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Amit's Office

Anisha's Pov

I went to the office with Amit. I saw Pooja was working and as soon as she saw me she came towards me and hugged me and said, "Are you fine Anisha?" I said, "Yes Pooja! I'm fine! But first I want to know why are you going to marry that old man instead of our Amit?" She said, "I can't say it here, come to the washroom." We went to the ladies washroom as this was the only place where Amit won't come. She blabbered everything about her sister's love for Sidhant and Sidhant's mother condition for accepting Roli as her daughter in law. I said, "Pooja I'm with you! I support you." She went out of the washroom and started her work and I went to my Accounts department and started chalking out an effective plan. Now when I know all consequences and everything it will be easier to execute the plan. Amit came to my cabin and said, "What is the progress?" I said, "Amit relax, now when I know everything I will execute it with ease. And now I've to meet her fiancee Amar and I know how to meet him. If Pooja says Amar that she wants to take Vicky to watch film me and her then Amar will surely join us as I'm an outsider here!" Amit said, "How do you come up with such brilliant ideas? Just great!" Amit went happily to his cabin. At first I've to know that if he likes cricket or not then only it will work. But for that I've to befriend him. Though not a tough job for me, I know I've to blackmail him emotionally by calling him Amar Bhaiya, I heard that he has a step brother but no sister. I have to hit him in his soft place of not having a sister. Oh sometimes I'm really evil but everything is fair in love and war and this is the case of my best friend's love.

 Anisha's Home

Anish's Pov

Finally the team meeting was over Jazz and I went back home. Arjun Bhaiya and his full time were waiting for us. Jazz said everything about Amit's crush and also about Anisha's plan. Arjun Bhaiya said, "I never knew that Komal is so intelligent!" I said, "Arre Arjun Bhai she comes with random ideas like this always, and some of them are also evil ideas." Suddenly Tom said, "Yeah Dr. Arjun I'm aware of this as for her and Simran's intelligent plans I'm marrying my Carol day after tomorrow!" Kabir said, "Yes I'm also marrying this NK's sister, I never knew about my true love was actually for this fashion designer Simmu!" Both Carol and Simran blushed heavily. Suddenly Namrata Bhabhi said, "Enough about us Anish! So how did you end up marrying Ankita so early I mean look at you, you are not that old that you got married before 5 years." Now it was my turn then I narrated Ankita and my love story to them, our first meeting at the Papri Chat stall, then our second meeting during the dinner, then how my sister saved her from that scoundrel Lala and then how I put vermilion on her hair parting when the village council Lala to marry Ankita, then how our love story bloomed when she stood beside me when I was totally broke after Anisha's demise. My eyes filled up with tears. Jazz also had tears in his eyes. Simran said, "Come on! Anish! Now everything is fine! You got the love of your life, Jazz got his Anu, Carol got her Tom.." I said, "And you got your Kabir! Now just Amit is left! I hope this boy also gets Pooja!" Simran said, "Yeah! I trust Komal blindly! She is genius in all these matters." Suddenly Amit and Anisha also came back from the office taking a half day as Anisha wanted to spend time with Arjun Bhaiya and their team.    

Anisha's Pov

Amit and I came back home. Arjun Bhaiya said, "Welcome Back! Komal! I didn't know you were so mischievous in childhood. I smiled at him and scratched the back of my neck. I said, "It must be Anish, who has told you all these things. Am I right or Am I right?" Arjun Bhaiya laughed and said, "Yeah! But he also told that you are genius and also brave as you saved Ankita Bhabhi from some Lala." I said, "It's not only me Anish, Amit, Harry, Bhuvi Bhaiya and Jassi also helped me and Dad cooled us down." Anish said, "But if you hadn't seen Lala there then we couldn't have reach there and to be first you were the first one to injure him so that he couldn't have flee away." I said, "Anish let's focus on Mission Amit's marriage now!" Arjun Bhaiya said, "Mission Amit's Marriage Step1?" I said, "Do you know what Step1 was though it is a success!" Arjun Bhaiya said, "Yeah Jazz told me everything!" I said, "Good! Step2 will be Befriending Amar." I called up Pooja and put the phone to loudspeaker.

Pooja: Hello Anisha!

Me: Amit has given us a leave tomorrow! I think we can go outing with your would be son Vicky. He must meet his new Mausi.

Pooja: I've to ask Amar ji for permission.

Me: Yeah! Ask him! Call me after you talk to Amar Bhaiya, okay?

Pooja: Okay!

Pooja hung up the phone. I said, "So guys half of the plan is executed! Now the matter is will Amar come with Vicky or will send his brother!" Jassi said, "What do you think? Will he come?" I said, "I don't know but if he sends his brother then I have to know about Amar from him only." Amit said, "Will it be tough Anisha if he sends his brother, instead?" I said, "Yeah but I will manage! You chill and start the preparations beforehand. After all it's the matter of my Bhabha's love life!" Aditya Papa said, "I'm proud of you Komal!" Radha Ma also came to me said, "I'm proud to have a daughter like you!" Anish said, "Only she is your daughter and I'm no one na?" I said, "Jalankhor!" Aditya Papa and Radha Ma said, "Yes Anish you are our second son, who made me Dadi before Arjun!" Dad came and said, "Yes I'm also proud of my elder son, who is a Doctor!" Arjun Bhaiya hugged Anish and me and said, "I only wanted a sister but you know what God is great! Today I have a sister and also a brother, who gifted me a niece." We hugged Arjun Bhaiya back and then we broke the hug. Suddenly I got a call from Pooja.

Hey people! Did you like this chapter? If yesthen click on the star button to vote and please don't be a silent reader, keepcommenting as I love to read your comments. Will Amar come with them or will hsend his brother or will he send Vicky alone? What will happen next? Well wewill come to know about this in the upcoming chapter.     

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