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"Ha.. weird." Ranko and Bon were looking at a massive painting of what appeared to be a four armed demon wielding several swords  blowing fire out of it's mouth.

"Looks like he was the god of bad breath eh Bon? Eheheheh." 

Bon shrugged, a tooth brush stuffed in her mouth, and a night cap on her head. 

They had gone through 2 days of excavation.. discovering new thing after new thing. New technologies, knowledge of the ancient aliens who built the place as well as the traditions of the monks that used to dwell here.. 

And now, after 2 days of nonstop digging, Crank finally had enough sense to call for everyone to get a long period of shuteye.

"OOOOH!! LOOK AT THIS ONE!!" Inan jumped up and down excitedly, her jungle leaf clothes fluttering as she pointed at another statue of a hindu-ish god. "It's an ELEPHANT man! teehee! I love Elephants!"

"Alright you guys.." Anna muttered, shuffling into the hall, in her pajamas, rubbing her eyes. "Come on.. we need sleep.. even Liza's fast asleep and she was the most excited about this place.."

"Ya kidding!? I can't sleep! I've finally got some time to train!" said Ranko with a grin.

"Train?" muttered Anna.

"Eh?" said Inan, jumping onto the arm of a statue and hanging from it upside down.  "Traaaain? Like with wheels and a CHOO CHOO!"

"Nope, train as in get stronger!" said Ranko. "Ya with me Bon?"

"snnnffff... snnnnn..." Bon was already curled up on the floor, fast asleep, the toothbrush still in her mouth.

"Huh.. party pooper." Ranko muttered.

"Ranko.. even you would get tired after working for 2 days straight.." Anna said. "Why train now?"

"That girl I fought.. this Narina person.." said Ranko with newly ignited excitement in his eyes. "She was strong.. real strong.. possibly as strong as Horner. Now with two rivals including my Sis.. I can't afford to fall behind.."

"Don't tell me.. you enjoyed fighting her?"

"Well, don't get me wrong.. I wanna free her too, I could smell that she's a nice person." said Ranko.  "But her powers.. she's not a Genos, she's something new I haven't ever fought before.. it really felt like I was fighting a dragon ya know? A punch from her felt like I was being hit by an entire Hurricane all at once..  If she went all out.. I'd be nothing but ash.."

Ranko clenched his fist and pumped it. "If I can train myself to the point where I can survive one full powered blow from her, then I'll be worthy to get her to train me!"

"Train you? She's not a Genos though, she can't teach you how to use your powers.." Anna said.

"I already know how to use my abilities.. I don't need her to teach me that.. I just need to fight her.. again and again.. until I'm tough enough to stand toe to toe with her.. then I'll be able to take on Horner.." said Ranko. "My Sis ain't nice enough to spar with me, she's way too busy, but this Narina chic on the other hand.. she doesn't have papers to fill out.. or raids to organize.. "

"No.. but she probably has plenty of mental healing to go through now.. I hope you remember that.." Anna said quietly. 

Ranko froze. "Huh?"

"Ranko.. how do you think she's going to feel.. after all she went through?" Anna said. "who knows what my horrible father's done to her by now.. you really think she'll want to fight you for fun after all that?"

Ranko grinned again, much to Anna's surprise. "I know she'll need healing.. But we'll help her heal right? She's not alone! She's got us!"

"She doesn't know us.."

"That doesn't matter." Said Ranko, holding a thumbs up. "Besides, When we met, I liked ya! But I didn't know ya! And now look at us!"

Anna blinked as Inan continued to observe with immense curiosity. 

Then Anna smiled. Ranko was right. Friends were people that cared about you, regardless of how long they knew you.. as long as this girl had people who cared about her, she wouldn't be alone..

"ANYWAYS!!" Ranko grinned, and held up his fists. "I need a training partner to spar with! Maybe I'll take on Baldy for a few rounds, he hasn't been working! He has to have SOME energy!"

