100 truths tag!

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So, I was bored and there was nothing to do so I decided to do this tag I found on Wattpad!!

Note: This would be really really long so you can do something else then read this. ^^

Let's start!!


1. My real name is... a secret that cannot be told~

2. My nickname is... lion and goddess-sama. It was made up by Jade_Yuki and AutumnPisces.

3. My favourite colour is... Blue and white. Not because I like Nagisa and Kuroko, ok?! I swear to god!! 

4. My gender is... Female. I'm not a boy though I wish I was one. T-T

5. My elementary school is... a secret~

6. My middle school is... another secret

7. My high school is... and another secret~

8. My university is... seriously? No, I'm going to tell.

9. My hair colour is... black with a bit of light brown under sun.

10. I'm... a student who absolutely loves anime and Otome ^^

11. Jeans or sweats? Um, sweats? I don't really like jeans but can I just have shorts?

12. Phone or camera? Phone!! Because there are so many more features on it!! But I'm planning of buying a camera soon. 

13. Am I a health freak? No. I'm like a semi NEET in front of my computer. 

14. Apples or oranges? Oranges!! 

15. Do I have a crush? Yes, I do have one but I won't tell you who it is. 

16. Guys or girls? What do you think? I'm not lesbian!! I like guys of course but I have girl and guy friends. ^-^ 

17. Do I have piercings? No, please no. 

18. Pepsi or coke? Coke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love coke to death!! 

19. Have I been on a plane? Yes, quite a few times actually

20. Have I been in a relationship? No, I'm an inexperienced love author. T^T

21. Have I been in a car accident? Well, there was this one time I was crossing the road and I didn't see but a car was passing by and it almost hit me. I learned my lesson, always look left and right

22. Have I been in a fistfight? Not yet but with my attitude, I'm sure I'll pick one up real fast

23. I got my first piercing... no, never ever. I don't want to get a piercing!

24. My best friends? Jade_Yuki ,AutumnPisces and Lyzelly

25. Have I ever received awards? Yes, I have actually.

26. My first crush? My first anime crush was Yusei Fudo. My first Otome crush was Ren Shibasaki. My real first crush is someone I can't tell you. ^-^

27. My first word? I don't know. I never asked my parents. 

28. My talents? Being lazy and bored everyday ^0^.

Jk jk, it's probably my talent to act?

29. The last person I talked to... my father.

30. The last person I texted is... Um, does Yoosung count? No, then my mom but that was 3 months ago.

31. The last person I watched a movie with? My parents and my brother. We watched "the da vinci code" which I didn't want to. I want the new yugioh movie Dark Side of Dimensions to come out already!!

32. The last thing I ate... Fish, fishballs and rice. I love to eat those things. ^-^

33. Last movie or TV show? Movie is Yugioh Bonds beyond time. TV show is, um, Assassination classroom, it was put on the tv so it counts right?

34. Last song I listened to? Soundless voice by Len Kagamine. I didn't cry though, I don't know why.

35. Last thing I bought? New earphones. I was in desperate need for them.

36. Last person I hugged? My cousin which I scared by doing that.


37. Food... Chicken Rice. ^^

38. Beverage... Green tea with no sugar or whatever else people put in tea.

39. Bottoms... A really odd question -_^ but I love to wear shorts.

40. Flowers... Lotuses and tulips.

41. Animals... rabbits, cats and kittens!! They are so cute!!

42. Colour... blue.

43. Movie... Percy Jackson: Sea of monster. This is one of my favorites anyway.

44. Subject... Um, I love English, Music, Sports, Computer and free time. XD

~Have You Ever...~

45. Fallen in love? Not really.

46. Celebrated Halloween? Never. No one in my place does halloween. That's sad because I was always for a day to go treat or tricking as Kido.

47. Have your heart broken? Yes. My crush ignored me the next year after we switch classes. We promised to meet in a place but he didn't even go there ;-;

48. Gone over minutes on your phone? Many times. 

49. Had someone like you? Yes, don't ask. (And shut up Jade, Yuko and Cheryl. No.Telling.Anyone or I will murder you)

50. Hated the way someone changed? Not much. I understand people change because something happened in their lives so I don't mind much.

