Comparison Led to Hatred !

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The cherry blossoms were bloomed to their glory . Their colour was charismatic and when they fell down I felt pity . Such delicate creation falling to  the ground trampled by human feet . It was sad. Those with strength fluttered along with the wind amd those without strength just fell down meaning they were weak . The sun was mild , clouds lazily drifted reminding me of Shikamaru but he became a genin anyways well the smart Nara clan's  blood runs through his veins after all . Sometimes I feel he is so lucky to be born with brains . He wouldn't require anyone's support or help and most all he doesn't need to work hard . Same goes for Sasuke he is beauty with brains ! His cognizance and acuity surprise me .I'm sure one day he is gonna be an amazing person but for that to happen I must keep a keen watch on the snake man. All these thoughts are running inside my head as I walk with Saysuke to the academy . Mom was really happy now that we are genin more than my real mom would ever be  but Fugaku was the opposite . A straight emotionless , expressionless square . Naruto caught up to us and said his cheerful Hi .

"Ohio Naruto kun ! You are in a good mood today ? What's with the sudden excitement attending academy today ?"

"Hehe ..  well I'm a genin ya know so obviously I'll have a hell lot if missions to do !! I'm super excited" He says punching the air above him. 

"Well true that ! I'm actually excited to know which Sensei I fall under and the missions I'll be given Ofcourse our life will be different now that we are genin " I remarked looking at him .

"Yeah I don't mind to work with anyone as long as I have Sakura chan and not the dobe with me " He says with a pout and I look at Sasuke .

"Hope you are not referring to me Knucklehead! "

"Wow you really are smart Ofcourse I was referring to you ! " Naruto blurted out standing next to me . They were shouting next to my ear .

"Enough ! Jeez you just can't supress the urge to fight when you both look at each other . It annoying !"

"Sorry Maena chan !! It's just that I can't bear Ughhhh !!" He says clenching his fists .

"I'll pray you both land onto the same team . Hope it's not interrupted by someone's wish I mean Team 7 is incomplete without anyone of them . It has to be them " I said folding my hands before the sky . I was actually praying .

"What ? Maena chan you aren't making sense what's this whole complete amd incomplete team stuff ? Who are you talking about ?" Naruto's confused face made me panic .

"Ahhh... nothing forget what I said just muttering something " I try to divert his mind rubbing the back of my head.  I glanced at Sasuke to my right . I realised he doubted me damn I'm such a fool .

"Walk fast else we will be late !"Sasuke was right we were getting late . I wish the rivalry between these guys doesn't elevate more than this I mean I know there is no gun without them fitting but it's sad watching them like that . Right now Naruto seems to dislike Sasuke only coz Sakura likes him . Sakura is Naruto's crush after all so it will  be difficult for him to bear the overflowing infatuation Sakura shows for Sasuke . I hope it no longer affects him . It won't if Hinata makes an impact 

"Hai! " We reach our classroom everyone are already seated . Ino and Sakura rush through the corridor and make their hardest attempt to enter the classroom through the small door which won't allow both of them to enter together . However they do come and start fighting for who would  be sitting next to Sasuke.  Typical . I let out a sigh and Tenten smiles . She asks me if she needs to sit somewhere else but I say it's not really needed and she agrees . Naruto however was pissed to see Sakura so mad for Sasuke .

"Shut up ! Why is everyone so crazy about you ?  Sasuke Sasuke Sasuke .. what's so different about you ? You aren't even good looking than me !"

"Ummm Naruto .... " I hesitated he was annoying Sasuke and no sooner the forbidden kiss scene took place I face palmed myself why didn't anyone wish fir it to jot happen . Man the class was pacified by Iruka Sensei as he shouted at everyone for being so noisy .

"Now how kids you all better learn to behave since you are genin . You will be taken for missions so netter not ruin my name ! Or the academy for that matter ."

"We are sorry Sensei !"

"Alright . You will now be segregated into teams of 3 . Each team handled by a member of the jonin class . If you fail their initial tests you will he sent back to the academy . So make sure you give your best . I'll now call the teams ."

"Oh my !! Please please God let me be with Sasuke let me be with him please " I heard Sakura whisper praying desperately. I smiled knowing her prayers were accepted before she knew it .

"Sakura Haruno , Naruto Uzumaki"
Sakura sulked but her eyes shot up when Sensei continued .

"Sasuke Uchiha  You will be Team 7 and your mentor from now on will be Kakashi Hatake. " Sakura cheered Naruto seemed extremely happy as well . Sasuke didn't seem to bothered at all in fact I felt something was bothering him .  The same thing continued there was no change . Ino Shikamaru Choji were one team and Kiba Hinata and Shino were other but interestingly I landed with Tenten and a boy named Shiro . He was an average student . Strange it was as there were two girls on one team and we were the only team .


