Anna's Evolution

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"Urgh... ow..." Anna awoke feeling sore all over.. her kitten's paws batting at her nose, mewing frantically.

"P-Pebbles?" Anna muttered. "Wh-what the heck just happened?"

"H-HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!!" Zen's voice echoed through rocky cavern.. 

Anna hastily scrambled through the rocks, and stumbled into a large cavern room. Zen was holding his master, who was bleeding profusely from the injury Charlotte gave him.. barely breathing.

"Help him please!!" Zen stammered, tears in his eyes.

"I... I need to find Drani.. Drani can help.." Anna stammered, feeling cold inside. "DRANI!!? DRANI WHERE ARE YOU!!?"

Anna's voice echoed around the cavern, but nothing answered..

"My.. precious student.." the master rasped, putting a hand to Zen's cheek. "This.. is the end of my path.."

"N-no.. Master.. please.." Zen stammered. "W.. We can help you.. the outsiders.. their technology.. Shangri-La's healing.."

"Shangri-La.. is at an end Zen.. it is time.." The master whispered. "This place.. must not fall into the hands of this Emperor that they speak of..  you know.. what you must do.. the Matriarch must be sealed away.."

"Master.. just hold on! Master.. .MASTER!?"

But the master would not move.. his eyes stared, blank and glassy..  

Anna bit her lip and put a hand on Zen's shaking shoulder, as she used her other hand to close the Master's eyes.

"I'm sorry.." Anna whispered

"The fault is not yours.." cried Zen. "It is there's.. your horrid.. EMPIRE!!"

Zen roared out the last word furiously.  "They will pay for what they've done.. My Master is right.. this place needs to end!!"

"What do you mean?" Anna stammered.

"We acted as guardians for this city.. but we also act as destroyers of this city if it should fall to the wrong people.." said Zen. "We need to get out of here.. to the central tower..  We are going to destroy Shangri La. "

"D-Destroy!?" Anna exclaimed. "But.. all our friends.. won't they be-?"

"Don't worry, it's okay, we'll have 24 hours to clear the place after the initial setup." said Zen. "The Guardians will help us locate the others... and I doubt that Narina Girl will be too fazed anyways.. that indestructible skin of hers can endure quite a bit.

"That's right I guess.." Anna said.

However, as Anna thought about Narina, she felt a sense of hurt and sympathy. Anna had suffered much throughout her life in that orphanage, however Narina.. she had been poked, prodded, weaponized, tortured..  After all she did for the world...

Narina's eyes flared with determination. "I... I want her to join.."

"Huh!?" said Zen.

"I want her to join Cuddlepuppy 51.." said Anna "Narina.. I won't take no for an answer... it's time she had a family.. since her's is gone! And.. I want you to join too!"

"Me!?" Zen stammered. "Listen.. Shangri-La is my entire life.. I can't just-."

"And this entire life.. YOU'RE ABOUT TO DESTROY IT!" Anna shouted. "Look, what are you going to do after this is over? Die? I don't want that.. And Ranko really doesn't want that!"

"The guy hates me!"

"HAHAH! No way! Ranko LOVES a rival!" said Anna. "That's just how he is.. why do you think he acts the way he does around Liza and Geist.. competition is how he shows his affection towards strong people.. He really likes you Zen.. and I have a feeling you like him.. and you wanna have a rematch with him one day don't you?"

Zen blinked at Anna for a moment, then smiled. "Well.. when you're right you're right.. Guess I need a change of scenery after this.. but first thing's first.. it's time to.. to.."

Zen's eyes widened. "Anna.. get behind me.. now.."

The tall knight with the hat, and the scarf wrapped around his face was standing  a distance away, staring silently at the group.

"Well well well.. search the stones long enough.. and the rats start emerging.." said the knight as he drew a rapier and criss crossed it around  in a fast flashy fashion, holding the blade up to his face in a sort of salute.

"I am El Azures De Ponte Alcaprio." said the tall knight. "But you may address me as El Azures. I humbly accept your surrender.. "

"We didn't surrender." said Anna.