51. Got PG? Huh? What's that?

52. Had an abortion? What?! No!! That's cruel!!

53. Regretted? Throwing mentos into my friend's coke bottle. He never spoke to me again. ;-;


54. Broken a promise? Yes. ;-;

55. Hidden a secret? A ton. I like to keep secrets.

56. Pretended to be happy? If I could get payed for how much I have pretended to be happy, I would have made millions now.

57. Meet someone who changed your life? Yes, but I won't tell who.

58. Pretended to be sick all day? I wish I could if I could pretend coughing better. ;-;

59. Left the country? More than once.

60. Try something you normally wouldn't like but liked it instead? Yes. Reading Rick Riordan books and finished it all. Well, most of it anyway.

61. Cried over silly things? Yes.

62. Run a mile? Yes. I was forced to though. I would never to that on my own will. XD

63. Gone to the beach with your best friends? Not yet.

64. Had arguments with friends? Minor ones besides the two guys who were mentioned above.

65. Disliked someone? Yes. I dislike a few people.

66. Single for... I'm still single. Unless you count my Otome and anime boyfriends that is XD

~I'm Currently...~

67. Eating... Nothing

68. Drinking... Green tea. ^-^

69. Listening to... Shota Shota Burning Night by Len Kagamine. (I have a Len Kagamine song playlist XD)

70. Sitting or lying... Sitting. I can't lie on my chair now, can I? Well, much that is.

71. Plans for today? Bring my phone upstairs and hide it under my pillow so my brother won't find out I'm playing Mystic Messenger anymore.

72. Waiting for... the permission to turn on my AC. It's hot like hell here!!

73. Want kids? Maybe 1 or 2 is ok.

74. Want to get married? Yes, or at least have a relationship that won't end >.<

75. Want to travel? I traveled to many places in the world already!!

~What do you look for in a partner?~

76. Eyes or lips? Eyes because they are the windows to the soul. Also, they have a pretty color.

77. Shorter or taller? Taller please, I don't want to be the taller in the relationship. >.<

78. Younger or older? Um, depends. Maybe not too young but not too old as long as the age gap is too long I guess.

79. Romantic or spontaneous? Spontaneous. I'm not really the type who really likes romantic things.

80. Trouble-maker or hesitant? A mix of both please.

81. Hook-up or relationship? Relationship because I don't do hook-ups.

82. Looks or personality? Personality the most, maybe 90% while looks are 5%. The other 5% is if he is lazy or not because I sure am. 😅😅😅

~Have I ever...~ (This is the same as the one above -.-)

83. Lost my glasses? Too many times. I broke them too, don't ask how. >.<

84. Snuck out? Out of my room once, to get some food. What can I say? I was hungry!

85. Held a knife for self-defense? I prefer something like a bamboo sword or something long ranged but ya, I did.

There was this guy who was staring at me weirdly outside and I took a knife I was going to throw away and threw it at the guy, purposely missing it. The guy ran away immediately. It counts, right?

86. Killed somebody? No, not yet.

87. Broke someone's heart? I don't know 0_0. I'm called dense sometimes.

88. Been in love? Yes. The key word being been after he broke my heart. ;-;

89. Cried when somebody died? Does Korosensei count? No? Then no.

~Do I Believe In...~

90. Myself? Yes but not much though.

91. Miracles? Yes. Especially the Generation of Miracles.

92. Love at first sight? No, I believe that people fall in love after they have been met properly and have a good friendship first. At least, that's what I think. Feel free to tell me why not.

93. Heaven? If it's not real, why is it made?

94. Santa Claus? If he gets me everything I want.

95. Aliens? Yes, I even saw a spaceship once!

96. Ghosts/Angels? Yes!

97. Person I want to be with right now? They are all fictional, my friends. I can only pray that they will be real. ;-;

98. Do I know whom my real friends are? Honestly, no. 0_0

99. Believe in God? As I said, if it's not real, why are so many people believing in it?

100. Is this the last time you'll do this? Nah, it's fun!


And that's it!!

So I shall now tag the people!! 😈😈😈




DaughterOfGreekMyth (Love your Heroes of Olympus books by the way!)

UnicornYang  (I know you're new so I want you to start with something simple like a tag!)

And that's about it! Anyone who wants to try this can also try this!!

See everyone next time! Bye bye! *flies away*

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