"OOOH OOOH!! I wanna train I wanna train!!"  Inan exclaimed.

"No.. you at least need your sleep." said Anna sternly guiding Inan steadily by the shoulders down the hall.

"AWWW But I'm not tired- zzzzzz.." Inan instantly fell asleep in Anna's arms. Anna picked up Inan in her arms, and winked at Ranko before walking further down the hall to the chamber where they had set up camp..

Ranko patted Bon on the head. "Sleep well big girl.. "

Ranko walked out into the cool night air.. the trees and flora were lit by the moonlight. Of course it was an artificial moonlight, but it was so real in feeling and appearance, it didn't matter. "AAAAHHHH!! Yeah!! Training time! Where are ya baldy!!? I've got a score to settle with ya!!"


"Dang it.. where does that bald jackass hang out at night?" Ranko muttered. 

At that moment, Ranko heard something in the distance.. it was a piano.. a tune that sounded beautiful beyond measure.. along with the piano.. played a violin..  

Both of these tunes played wondrously.. marvelously.. harmoniously.. so much so.. that it even enchanted Ranko, who was more a fan of fast paced music.

Ranko, enchanted by the tune.. walked  in the direction of the tune.. until he came to a large clearing on a stone amphitheater upon which a Piano made of pure rainbow light stood..  along with an entire company of violins made of the same light, playing themselves..

Muse was standing at a podium made of the same light.. wearing a different set of clothes now.. She was wearing a beautiful black dress.. with a black bowtie..  and was waving around a conductor's stick made of sparkling starlight, which left trails of beautiful butterflies made of glass as she twirled it, conducting the instruments.

Her eyes were closed, her face was that of a serene smile as she conducted.. her expression of pure bliss.. yet of sadness.  A sparkling tear dripped from her closed eye..

"Whoa! Awesome!" Ranko exclaimed.

"R-RANKO!!!" Muse stammered, immediately stopping her conducting.. her wand shattered, as did all the instruments, turning into sparkling dust. Her clothes returned to normal in a sudden dimming light....  "Wh-What are you doing!?

"Sorry Muse, I heard the tune so I went to check it out.."

"You and the others are supposed to be asleep!!" 

"Well I wanted to train so I could get strong enough to fight Narina!" said Ranko with a grin. "What were you doing? That was beautiful!"

"Well... it's my Fantasia Supreme.. one of my most powerful moves.. " said Muse. "But.. nowadays it doesn't have the requirements for any sort of battle.  it requires two to play see?"


"Yes, it requires two composers to guide both parts. The instrumental parts depend on the inner nature of the person.. And there was only one other person who I played with whom could devise the PERFECT Fantasia Supreme."

"Really?" said Ranko. "Who?"

"Liza.." said Muse. "She and I made a beautiful melody together.. however.. I don't believe we will ever make a melody again..."

Muse looked up at the stars above and smiled. "Say.. Ranko.. can we sit down a bit..?"

"Sure.." said Ranko.

Muse and Ranko moved over to one of the stone benches surrounding the amphitheater. 

"This place is so beautiful." whispered Muse. "I don't regret finding it.. not one bit.. what the stories say about it just doesn't do it justice."

"Say, I've been wondering.." Ranko muttered. "What is this Matriarch that Crank's so obsessed about? It seems that's the entire reason she's here.."

"It was our dream.." said Muse. "Our greatest purpose for finding Shangri La.... the Matriarch, said to be the greatest machine ever created by the aliens who visited our world long ago.. the ability to change Destiny."

Ranko frowned, obviously confused.

"Imagine if you were going to die.." said Muse. "But you had a machine, that could alter your destiny, so that you'd, by some random chance, live.  The Matriarch manipulates space and time, altering your destiny to the user's preferences.  You could make it your fate to live a hundred more years.. or your fate to make a lot of money. You could tailor and create your own destiny and fate.. your ultimatum at your control.."