"You best do then.. because otherwise, I humbly accept your death." said El Azures. "I am a Genos of Sea Life... known as the Sword Fish De la Muerte!.. each and every stab of this blade has caused death... so I will ask again... will you surrender?"

Anna clenched her fists and stepped forward. "Zen.. I will handle this.. you go on.."

"What!?" Zen stammered. "You idiot! Are you even much of a fighter!?"

"No.. not really.." Anna said. "But I've been practicing.. and if you die here, there'll be nobody else who knows how to destroy this place... You're more important than me right now.."

Zen gritted his teeth, but Anna's logic was sound...

"Delay him.. DON'T try to beat him!" growled Zen. "If you die.. I swear I'll come into the afterlife and smack you myself!"

"Just go!!!" Anna said.

Zen ran further into the tunnel as Anna held up her hands in a boxing stance that she learned from Horner, breathing heavily, her nerves overflowing.

Here it was.. her first one on one fight.. with a foe impossibly stronger than her.

Yeah.. not exactly what she wanted her first solo battle to be.

"hmm.. so you will be my first opponent?" said El Azures. "Very well.. I shall fell you in one blow, so as to ensure your pain is minimal.. EN GARDE!!!"

El Azures exploded with blue aura as he charged forward, sending his sword into a flurry of thrust blows so fast, that it was near impossible to see them. "DEL FLURRES DE SHARK TOOTH!!!"

The thrusts turned into multiple large Shark teeth points made of powerful blue aura that aimed to stab into Anna.

"FIRE CRAB SHELL!!" A giant orange aura of flame conjured up in front of Anna as she crossed her arms together, turning into a jeweled Tortoise shell that blocked that attacks in a burst of sparks.. 

"YETI PUNCH!!!" Anna then ducked under her shield as it disappeared and rammed a powerful blue aura fist straight into El Azures.. 

A blue shockwave exploded out.. and the knight jumped back, icy frost now covering one side of his scarf wrapped head. 

"I-I did it.." Anna stammered. "Oh my god.. I actually.."

"COME ON!! Hit harder.. you can do it!!"

Anna panted as she lay on the floor of the boxing ring, wearing sports clothing and a pair of boxing gloves.. standing over her was Crank, who was also wearing similar clothing with her own pair of boxing gloves.

Horner was standing outside the ring, clapping her hand. "Alright. Five minute break, then we're back at it Anna, this time try to get under Liza's guard while keeping up your own guard!"

"Wh-why... why are we doing this?" Anna groaned. "We've been doing the same move over and over again.. when am I actually going to learn to fight?"

"This is how you learn Anna." said Horner as Crank started sipping from an energy drink. "Repetition.. Repetition until it is complete reflex. The Emperor's men won't go easy on you even because you're his daughter.  Learning Hand to Hand combat is the key to mastering many Genos powers, as many combat moves depend on your ability to combine powers with combat skill.. Ranko, you might have noticed, still uses punches and kicks like any normal person, yes they're augmented with dinosaur abilities.. but they are combined with human combat tactics... if you are going to be one of the 51 Genos, you have to learn to fight skillfully at a reflex! Now.. rest up.. and get ready to go again!"

Hundreds of Repetitions each of a different type of attack and move, and method of fighting.. Anna knew now the usefulness of it.. and now, thanks to Horner, she might actually stand a chance..

"Not bad!" said Azures, jumping back and twirling his sword fancily. "But your power is insufficient next to my speed... TUNA DART!!"

Azures suddenly became an incredibly fast blur, moving from side to side, creating gusts of wind as he moved, the image of watery bubbles and a blue aura swirling from him. 

"The Tuna Fish is the fastest sea creature!" said Azures. "By adding the combined speed of the fastest swimming creature with my own already incredible physical speed, I can boost my own combined speed considerably!"

Azures hurled towards Anna, his immense speed equaling Ranko's Raptoracer move at the very least..

But Anna calmed herself..  She remembered what Horner said..

"It's important that when fighting an opponent faster than you, to remember, that if they increase their speed beyond their normal tendencies, their reflexes don't tend to follow, if they aren't careful with their speed, they'll overshoot or tend not to see counterattacks coming.. take advantage of this.."

