Sonoda Umi x Reader (Love Live! School Idol Project)

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I'm sorry if I'm writing another Love Live! One shot, it's just that their too cute to be ignored, in my perpective, that is. By the way, more list of animes are coming up! I've already watched tons of animes this summer! (I think this is may be a long one-shot since I also like Umi)

"I know this may be sudden but, I like you very much! Will you please go out with me?" You heard some guy confess to your girlfriend. Your mouth gaped open.

The story is, Umi asked you to leave ahead of her since she had some business to deal with. But the stubborn girl you are, you eavesdropped on her to she what she was trying to hide. And here you go, a guy confessing to your girlfriend. You just smirked because you knew that she won't accept it since she is in a relationship with you. But little did you know, this day might be your worst.

"Of course" her soft voice answered.

A sharp pang was felt on your chest, and you were breathing heavily. You quickly retreated and went straight to your house, and shut yourself in your room. Anger was felt all over your body, making your blood boil.

You were jealous.

A devilish grin crept up your face as a plan was instantly devised inside your brain. You were not the type who gives up easily, after all. You always stop by muse's club room to hang out with the group, so you can make Umi jealous by interacting 'more' with one of them. You'll see.

-2 days later-

It was dismissal time, you knew Umi was already in the club room with the group, so you initiate your plan. You walked along the corridor where the club room is, and entered the room. Upon entering, all of them are all slacking, playing around like kindergartners. "Hello Y/n!" Honoka greeted, causing them to turn their gaze on you, and greeted you casually.

You scanned around the room for Umi, luckily she was reading a book nearby, and few seats near Maki, who was eating chocolates. Another plan was formed inside your brain, making you grin inwardly.

You decided to flirt with Maki, since she was the closest to Umi. You sat infront of her, and stared on her purple eyes. Later on, she noticed your frequent glances, "Y/n, you've been staring at me for a while now, is there something on my face?" She asked. "No Maki, your eyes are so beautiful, it looks like an Amethyst." You remarked as you stared in awe.

Maki's face flushed red, and you grinned at her, making her blush even more. You can feel Umi glaring at the both of you. 'Damn, everything is going so well' You thought, making you smirk wider on the inside.

You continued looking at Maki, still eating chocolates. As she took another bite, chocolate was smudged across her lips. You made your move immediately. You walked around the table, and stopped at Maki's place. You can still feel Umi's glare, but you didn't mind. "Y/n? What's wrong?" Maki asked, looking up at you. "Maki-chan, you have chocolate on your lips." You said, glancing at her eyes, before leaning down, and kissed her, licking her lips in the process.

Maki's eyes widen at the move you made, you glanced at Umi, who was already glaring daggers and grimacing at the both of you. You slowly pulled away, "Mmm, I liked the chocolate, thanks, Maki-chan." You said as you licked your lips seductively. Maki blushed furiously, and her mouth agaped open. You stood up and smirked at Umi, before leaving the room.

You silently thanked the Gods the other members were in the other room, still slacking off.

-After Class, At the Rooftop-
You went outside the door, and saw the muse's members already practicing. Umi was still leading them, but you ignored her as if she wasn't there. You sat down beside the door, and looked at Maki, who was also looking at you. You smiled at her, but she averted her gaze, slight blush formed across her cheeks.

You saw Umi glaring at Maki, making you flinch inwardly. "Okay, 5 minute break!" Eli declared, and they instantly flopped down the cold floor, exhausted. You went straight to Maki and gave her a bottle of water. Both of you were talking to each other casually, but you can still feel uneasiness on her voice.

Umi was really upset at the sight of you and Maki together, she tried holding her anger in, but when she saw you hug Maki, she felt herself explode.

"Y/n. Come here. Now." Her firm voice called out at you, causing the other members to gain your attention. You walked up to Umi, not looking her straight in the eyes. "Y/n, can we talk? Alone?" She asked you sternly, you looked at her with a blank expression. "We've got nothing to talk about." You coldly replied, your response made her anger grow bit by bit.

"You've been ignoring me these past few days! And now you're telling me we've got nothing to talk about?!" She yelled, their attention still locked on the both of you. "Just because Maki is with you, you need to be cocky huh?!" She added. You clenched your fists, "Now you're asking me why? After you've accepted some guy's offer to go out?! You think I'm not upset?!" You yelled back, voice shaking, you dropped to the ground, and started crying.

"Y/n, calm down" Maki ran to you, "I'm sorry, Maki." Was all your voice could say, "I know, Y/n, I knew everything. Just calm down." Your eyes widen, feeling guilty after toying her.

"Y/n.. I should've told you..." You hear her voice say, "Tell me what?" You retorted, still sobbing.

"The guy, who asked me out, he was my cousin. He was practicing on confessing his love to another girl, and I agreed to help him out."

You were still sitting down, frozen. Your tears stopped spilling, and your heart beat rapidly increasing. "What are you talking about?" You asked in confusion. "He was my cousin." She walked towards you and helped regain your composure. You looked around you, all of the muse's members trying to hold back their laughter.

"Dammit Umi! You're making me jealous for no reason!" You yelped in embarrassment. She hugged you tightly, and laughed. She pulled away, and your gaze locked on hers. "I didn't know you're the jealous type, Y/n." She said as she pulled you in for a deep, passionate kiss.

You just smiled and kissed back. You both pulled away immediately, realizing that the group was still there. Nico was holding a camera, filming the both of you. "They're so sweet nyaa~" Rin remarked,her eyes sparkling. "I didn't know Umi was in a relationship!" Honoka asked, tilting her head in confusion. Nozomi was holding a card between her middle and index finger with a sign written, 'Jealousy'. "The cards told me earlier, I just didn't tell you." She said. "Harasho" Eli replied.

"You got me a while ago, Y/n." Maki said as she walked towards you. "I'm so sorry Maki, am I your first?" You asked while she shook her hands in defense. "N-No! I mean-" Nico covered her mouth. "So you two kissed huh?" Nico asked while you smiled innocently. "I'm sorry Nico, it was part of my plan hehehe~" you said as you ran away with Umi, hands interlocked.

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