"Whoa.. so you like.. change the future?"

"Yes.. and no.." said Muse. "Time bends and twists and splits.. without the Matriarch.. you have multiple destinies, and multiple possible choices.. the Matriarch merely allows you to pick one of the infinite possible timelines and ensures that you reach that end no matter what.. It doesn't change time, it picks it.."

"Wow.. that's.. like.. huge!" said Ranko.

"Really?" said Muse with a smirk.

"I don't know... I still don't quite get it.." Ranko muttered.

"That's the Ranko we know.." Muse said with a chuckle. "With it.. we could select Narina's fate as being freed from Octavas's control... we can ensure that Octavas's rule is overthrown.. it could perhaps be the one device that can save us all.."

"Or screw us over." said Ranko. "Seems it has a little too much control.. over.. well... everything.. What if by choosing a fate where you survive, causes somebody else to die? Or have a bad fate..?

"Well, despite your confusion with the temporal, you seem to have a grasp of the butterfly effect." said Muse. "Yes, that is indeed a risk I fear.. it was what started the wedge in me and Liza's friendship.. after.. we discovered a certain note in the research regarding the Matriarch.. I began to worry... and then after that the rift grew between us.. u-until.. we... we committed an unforgivable sin against each other... something that forever destroyed our friendship.."

Muse shivered. "Please.. don't tell Liza I shared any of this with you..  revealing that would only hurt her more than I already have.."

"Sure.." said Ranko. "But ya know.. have ya ever just thought of.. talking it over?"

"Believe me I've tried.." said Muse.

"Eh.. Crank's stubborn alright.. but she's a huge softie underneath.." said Ranko. "She cried from reading Charlotte's Web. I'll see what I can do about it.."

"R-really?! But.. you really think you can convince Liza to do something she doesn't want to?"

"Hmmmm.." Ranko muttered.

______Flash back to 9 years ago._____________

"MINE MINE MINE MINE!!" A toddler Liza in a neat little blouse screamed as she hit the toddler Ranko with a plastic toy wrench repeatedly. 

"B-but I wanna play!" Ranko sobbed, clutching the teddy bear.

"NO!!! IT'S MINE!! GIMME GIMME GIMME!!" little Liza roared, pouncing on the little Ranko like a wild cat.


Ranko gulped. "Uhhh... yeah.. sure..."

"Oh thank you!!" Muse exclaimed, giving Ranko a hug.

Ranko suddenly pushed Muse off, looking serious. "Wait.. what's that?"

There was rustling in the leaves nearby.."

"Probably just another tiger.." said Muse.

"I.. I smell... blood.. lots of it.." Ranko stammered. 


"If there's one smell I know.. it's blood.. T-Rex's can smell it for miles.." Ranko said. "Whose there!?"

There was another rustle.. and Narina came staggering out of the undergrowth, panting... she was in her Hypersonic Empress form.. covered in patches of melted snow and dried blood.. as if she had run herself ragged, using her super speed to dash all the way to Shangri La.

"Have.. to... stop... Matri... m-matriar... ma... damn.. it.." Narina stammered.

Her armor shattered.. and she fell face down.. a pool of blood spreading around her..


Narina awoke to find herself sitting at a poker table.. with all her idols and heroes sitting around her.. 

Her heroes being Captain Picard, Asuna Yuuki, Batman, and Duff Goldman.

"Oh.. this dream again." Narina said brightly as Duff began dealing cards to her.

"Well.. here we are again Narina." said Picard. "Can you tell us why you're here this time?"

"Eh, I used my Prism Dragon to run halfway across the planet despite the fact I was already weakened from fighting a guy who was as strong as me..

"Why are you always killing yourself?" Asuna asked worriedly.

"You tell me, you're all figments of my imagination!" said Narina with a shrug. "So.. what should I do about the Matriarch? Any ideas?"

"Well, we should turn to the Prime Directive for that answer." said Picard. 