Anna's eyes flashed and glowed. She needed something to catch him off guard, something that would make his speed count against him.

Immediately her eyes turned yellow and glowed, as a green aura shaped like swirling snaked appeared around her head. "GORGON GLARE!!!"

"YGGGGHHHH!!!" Azures was forced to look away suddenly, as his parts of the surface of his armor immediately started turning to stone..

In the instant Azures covered his face to avoid looking at the Anna's powerful eyes, her eyes returned to normal, and she immediately went to work, leaping into the air, and spreading her arms out. "HARPY TALON!!!"

Anna's arms turned into feathery wings, and her feet turned into sharp bird talons as she hurled an aerial devastating kick into Azures.

Azures was thrown back, his back slamming against the wall of the cave.

"She isn't like the others.." Azures thought as he looked up, and shook himself off. "What she lacks in power, she makes up for in using a calm steady hand and mind while fighting.. intriguing.."

Anna immediately jumped back, turning back to normal form, holding up her fists and eyeing Azures carefully.

"And the way her eyes are observing me.. she's definitely got quick observational reflexes, the type seen only rarely in fighting geniuses.." thought Azures. "A type of fighting skill seen in her father Octavas... hmph.. personality wise they may be different.. but in regards to the ability to fight like a strategist, those two definitely are father and daughter.."

Azures raised his sword carefully. "I've acknowledged the fact that you're far beyond any normal opponent.. this is going to be interesting.."

Azures began to circle Anna, as she circled back, the two combatants eyeing each other carefully. 

Azures then made the first move. "CANCION DEL ORCA!!"

Azures thrust out a hand, and a massive orca's head made out of blue aura, appeared in a burst of bubbles, and blasted out a tremendous rumbling whale cry that created a sonic boom.

The sonic blast hurled Anna back, throwing her off balance as Azures used the moment to close in.

"SAWFISH ESTOQUE!!" Azures thrust out his sword, which became enveloped in blue aura, turning it into the serrated blade of a Saw Fish's nose.

But in that moment, Anna hurled out a hand. "DRAKON SCALE PALM!!!"

Barely keeping her balance, sweating, Anna's hand became covered in armored poisonous looking scales as she caught the blade in the a burst of grinding sparks.

Anna then fell backwards and flipped upwards, doing a spinning propeller kick ignited in powerful flames.


KABLLLLAAAAMMMM!!" Azures was sent flying back by the attack, but this time, he managed to block with his blade, creating a shockwave as he landed on his feet.


Azures whirled around Anna at hyper speed, leaving multiple afterimages of himself. The afterimages all thrust their blades forward, which took the shape of Dolphin beaks, much like how a Dolphin would attack a shark from all directions to protect it's young.

But Anna was ready, she spread her arms out, remembering the technique she needed to attack in all directions. 


A massive  crocodile-like head of a sea monster made of sea green aura exploded out from around Anna, and massive waves of water hurled out from the emergence point, slamming back the attack in a giant 360 degree tidal wave. 

"YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS A THING OR TWO ABOUT THE SEA!!" Anna roared as she exploded out of the waves and charged at Azures, her fist raised. "TAKE THIS... SEA SERPENT MAELSTORM!!!"

A massive aura, shaped like a sea green dragonish looking serpent, roared out of Anna, surrounded by waves of water, slamming it's body into Azures, and piledriving him down into the back of the tunnel. 

"I.. I did it.." Anna said, panting hard. "D-darn.. d-did I try to do much? Liza did say using creatures that were too powerful could drain me.. if I didn't have the physical aptitude.."

"I see.. so it appears that due to your inexperience, your body isn't yet suited to summoning the power of such fantastical creatures.." a voice echoed from the dust.

Anna's eyes widened with shock as Azures walked out, his armor dented, his cloth rather torn, but otherwise unharmed.

"Now you are at the end of your rope.." said Azures. "Do not fret, it was a good battle while it lasted.. I am glad I found somebody with your skills..  Goodbye.."

Azures hurled forth with an astonishing speedy slash at Anna.

