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Anisha's Pov (Contd)

The guy balanced himself and caught hold of me preventing me from falling down. Suddenly I realized that it was none other than Jazz. I said, "Thanks Jazz this monkey just pushed me towards you." He did not reply and did not leave me still he was staring at me opening is mouth. I was like what's going on yaar Jazz leave me I'm fine now. I clapped in front of him. He came back to reality and said, I umm... sssorry! aaaI jjjust ummm sssorry!" I said, "It's okay but today you're going right? and where is that moron Amit he didn't even come here to see you off?"  He said, "Yes but I will come back soon haha Amit is here only he is parking the car and I was waiting for him. By the way Anisha I do have time. My flight is at 7 P.M. I need to say you something." I said, "Wait a minute I need to speak to Anish right now, he lied to me." He said, "O O Okay!" I am thinking that why is Jazz fumbling today. I went to Anish and said, "What the hell why didn't you tell me the truth that we are coming to see off Jazz? What was the need to lie? You know very well I just hate lies and liars." By this time Amit came and just got astonished and looked towards Jazz and Anish said, "I just wanted to surprise you, Jazz is our friend so we should see him off in a special way right, look at me and Amit we are also wearing our special outfit today so I wanted you to wear a special outfit as well so I just made up a story." I said, "Okay that's fine but what was the need to push me towards Jazz?" Anish said, "No sis I didn't do it deliberately it just happened some lady just pushed me and mistakenly you got pushed by me." 

I went to Jazz and said, "Yes Jazz you wanted to tell me something right?" He said, "I umm... Anisha you know, I umm... I umm... I'm lucky to have friends like you and Anish. May I get a hug from you Anisha? I said, "Come Anish and Amit let's give Jazz a group hug before he leaves." He said, "No Anisha I want a hug from you first then we will hug in group okay?" I was like yes it's okay we are really good friends so I gave him a friendly hug.

I broke the hug then we all shared a group hug too. We all joked at each other till it was time for Jazz's flight because it was Anish's wish to bid Jazz a special see off before he leaves for Ahmedabad. Though he told that he would soon come back but still he was the fourth wheel of our group so he is also equally important to us. It was time for Jazz's flight and he left for Ahmedabad. Amit, Anish and I returned back to home. Anish, Amit and I were already missing him.
Jazz's Pov
I have never seen Anisha so beautiful before. She is so sweet. I fall for Anisha each moment when I know her little better. But now I've known that Anisha hates lies and liars what will I do if she comes to know about me? I can't even think of being hated by Anisha. She is my life to me. But she is still a little girl, I love her in the way she is cheerful and bubbly. I could not confess her today also. Once I reach Ahmedabad,  I'm gonna take Harry's help. He is good with managing girlfriend matters. I am still lost in her dreams when she fell on me. Those few minutes were my life's best time. When she hugged me I realized that I'm all her but I can't force her to be mine. I can't be so selfish. I soon realized that I've fallen for her again, Really? I'm being crazy for her day by day, I'm already missing her. It's been only 20 minutes I've left Mumbai Airport. Oh come on Jazz don't be crazy like this.

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