The Frozen Girl

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"It's not far.." said Zen as he helped the others gather supplies from the ship. "In fact, the entrance in can only take in a certain amount of people at a time.. and it's a lift system, and there's only one lift."

"So once we're across." said Crank. "Does that mean they can't get across either?"

"Not necessarily, anybody whose skilled in the art of Qi can easily scale the vertical wall that goes along the Lift's line of travel. " said Zen. "unless.. there wouldn't happen to be Genos who can scale walls would there?"

"There are Genos who can fly." said Anna. "I can, if I use my Pegasus Art."

"That's worse.. but not too bad.. the winds and altitude make flight difficult for any creature." said Zen. "Come on.. let's go!"

Anna slapped a hand to her forehead. "Uhh.. Ranko.. do we really need that?"

Ranko had tied the ship's television, PS4, and various other video games to his back, as Bon had a bunch of manga tied to her back.

"Question is.. do we NOT need it?" said Ranko. "And no.. the answer is no.. we friggin need it!"

"Put it back." said Anna sternly.


"Put.. it.. BACK.." said Anna, giving Ranko the sternest motherly glare of all time.

Ranko mumbled and grumbled as he threw the bundles back into the ship with Bon hanging her head dejectedly. 

Muse held up her fingers, and snapped them.. blue musical notes that let out a smooth jazzy tune appeared from where her fingers snapped, floating into the air.. and shrouds of snowy flakes flowed from the notes, creating curtains and curtains of falling snow around them.

"A bit of Cool Jazz ice.. That should keep them from seeing us.. I'm not too worried about Shura though, I already told him what's going on.. he retreated further up the mountain to meditate, as long as he's meditating I doubt anybody will notice him." said Muse. "Us on the other hand..."

"No time for explanations just keep moving.. over up there!" said Zen, shouldering his pack. "Master should already be in the city.. we need to be quick or the entrance will shut down for a few hours and we'll be surrounded by those hooligans and that Nestro person will most definitely kill us!"

"So.. he's my brother?" Anna stammered. "Er... anybody want to address that?"

"Not really." said Crank. "Anna, as far as we're concerned, anybody who tries to kill you isn't family..  Now come on! Move it or lose it! We're getting the hell into Shangri La!"

It took about 6 minutes of hard walking through deep snow.. but finally, they reached a point where the passage on the side of the mountain stopped over a steep cliff.. the side of the mountain here was so flat and vertical.. that Anna doubted anybody could climb even if they were fantastic mountaineers. 

There  was a flurry of snow.. and as if out of nowhere, a large stone trolley of some sort, hanging on a strange looking wire appeared, a stone doorway opening in front, leading into it..

"Qi hides it from the eyes of others." said Zen. "We should be safe once we start moving at least.. The lever that brings it forward and backwards is on the other side only.. so you can only go in by our permission.. and you're free to leave whenever."

"Enter by permission, leave anytime." mused Geist. "Hospitable and Strict.. it fits the monks of Shangri La.."

"Yes.." said Zen. "Though, we tend to allow those we are assured of having pure and kind hearts enter at their disposal.."

Zen winked and nodded at Anna.

"Duuuude.." Crank whispered to Ranko. "Did you see that?"

"See what?" muttered Ranko.

"I think Zen has a thing for Anna.."

Ranko's face went slack. "Wh-wha!?"

"If you  wanna keep away the competition you'll have to think of something.." Crank muttered. "And you'll have to do it subtly.."

"Wh-what!? Why would I have a problem with Anna falling for somebody?" Ranko muttered. 

"Trust me.. I think you care.." said Crank. 

"I do?"

"Yes.. you DO.." said Crank. "Damn you boys are so oblivious.. in any case, do you really want Anna going out with HIM?"

Ranko's eyes suddenly flared to a point where they would melt the polar ice caps.

"Don't worry.. I've got the most subtle plan of repelling Bald boy ever.." Ranko whispered.

There was a second long pause...

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Ranko screamed and lunged at Zen, smashing him to the floor of the stone carriage, causing the vehicle to swing violently as it moved across the wire. 

"RANKO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Anna screamed.

"Oh crap.." muttered Crank.

