standing in one place...

Y/n was feeling frustrated with everything... She was frustrated because for the first time she had to be serious in a game... For the first time her opponents were powerful... Their team played togather... While in her team only she was trying... This made her frustrated with her team mates... Karasuno already got the lead...but they can't lose... Atleast she can't...

Y/n: Suzy!! What are you doing?!... You're not trying!!...

Suzy: We're Y/n!!... Stop being bossy and let us play by ourselves!!...

Y/n: You want to play be yourself?! Don't forget this is a team work!!... We need to work togather to win!! Okay?!...

Tsuzu: Stop ordering us Y/n!!... We won't play with you if you behave like this!!...

Y/n stood silent... She went quite hearing their words... She felt like giving up... And... She did...

Y/n: Okay... I'll get exchange with no.2 player... You guys don't need to play with me...

She slowly went toward the coach... Some were about to stop her feeling guilty but didn't do anything thinking they'll play even better with their bossy ace...

Y/n told her coach that she was feeling dizzy and requested that wanted to take a bit rest while another player play in the coart as a replacement of her... The coach was king enough to agree on that as they exchange their players... Boys felt uneasy wondering what made the ace to stand out of the coart... But they were thankful that Y/n got exchanged as now there were more chances of them winning the game...

And just as Y/n predicted... Her team started to mess up... Y/n knew that her team was depended on her so she already knew that they were gonna mess up without Y/n's instructions... The team couldn't figure out who can receive the ball or was it a right time to spike the ball etc... Which lead them lose to Karasuno in the set one... Y/n didn't said anything... Just watched... She watched her own team lose because she already gave up on winning... There was now reason of winning if her own team outcasts her...

At last Y/n's team lose the 1st set... She just silently sat on the bench with a calm face while her team mates had a mad expression on their face... They were signaling each other about something... When all of them came toward her...

All the girls exccept for Y/n: We're really sorry Y/n!!...

She ignored their biws and looked at the boys with a poker face... She was jealous of the boys team... So much... That she gave up on winning without team work...

Sakura: we're really sorry Y/n... We misunderstood you... We're useless without you Y/n... We need to win this game... Please play with us... Webre really sorry...

Y/n looked at them pleading to her to play the match with them... She then thought about something...

Y/n: Promise me you guys will work togather to win the this game... U know why we're weak against them?... Because them always do their team work... They try to win togather... And I want to do the same... That's why I was forsing u to work togather to win... Nothing else...

Tsuzu: We promise Y/n... We'll try our best to win this game...

Suzy: Yeah... She's right... We'll try our best...

Y/n got up from the bench and looked at them... She still believed that there were at least 40% chances that they would win... There's no harm in trying...

Y/n: Let's go we're getting out of time... Get ready to play 2 more sets...

10 Minutes later

Daichi served the ball to the other side of the net just to get received by Jenny... Tsuzu received it again and gave it to their setter Sakura... She tossed it in the air...

Sakura: Y/n!!...

She yell informing that Y/n was gonna spike the ball...

Y/n jumped in the air and slamed the ball on the other side of the net's ground so hard that it made a huge sound... The whistle was heard informing that Y/n's team got a point this time...

Nippon | Karasuno

20       2           17

Time Skip (I'm too lazy to write the whole game)

At the end, Karasuno won the 3rd match for only 2 point... Even thought the girls lose but they weren't upset or sad... They were thankful that they got to play as a proper team... They were thankful to Karasuno... Everyone gatherd in a line to bow at each other... And it was time for them to clean the gym... Even Karasuno's boys help them...

Hinata was walking beside Kageyama taking the net into the store room when they bumped into Y/n...

Hinata: Sorry!!  I'm so sorry!! Please forgive me!!...

He yell as soon as he saw Y/n... He was scared of her... Y/n looked at him confused...

Y/n: Why are you apologising?... It was my fault... I'm sorry...

She looked at both of them when she made eye contract with the taller guy...

Y/n: Youbre Kageyama right?...

He looked shocked as this was the first time she spoke to him... He got a Bit nervous...

Kageyama: Y–Yeah...

Y/n gave him her hand for a hand shake...

Y/n: You're a great player... Really... I hope we get to work togather in the future...

Kageyama took her hands gladly...

Kageyama: T–Thanks and sure... We can play again in the future...

She gave a genuine for the first time... It made Kageyama's heart to skip a beat... He stared at her mesmerizing smile as

Y/n: Kageyama?... What's wrong?...

He snapped out of his thoughts after hearing her voice...

Kageyama: N–Nothing...

Y/n: Okay bye then... But before that... Can I... Have your number?... So that... We could meet up sometimes... Only if you comfortable...

Kageyama's eyes shined hearing her words... He wanted to ask for her number first but he didnbt wanted to sound desperate... But today the luck was on his side...

Kageyama: Yeah yeah... Sure... We can talk about the game sometimes...

She chuckled at his cute self...

Y/n: Okay...

Kageyama: Here..

He gave her his phone number... He was very happy inside for some reason... He wish that they could meet up often.. 

Y/n: Thanks... I'll call you or text you when we can meet up...

Kageyama: Y–Yeah...

Y/n: Bye...

Kageyama just stared at her leaving figure witha small smile while Hinata looked at Kageyama with a teasing grin...

Hinata: What's wrong Kageyama?... Looks like someone caught your attention...

Kageyama looked at him blushing but he obviously wasn't gonna admit what Hinata said... So he kicked Hinata's sides again...

Kageyama: Shut up Boke!!...

★- ° ^_^ ° -★

Hii Guys!! Actually this my first oneshot story and still I can't finish it in one chapter... So I decided that I'll write another part of this oneshot... I just canbt finish this here... So I hope you guys will read the second part too... I'll upload it in a few days or a week....

I hope u enjoyed it... And thanks for giving me your precious time in reading my stories... Bye👋😊...

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