Yoshino Sensei was our mentor . Everyone left with their Sensei . Team 7 and Our team were the only teams left . We left as Yoshino Sensei came and Kakashi Sensei was the last one to introduce himself to his team . Disappointing indeed  . Our test was based on intellectual and physical domains . She made us run 3 kilometers . Some kunai shots followed by the shuriken tests and then she gave us a situation wherein we had to work as a team . It was exhausting . I met Sasuke later on the way I thought they were dine before us but the case was different . The bell test they went through was supposed to be toughest of all tests . Meaning the Sensei handling was the most cruel one or  so I heard . Sasuke narrated the story to me I knew everything and it was same too . I appreciated the way Sasuke thought of helping out Naruto whim he considered to be good for nothing . He realised teamwork is necessary to complete a goal The sasuke I know would never even think about it . He believes in himself more than anyone . It was indeed a transition . The one responsible was Kakashi Sensei Ofcourse . Hats off to him for that . He is the best teacher I have ever come to see in my life yeah and there is Koro Sensei as well ! His dream and plans for future was to surpass Itachi Uchiha his only brother I thought it was just his usual self trying become better than him but no it was different . There was envy burning inside of him .

"But ... he is our Brother Sasuke I mean he has many more responsibilities than we think ..."

"I am also his son ! Why is he only bothered about Itachi ? Why can't he worry a little about me ? He has never acknowledged me for anything  . He never felt proud for what I did . Why the hell am I even working this hard ? For who's sake ? I'm not even satisfied myself .  I ... I feel so sick of all of this . I can no longer continue suffering .... I just can't !" His voice was broken . Eyes filled with sorrow . Tears fell down as he rubbed his eyes constantly through his palms. I felt terrible . I cupdnt watch him like this . My hands trembled. I wanted to do something ... to vanish is agony .

"Sasuke ! You have to understand. Uncle isn't trying to make a difference . He just wants you to achieve immense success and probably big bro went through the same thing you are going through to finally stand on the position he is right now . Just be a little more patient . Everything will be alright . Whatever you do sure makes him proud. We are all proud of you .You are blessed with enormous strength and talent . Don't let it go in vain . I believe in you !  I'm sure you will come to change yur father's thoughts . You will make a change . " A new ray of hope lightens his face . He was feeling much better . I left soon after as he wanted o spend some time alone . Naturally he wyld need tume to think through this . We all fail to understand Sasuke in our would as Otakus . Many of my friends hated him for the things he did in the anime but honestly like Itachi said he was a blank canvas ready to be dyed in any colour . People failed to comprehend him and stood against well except for Naruto . Everyone think differently we each have our own way of processing thoughts and unless we come to put ourselves in one's  shoes we can never comprehend other individual that's why I still strongly  support Sasuke . All he needs is proper guidance . A hope he can rely on .


Team 7 went on the Zabuza mission and it deepened the bond between  Naruto and Sasuke.  Sasuke managed to change Zabuza's mind and Naruto helped him out as well.  Unlike the anime Sakura is pretty strong and bold . She didn't back off. She fought equally with her teammates and they all managed to save Zabuza and Haku.  Zabuza decided to give up all evil work and they both worked for their respective nations after they were granted forgiveness for their crimes in the leaf village . It was a great feat . Fugaku could hardly appreciate it but Itachi did . We all tagged along to have some Barbecue. 

"Choji you eat a lot!!! I don't mind as long as you can pay for yourself . " Ino folded her arms a print her chest looking at Choji . With an exasperated look .

"You don't have to worry about that " Choji replied .

"It tastes even much better with all of you " I say with a smile .

"Well I can't deny that " Tenten replied .

"Team 7 is the talk of the town right now . Man you guys were sure lucky to meet and FIGHT one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen !" Kiba exclaimed .

" Haha it wasn't that big of a deal ya know !" Naruto said rubbing his hair at the back .

"Wasn't big a deal ? Look who's talking ? You were about to pee your pants that's how scared you were !"

"Oh shut up who said I was scared ! You can't just say whatever you like . You were the one shivering down there !"

"Whatever Me and Sasuke were the ones who rocked the show Cha ! "

"Oh really ! I was just useless  there  right Sakura ? Man my students are indeed great or did you just forget I was with you guys? " Kakashi Sensei showed up out of nowhere . Sakura's face paled . He gave a  closed eyed smile one of my favourites .

"Ahhh I was just about to get to that point Sensei .....hehe ... Ofcourse you saved all of us !"

"Oh is that so? That's good to hear . Anyways I came to inform that I have something very important to tell you guys so meet me at the bridge tomorrow morning sharp at 7 . Come late and I won't relay the previous info I have . Alright then See ya have fun !" He disappeared in a cloud of smoke .

"Seven in the morning ha ? He is never early and expects us to be punctual ! Wow that just doesn't fit perfectly !" Sakura whined . Everyone laughed .

"That's Kakashi Sensei for you !" Tenten replied . We all leave after sometime . It was dark . A perfect night filled with stars . The Hokage faces were clearly visible . I'm enjoying my time here . I just want everything the way I wanted Naruto to be . I wish ZEUS makes it happen for me or am I the creator of things here.  I wonder .


Do u guys love Naruto ?  I basically live my life through that anime . It's the best . Comment ! Please vote and Share !! Do check out A thing Beyond Forever as well . You guys will love it !! It's a royal story !!

Stay Awesome :)

Up next : The Unfortunate Chunin Exams .

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