"Basically.. don't do anything?" said Narina with frown.

"You misunderstand! Actually, Actively do nothing." said Picard. "Encourage these.. explorers.. whoever they are, that they must only explore within the confines of what won't harm them. Tell them the true nature of the Matriarch and that they must leave it alone.."

"Uh.. so.. just explain things? Did I really need a dream revelation for that?" said Narina. 

"Hey! What do you want from us?" said Batman. "We only know as much as you do! This is in your head!"

"Huh.. does that mean every time we play poker it's pointless?" said Narina.

"Yes! I mean look! You've got a royal flush already!" said Picard.

"Oh.. what do ya know." said Narina, setting down her cards. "Well.. thanks guys.. I guess. But wait.. all my friends are gone...  does that mean I'm alone?"

No answer..

Narina looked around to find that the table was empty... and that she was the only one sitting there...

"G-guys?! A-anybody?" Narina whispered..

And that's when a pair of deadly red eyes opened in the darkness before her..

"Yes Narina..." whispered Fell Knight. "You're  all alone.... eheheheheheh..


Narina opened her eyes for real this time...  panting hard and sweating... Anna was dabbing a cool wet towel on her forehead.

"Wh-who are you!?" Narina stammered. "WH-where... where am I!?"

"Shhhh..." Anna patted Narina's head. "Just lie still kay? You've pushed your body past it's limits.. "

"She's stable.. but I need some antibiotics just in case she picked up a few infections.. " Drani was standing next to the portable makeshift cot Narina was lying in, preparing what looked like a syringe. "Hold still.. I needed a really strong alloy needle to get through your durability.."

Drani held the needle close to Narina's arm.

Immediately a memory of Ribald cackling as he stuck a bunch of syringes all over Narina's body flashed across Narina's mind, and she screamed, knocking away Drani's arm and falling out of the bed to reveal her body that was covered in bandages.

"NO!! NO!!!" Narina roared.

"It's alright!!" Anna stammered, trying to restrain Narina. "Wh-what's wrong with her!?"

"Ribald probably experimented on her.." Drani said. "I remember the first time he experimented on me I couldn't stand the sight of needles for ages. Hold on.."

Drani approached the shivering Narina carefully. "It's alright.. hey.. listen.. I know it looks bad.. but I need you to calm down..  if I don't give you these antibiotics, you're going to get an infection from those wounds being exposed for so long..  come on.. close your eyes.. it'll help..

Narina heaved a deep breath. Drani's voice was soothing.  She closed her eyes tight.. feeling the tell tale sign of a needle entering her arm.. but unlike Ribald's needles, these didn't stab straight into her bone..

"S-sorry about that..." Narina moaned. "Guess... I'm a bit jumpy.."

"Anybody would be.. with what you've been through." said Anna. "I'm Anna by the way.. Anna Gerald... that's Drani Rostellar.. our doctor..

Narina rubbed her head, trying to remember. "You.. you two were with that monk and spiky haired guy I was forced to fight.. you're part of that exploration team  that's looking for Shangri La.. which means.."

Narina looked around. She was in the chamber temple where Cuddlepuppy51 had set up camp.

"Tell me!!" Narina said frantically. "Have you found the Matriarch!?"

"You know about that?" said Drani.

"No." said Anna.

Narina felt relief wash over her. "Th-thank God.. Okay.. you've GOT to listen to me now.. "

"Hey guys!" Narina's words were interrupted by Crank running into the room, holding what appeared to be a complex machine. "I've finally got it working! This machine.. SHOULD be able to track the Matriarch!!"

Narina's heart dropped like a stone, her eyes going wide with horror.. the sound of her own beating heart began to play like a drum in her ears.

"R-really?" stammered Anna. "You can?"

"Yeah.. remember the cave we found a while back in the back of the temple with all those crystals? According to the texts, I think that's where Mizo buried it! And the machine affects space and time.. so gravity should be affected too.. this machine should be able to track anomalies in gravity and-..

