Dr. Arjun takes Komal to London

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Dr. Arjun's Pov

We went to the airport. The travel guide was sad to leave us in the airport. He said, "Sir you are so nice person! You" I stopped him and said, "No! friend please she is my sister Komal from now!" He remembered that and said, "I will miss you Sir!" Please may I get a photo of you with your sister?" I said, "Sure why not?" I pulled Komal and said, "Cheese!"

Author's Pov

Anisha is Komal! Anisha is alive! But Anisha forgot everything. But who attempted to murder her? It's still a mystery! We will know all these as the story revolves.)

Komal's/Anisha's Pov

My wounds recovered but I still can't remember anything about my past and how was I injured? Arjun Bhaiya told me not to force myself to remember the past. According to him I'm his younger sister and I should obey my elder brother. As we went through the security checking and all we went to the flight. I said, "Bhaiya! I don't remember our parents! Are they fine? You called Mumma yesterday but I was sleeping at that time." Bhaiya said, "We will reach today, and meet our Mom and Dad." I said, "Okay Bhaiya! Do I have any friends in London?" Bhaiya said, "Komal you only have 2 best friends Carol and Tom!" I said, "Okay Bhaiya!"

Dr. Arjun's Pov

Carol and Tom are junior doctors who are working under me. They know the case history of our Komal as I discussed it with them. I told them to act as Komal's best friends. They agreed to act as Komal's best friends. After long travel of about 10 hours we finally reached to London. We both collected our luggage. I purchased some clothes and a suitcase for her before she got discharged from the hospital. I soon saw Dad standing far away, I waved him. He waved me back. I said, "Komal dad came to pick us up. He is the one who is brilliant psychiatrist Dr. Aditya Shrivastav, our Dad!" I hope Dad got his training from Mom! He should hug both of us because Komal should not get anxious it's not good for her health. We went to Dad. Dad hugged both us and said, "My kids are back! Komal are you alright?" She said, "I'm fine Dad but I don't remember anything!" Dad said, "Have faith on your Bhaiya and Dad! You will remember everything!" She smiled like a child. I thought wow Dad was so good. Mom gave him good lessons or these are coming out of affection for his lost daughter Komal. We reached home after an hour. We were very tired. Before entering the home I said, "She is our Mom, Radha Shrivastav!" Mom gave us a warm welcome. She hugged both of us. Thereafter mom hugged only Komal and started crying and said, "My child has got so much pain! How are you feeling now, beta?" She said, "I'm fine Mom! Don't cry, Mom or I will also cry, I can't see anyone in tears!" Suddenly she hold her head and said, "Ahhrgh! It hurts!" Mom rushed to the kitchen to bring a glass of water. Dad hold her and made her sit down on the sofa. I gave her one of her medicines. After a while her headache was gone and she had wide smile on her face. She had a very sweet smile just like our Komal! Dad said, "Radha take Komal to her room, and Komal beta go and take rest, we will call you when it's time for the dinner. Arjun go and get fresh I've to talk to you about some matters." We all nodded as Mom took Komal to her room and I went to my room get fresh. After 15 minutes I went to the hall. Dad asked me about her medical reports and I showed him everything. I called up Carol and Tom as well. Dad, Carol and Tom went through Komal's medical reports. Mom was with Komal in her room to take a good care of her. Dad said, "We have to start her treatments! Carol and Tom you will take down all her interest by asking her general questions okay? We will get to work from tomorrow." We all nodded our heads. We will have to take a good care of her! After all she is one of us. Carol and Tom went back home after discussing her medical reports. Dad became nostalgic to get his daughter Komal back. Dad said, "We will do every possible things to make her remember everything, but may be we will lose her after that as she will go back to her home. But her family would be so happy to get their daughter back. I want no other family lose their daughter like we had to." 

Radha's Pov

I'm sitting next to Komal. She is sleeping peacefully. She is looking so sweet while sleeping just like our Komal. Komal also smiled while sleeping and she is also smiling while sleeping. Suddenly I remembered I've to cook the dinner. I got up left the room and rushed towards the kitchen to find Aditya and Arjun are cooking. They cooked Aloo Parathas. I went there and said, "Wow Aloo Paratha! I remember Komal used to love aloo parathas and Arjun used to steal pickle from her plate and she used to cry." Arjun's eyes filled up with tears and he said, "I will not do it now with our new Komal." Dad said, "Shush Arjun what if she gets up and hears us! No new Komal she is our Komal." I went to Komal's room and woke her up and said, "Komal beta! Your Dad and Bhaiya made Aloo Parathas for you. I like them, right?" She said, "Mom I wonder who doesn't like Aloo Parathas! It's the best food one can have!" I said, "Okay come to the dining hall!" I left her room and prepared the dining table. After 5 minutes she came to the dining hall. We all had our dinner. She enjoyed the food and said, "Dad, Bhaiya It's the best Aloo Paratha ever! I loved them!" Arjun said, "Wait Komal I will give you the medicines!" Arjun gave her the medicines and she had all the medicines like a good girl. Aditya said, "Komal tomorrow your friends, Carol and Tom are coming to visit you!" Then I took her to the room and made her sleep. When she slept I left her room and went to our bedroom.

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