Anna yelped and barely jumped out of the way, only to accidentally catch her foot on a hanging gap in the rocks, and find herself hanging upside-down in front of Azures.. her skirt flopping down too..

Azures froze. "Er... your panties... have a winged blue cat on it.."

"I-it's Happy from Fairy Tail.. wait a sec!! NO STOP LOOKING!!" Anna squealed, pushing her skirt up with her hands.

"Wait.. if you don't want people to look at your panties then why put a flying cat on them?" said Azures.


"Well.. er... well.. I don't know what to say.. just die."  Azures charged forth, ready to stab his blade.

But then..

Time froze.. everything turned gray.. and Azures became frozen in mid air.. as a pair of large red eyes opened up in front of Anna, emerging from the darkness..

"Now now.." said Cthulhu. "You've gone and lost Anna.. how very disappointing."

Anna's eyes were wide with fear now.. she couldn't move, as the terrifying presence loomed over her. 

"You are not yet worthy to use Elder God Mode... my power.. that is also your power.. however, your ability to think on your feet has impressed me.. perhaps.. I shall allow you use of another power... weaker than mine, but it should suit your Genos Abilities well until you are worthy of me..." said Cthulhu. "Think of it as a gift... eheheheheh...

Time suddenly Resumed, and Anna's eyes glowed with sheer power as she suddenly felt new strength surge through her... and words came to her lips, words she barely knew she was saying.


"KAAABLLLLAAAAMMMM!!" Rock and earth blasted apart as Anna's body exploded with power, sending Azures flying back

Anna landed on her feet.. scale-like patches appearing around her eyes.. her hands also turned to scaly claws with dark green scales and short crocodile-like spikes on her forearms.. Her eyes had turned to slits, while her irises were a bright yellow.

"WHAT!? A MODE POWER!? BUT HOW!?" Azures roared.

Azures charged forward, hurling forth a thousand sword thrusts in a tremendous speedy barrage. "GREAT WHITE GARDE!!!!"

A massive swarm of blue aura Great White Sharks exploded out, thousands of them, all of them splashing forth on a massive tidal wave, their jaws open wide with tremendous biting power..

Anna's eyes glowed ferociously as she thrust her hand towards the sharks.  "RODAN CHARGE!!!"

A massive aura shaped like an impossibly massive winged Pterosaur was sent screeching and slamming into the sharks, blowing them apart.. 

"Wh-WHAAT!?" Azure's hat toppled over to reveal messy brown hair, and normally calm eyes that were now currently bulging cartoonishly over the the sudden increase in power Anna achieved.  "Th-THIS ISN'T POSSIBLE!! THIS ISN'T POOOOOSSSIIIBLLLLEEEE!!"

Anna ran forward, the earth shaking with her every step as she clenched her fists. "MOTHRA WIND!!!!!"

Anna slammed her hands forward, and a giant surging cyclonic wind blasted out.. filled with sparkling dust from a large pair of wings made of orange aura that looked like the wings of a moth. 

'URRAAAAHHHHH!!"Azures screamed as he was powerless before the incredible wind slamming him back.

"GHIDORAH TRI-CRUSH!!!!!" Anna slid beneath Azures as he was thrown into a larger massive chamber. 

Three massive dragon-like heads with golden scales, made of a golden aura roared, and  exploded from around Anna's feet, twisting their long necks  and intertwining as they rammed their heads and fangs into Azures, and chomped down on him, wrenching his armor into massive tears and dents. (pretty durable armor).

"NOW.. GODZILLA.. NOVA BREAAAATH!!!" Anna screamed as she opened her mouth. and around her, the head of a massive dinosaur-like monster with molten glowing eyes appeared around her.. opening it's jaws.

From there, a massive blast of white blue energy exploded into Azures, sending him smashing and exploding through the ceiling of the chamber, and flying off high into the sky, screaming still until he had smashed into the holographic ceiling of Shangri- La. 

"Y-yeah.. and.. stay out.." Anna muttered with exhaustion, as her Kaiju Mode faded. "Oh... man.. I feel.. tired.."

With that.. Anna fell on her back, and lost consciousness. 

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