Third on the list: Date a Live

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Hello everyone Rgarciatiger/Tiger God here and today we're back with another Anime/Tokusatsu Review and before you ask "Tiger God where's the Tokusatsu stuff you're gonna review?" Don't you worry about it i'm gonna get there soon. Now without further a do let's introduce our next Harem anime, the anime that already has a game that was released a couple of days ago: Date A Live

Now for a summary about years ago basically Japan experienced a supernatural disaster called a Spacequake now what does that mean? I'm gonna explain because ain't no time for that shit as we get into our main protagonist Shido Itsuka where basically in a long story short scenario he has a gift where basically he can kiss 'Spirits' to seal there powers so that they won't cause destruction and also date said Spirits. Yeah sounds pretty basic when I type it out so yeah nothing too wrong with it but yeah anyways onto my next section of this list is seasons review

Season 1: Well there's not much to hate about it introducing the characters and how this shit is going down and all that jazz so it's okay."

Season 2: Same as the first season but just a bit less interesting for me until a couple of episodes later it's where I think it can't get any worse.

Season 3: Saw a bit and realize fuck that shit

Now with that out of the way let's get to my third favorite thing to do. Rant on and on about the female characters that or the males but who gives a shit it's my story. Now Shido he's nothing to interesting for me because well...he's just not nothing I can hate or like about him so yeah good job Shido you're playing a safe move. Now then time for the first Spirit introduce Tohka. Now do I hate her? Nah I can't she's actually cute and a bit busty I mean Shido you have good taste plus she loves her kinako bread like she loves it so much that if you were to look up images of it you might find some image of seriously I done that before and I laughed but hey I don't hate her so hats of to you, you damn beautiful spirit. Now then next up Kotori and well I don't hate her I have this weird feeling where she goes from "Oni chan!" In a couple of minutes to a commander the next do I hate her? Eh not much but her astral dress is alright give it a 7/10 for design. Next up is Origami...well I don't hate her but she's kinda meh to me I mean she is a kudere so maybe that's why but she has a hatred towards spirits because of how one killed her parents so there's that. But sadly this is where I just go from meh to fuck her (not sexually but as much as I thought) first off she's a spirit...really? Next up she was the one who killed her parents...What? The? Fuck? And finally after all the weird shit that happened in season three with Shido creating a time paradox with the help of Kurumi she has this nice design which I thought looked cute but all that shit just reverted after the end of episode 11 it just went back to normal...Umm hello can I call M. Night Shamalon because those are some fucking shitty ass twists! First she's a spirit, then revealed she killed her parents, and when all the time paradox was over and a couple of episodes later! I'm done no fuck that shit don't fuck around time but who do I blame? Herself because she was the reason why she tries to kill the first spirit and ultimately killed her own parents! And you know what's fucked up?! Her younger self saw her future self! Like why would you be mad at spirits! You should be mad at yourself! Like seriously there's no difference like hell no characters have that much of a difference with their face or hair appearance like someone give me a god damn bible so that I can pray to the heavens that may I forget my sins of watching something so sinful and that I shouldn't be able to watch it again. Okay i'm done with my rant on Origami and up Yoshino and Yoshinon. Now Yoshino I don't really hate her just that I wish first introduction she spoke a bit more but Yoshinon I find that puppet to be funny as hell and actually quite adorable, I can say for Yoshino but hey I don't judge as her appearance gives me the feeling to protect her more than Kotori. Both of them get 7/10 because according to the fuck it I like them. Now next up is one that I love for a waifu Kurumi...yes fucking bite me. A yandere that first appearance doesn't look half bad especially her  now I was so okay I can get by that until she shows her true colors and umm...fuck it still like her. Her angels and astral dress both looked really cool especially how her angel works with it having time powers and that one eye is red while the other is a fucking clock...kinda weird but hey when not in her astral dress which she mostly has a twin tail I can deal with. Now her clones are probably ones that I would say yeah...maybe not because they are clones(?) but there was one thing I can say that was heartwarming was that there was an OVA with one of her clones and Shido going on a date that was probably relaxing especially her in a wedding dress. Though sadly in the end she was killed by the original Kurumi damn but one thing is this

And to those who can't read japanese it says something around the lines of "I wish to be able to meet Shido once again." I may have cried a bit but mostly because the clone wasn't a complete psycho and was killed but hey Shido at least you have a photo of her in a wedding dress so hats off to the clone R.I.P. Also Kurumi (like all yandere) are like lions in a zoo. Beautiful to watch from a protected location but one you enter the cage you better pray that you have done a bucket list before and done it. Now that i'm done ranting on and on about Kurumi next up is a two for one special again with Yuzuru and Kaguya. Now when first introduced I was like..."Well damn." Nothing wrong as they were originally one but hey don't know how they split into two don't care. Now there was one thing I couldn't do which is remember who is who like seriously the only way I could remember is by either a using an image of them or b going on the internet. Yeah those two confuse me the most not bad but just confusing. Now the next character...fucking gonna do this but Miku...first introduction she hates guys....okay? Then when I saw a couple of episodes with Miku and Shido (of him crossdressing as a girl which is...kinda giving me mix feelings of yes this works and what the fuck?!) so yeah Miku is technically a lesbian? I mean she prefers girls over guys. I mean this is something i'm fine with no problem at all but I still hated her and I still hated her even when she gave her backstory and then in the third season she's a bisexual. She loves Shido (and Shiori aka Shido as a crossdresser) and woman. Okay changing sexuality isn't a problem with me because this is 2020 where your sexuality is whatever you decide for me i'm more of a straight male. Now finally we have Natsumi...yeah no fuck her the third season just was my explanation to where have I gone wrong...and are third seasons the shitty ones I see? First appearance wasn't have bad until when she show her true form as a loli...what and what's stupid was that she made Shido play a "Guess who I am?" on the characters and in the end she was fucking Yoshinon! WHY?! SERIOUSLY WHY?! FUCK THAT SHIT!!! ALSO WHAT KIND OF WERID SHIT TYPE OF SAW SHIT IS THIS?! I WOULD RATHER WATCH EVERY SAW SERIES OUT THERE THEN THIS!!!

Now overall? Well the reason why I did this was because of me playing Date A Live: Sprit Pledge so yeah that's my reason for this review so what do I rate it out of ten? 7/10. It would be better if third season wasn't a thing I remember and also I saw the movie and that shit wasn't good. Like it was nothing...I wouldn't even choose to watch it again. Now thank you all for reading and i'll be in my den and by den I mean my room. Ciao. Also stay tune as the next chapter a Tokusatsu film is gonna be up on this list soon.

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