Narina suddenly snatched the device out of Crank's arms.

"H-huh!?" Crank stammered.

"RRRRRAAAAAHHHHHH!!" Narina's bandages shredded to pieces as she went into her Lunar Valkyrie form..  smashing the device against the floor of the temple, electricity radiating from her scales, her eyes wide with fear. 


"Don't.. find... that thing.." Narina whispered. "You can't.. you shouldn't.. it's not worth it!"

Crank gritted her teeth in fury. "Let me guess.. you're the one who wrote that note didn't you!? Shock Therapy!?"

"Yes.. I am." said Narina. "Listen, let me explain.."

"NO! I don't need your goddamn explanation." Crank growled prodding a finger to Narina's collarbone, her eyes flaring up. "I know EXACTLY why you wrote that note.. you didn't want people taking away YOUR moment!"

"My.. what!?" Narina said, now feeling substantially angry. "My WHAT now!?"

"Yeah! You and your sister were the people who discovered the Matriarch!! But you don't want other people to share in the glory right!?"

As Crank said this.. a shadow of strange darkness swirled for just an instant in Crank's normally kind pink eyes.

"GLORY!? WHAT GLORY!!?" Narina roared. "EXCUSE ME! BUT WE KEPT THE MATRIARCH'S DISCOVERY A SECRET!!! The only reason YOU know about it is because you're too NOSY FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!!"

Okay, Narina, being a naturally curious person, didn't actually mean that.. but boy it felt good to yell at this little punk..

A little too good... something wasn't right here..

"NOSY EH!? WELL YEAH!! I'M CURIOUS ABOUT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I GUTTED YOU LIKE A FISH!!!" Crank roared, a ginormous hammer appearing in her hands.

"BRING IT SHORT STOCK!!!" Narina roared back, as she began to power electricity into every part of her body.


Anna's screams seemed to jolt Narina awake.. as if she had been in some sort of half asleep state. She stopped feeling angry.. almost as if somebody had dunked her in cold water..

Crank also stopped looking angry.. her expression immediately becoming bewildered. The darkness that had been flickering in her eyes disappeared. 

Anna was panting hard now, looking scared beyond belief, as Drani looked nervously between the two girls that had almost tried to kill each other.

"Liza.. wh-why..? The Liza Momo I know.. would never yell at somebody she knows was recently tortured by the empire.. even if she DID break her stuff!" Anna stammered, shivering like a leaf. "Shame on you!!"

Crank staggered back, looking mortified and guilty beyond belief. 

"H-hold it.." Narina said. "Listen.. something tells me it wasn't entirely her fault.. "

"What do you mean?" Drani asked swiftly. 

Narina looked at Drani, and felt some semblance of thankfulness. This girl reminded her of her friend Violet, she was cunning and bright.. not to mention level headed.. Narina could tell just by looking at the way she reacted to Narina's statement... here was somebody she could convince of the danger here.

"It's the effect the.. thing.. has on people who seek to wield or destroy it." said Narina. 

"thing?" said Crank. "What kind of hocus pocus weirdo nonsense are you trying to pull on us!?"

"The Matriarch ISN'T alien technology!" Narina said. "The martians brought it here yes, but they didn't make it.. they found it.. and worshiped it.. and in the end.. it destroyed them."

Narina swallowed and caught her breath.. trying to express upon everybody the gravity of the horror they were unwittingly unleashing. 

"There's a price for every kind of power.. and trust me.. the price for this power is nothing short of NOT WORTH IT.. NOT WORTH IT.. NOT worth it.. " whispered Narina. "The Matriarch isn't a device.. a machine.. or anything of the sort.. NO machine has the ability to manipulate or choose your destiny the way it does!!"

"Narina.. what is the Matriarch?" Drani asked. "What is it really?"

"I'll tell you what it is.." Narina growled. "That.. that THING... is a goddamn interdimensional god!!"

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