Tojou Nozomi x Reader (Love Live School Idol Project)

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Seriously guys, do you really love Nozomi that much? I mean, why do ya keep on spamming me? It just makes me wanna do more. I have a ton crap of messages about Nozomi and Maki, but I'll do Maki once I've cleared up my requests.

And as per the last chapter's confession, thanks alot, it's really hard coming out to you guys like that. I really appreciate it! Thanks alot!

Warning! This a fanfic bordering mature content, read at your own risk. Well, noone listens to these but don't say I didn't warn you.

Sorry this is kinda long, Enjoy!

"Goddamnit why is this heavy?!" You groggily grumbled while carrying the pile of towels.

It wasn't easy being a helper, despite being owned by a group of school idols. Tasks being scheduled here and there, scampering for snacks and drinks while they practice,

And for the love of God, those unhelpful couple afflictions during water breaks.

You mean, there are nine of them. Someone has to be left out! You're really not into threesome or polygamous relationships, unless you're one of those crazy yuri fangirls out there.

Speaking of polygamy, those second years are really something. Seriously?! Kissing two other people at the same time?

What the fuck?

You weren't disgusted one bit, but it really disturbs you seeing them really touchy in the first place.

You huffed before entering the shower room by the club room's rehearsal gym, taking note to ready yourself for some unwanted teasing and flirting.

"The towels?" You stepped in. They were about to take off their outfits, except for a certain third year by the bench. "Oh there you are, we've been waiting for you." A blonde, particularly Ayase Eli, speaks just after your arrival.

"Yes you are," you answered, "I also came to check if you're doing well, is it finished yet?'' You add.

The Ex-Council President exchanged looks with the third year on the bench, Nozomi Tojou. You raised an eyebrow, Nozomi's smile growing sly and mischievous. 

Speaking of Nozomi, she was the Ex-Council Vice President, alongside Eli. You turned your side towards your left, and what you DID see was something you can't unsee, even with the greatest surgery or magic.

First off, the second years were erotically making out at the corner of the room. Second, Nico and Maki were....

You can't even describe on how horrid your vision is.

"Hey-Hey! Get a room the five of you!" You exclaimed while kicking their ass out of the room. "And don't forget to keep your noises from reaching here or I'll snap your heads off one by one!!"

"Hmph, useless gays."

"Gee, take it easy there," you felt warm hands touching your shoulder, "Don't be too stressed now or you'll get wrinkles!" The voice playfully chimed.

You turned around and saw Nozomi grinning, "You look tense, something wrong?"

For no apparent reason, you felt yourself shrinking. Well, you wanted to since Nozomi's now on her undergarments, her training attire scattered on the floor.

All blood felt like rushing up to your cheeks, your eyes squinting and trying your best to not look at those gargantuan breasts she owned. "N-Nozomi? I-It's your turn to s-shower, right?"

You tried to shift your sight towards the door, aiming to escape before any chaos could occur. But alas, Eli was there, blocking your access and prevented you from going any further.

"Going anywhere?" Eli asks. She reached for her pocket and took out the ring of keys for both the clubroom and the practice room. "I'm glad I'm done showering though, need help, Nozomi?"

"Nah Elicchi, all's good!" And before you can run for the shower room and hide, Eli quickly went out and locked the room from the outside.


You felt Nozomi wrap her arms around your waist, pulling you closer and playfully licked her lips. You tried to push her away before you lose your virginity.

Not that you mind it though, but you're still a student, you could say.

"What's wrong? You don't like what you see?" Nozomi pouts, "Too bad I prepared it for you.."

"W-Wait, you set me up?!" You snapped, Nozomi flinched. "You planned all that so you could have your way with me?!"

Nozomi's pout turned to another grin, "Yes, I wanted to, for so long!"


"Well, I don't have any reason not to, but I always thought you are cute and sexy. I can't deny that, since I even had sexual fantasies and thought of you screaming my name with utmost plea-"

"S-S-Stop! Just...Stop!" You intervened, face deep red, "N-Nozomi calm down! This is a s-school at least have some d-decency!"

Ah, I stuttered.

Nozomi didn't give you full time to recover, grabbing your hands and made contact with her supple flesh. It was soft, you could say, and huge.




You were confused why your hands were groping Nozomi's breasts, but indeed it felt good to the touch.

The playful and mischievous Nozomi Tojou was now submissive and pleasurable under your hold.

Ah, who cares? Have your way with her.

Meanwhile, while you two were having a session, five ears intently listened to the moans erupting inside the room.

"T-Tha--! Shameless!" Umi gasps. "Eh? Umi-chan we do that always, didn't we?"

"B-But that's different!"

Maki, who was residing at the clubroom chair and twirling her hair indignantly, spoke. "More importantly, where's Rin and Hanayo?"

Five heads shook.

"So you left them in the shower room, Eli?"


"God bless their poor innocence though."

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