Anish is behaving weird!

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He read all the messages and deleted them. He didn't even utter a word and left with my phone. I was like what happened to him all of a sudden? I thought may be he was worried about Jazz because Jazz was our fourth wheel our fourth friend, he joined our group at last but was an inseparable part of our group. Oh shit I wanted to follow Anish but my thoughts urghh! I just hate them. He is already gone, I was like how silly I am he must have headed at Amit's place and I'm not a kid that I have to go with him I can go alone too. I was about to leave for Amit's place but I soon received a message from ITC for a job interview, I was so excited that I almost forgot about Jazz and his message. My interview was scheduled tomorrow. I was jumping as I got a interview notice from ITC, my desired first working place. Anish came back home with a huge smile on his face, and I suddenly remembered about Jazz and his last message. I asked Anish why was he smiling. He said, "I'm selected for Mumbai Indians and they are giving me a welcome party tomorrow at 6 P.M. I said, "You went to Amit's place right?" He said, "Yes but that's when I got a call from Mrs. Ambani." I was happy for him. He said, "But there is a problem they want to meet my lucky charm as I once mentioned about my lucky charm to them." I said, "Oh hey you did not say me anything? Who is your lucky charm?" He said, "It's my silly, cute and helping little sister." I said, "I'm honored Anish, okay I will go with you." He said, "Okay thanks sister!" 

Anish suddenly got a call from Amit and said, "We are ready man, she agreed." I was like what in the world is he chattering around? I asked him, he said, "Nothing it's about Amit's special person." I was confused, but I said, "Who is Amit's special one? That moron never mentioned her in front of us." Anish said, "After all I'm his first love so he will say me first right. Anyways I'm hungry let's ask Mummy for food." We both laughed wholeheartedly and agreed to Anish because I was also hungry. We are twins and we both are hungry at the same time. I was a bit confused about Amit that why didn't he mention earlier about his special someone when I always used to joke with him by saying he was dating my brother. 

Jazz's Pov  

Oh my God! How do I tell Anisha, that I've fallen for her. I think I was a bit harsh on her on the messages. I shouldn't have done in that way. But what can I do? I hope she will meet me soon. She is a full package, a caring sister, a good friend, a good sports person and the best one in cracking jokes. I never used to believe in love at first sight but now when it's my turn I've started believing it. Love is an awesome feeling that suddenly happens, it's not dependent on one's determination. Whenever I try to know Anisha better I just fall for her again and again. She is a way too perfect. But I'm afraid to reveal my true identity to her, she might hate me for being a liar. I want a girl who loves me not my fame. I hope she would understand. But what if I'm surrounded by the all people of this locality then Anisha would know my secret. Tomorrow I've a flight to Ahmedabad. I hope she would come for a see off, she has seen my message but I wonder why didn't she reply? Does she feels the same way how I feel about her?

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