As Ranko and Zen rolled around angrily in the carriage, the shouting echoed out.. and Nestro landed on the other side of the cliff, grinning in his crazed manner.

"Mmm? Well! Cool.. the fleshies have all gathered on one little doggy bag.. I'm honored." Nestro hissed. 

"Indeed it seems they have.." Theseus trudged through the snow, causing Nestro to look back in surprise.

"I thought you left.." Nestro muttered. "Jeez, I told ya I had this handled didn't I?"

"I know... and of course I doubt they could escape you if we let you have free reign for a little more.. but Octavas is paranoid of your sister's potential.. So I'm here as insurance.. as is that.."

Theseus nodded at a large metal container with glowing lights on it's surface, towed by belted tires as soldiers checked the systems of the containment unit.

"Don't tell me.. Father actually figured out how to weaponize her?"

"She hasn't been tested yet... Superhumans... especially Ryuu.. are incredibly resistant.. we haven't even unfrozen her yet.." said Octavas. "There's no telling if she'll resist once we use her.. so she'll be a last resort... however.. if the point comes where we must release her.. it'll mean you failed.."

Nestro chuckled. "Oh don't worry.. I'll make sure you don't have to use a stupid Super Hero for your dirty work.. "

"Sir!!" yelled an officer. "I just received a message from Ribald! According to him, Octavas's orders changed.. he wants to test her in the field as soon as possible!"

"What!?" said Theseus. "But.. her power.. it's too risky!"

"Apparently Father is really eager to hire a 5th Heavenly General.." said Nestro, licking his lips.. don't be such a soursport Theseus.. if I have her working with me.. there's no way those Cuddlepuppy dopes will come out alive.. blood will be bathed on our claws.."

"Fine.. an order from your father is an order that transcends all others.." Theseus muttered. "OPEN CONTAINMENT!!! Ready control systems!!! And Unfreeze her!"

The giant container hissed open.. as clouds of vapor left from the presence of ice being melted away... a girl could be seen inside.. 

Her appearance was that of a 14 year old teen. However, she was unlike any other girl seen since the 23rd century.. 

A Unitard-like outifit made of diamond dragon scales and metal armor that revealed her belly and her slender legs and shoulders  was what she wore, as well as a large diamond scaled dragon's tail with metal spikes running down it..  Her hands were diamond scaled as well with metal dragon's talons, and her feet were also dragon's talons..

Large metal wings with diamond edges spread out from her back, with metal horns on her head..  and her teeth were fangs.. 

And her hair was white as the snow around her, medium length and slightly wild..  

And a large machine-like visor was worn over her head, with a blipping light... and wires attached to a collar around her neck, the weaponized control device being used to keep her in check. 

Nestro's jaw opened in awe.. a large grin spreading over his face. "Sh-she's more beautiful than I could have imagined... one of the greatest warriors of the 23rd century.. Narina Yukata... SHOCK THERAPY!! 

Nestro's fingers popped and flexed with bloodlust as he licked his lips. "I.. .want her blood.. I want to bathe in her blood!!"

"Dragons vs Dinosaurs..." said Theseus. "Let's see who wins.. Activate controls.."

An officer pulled out a laptop and began typing commands, as several other soldier's fit small cameras to Narina Yukata's collar.  "We're all set.. typing in commands now.. initiating battle mode!!"

A light lit up on Narina's control device and her metal claws twitched, her tail whipped around to and fro, creating powerful surges of wind. "Battle mode initiated.. requesting target.."

"It... it works.." stammered the officer. "I've got complete control!!"

Theseus drew in a sharp breath. "Remarkable.. very well.. start her out at 20 percent her maximum power... and destroy Cuddlepuppy 51!"

"AYE SIR!!" the officer typed in commands.. and Narina bent her legs.. her wings spread wide.. and shot into the sky with a tremendous shockwave.. electricity rippling from her legs..  a goddess among humans.. 

Meanwhile back at the carriage.. the others had managed to pull Ranko and Zen apart... 

"LET ME AT HIM!!" Ranko roared as Crank restrained him. "I'M BEING SUBTLE!!"

Suddenly Zen roared out. "SHUT UP!!!"

Everyone froze. 

"D-do you feel that?" Zen was shivering with utmost fear.. "D-does anybody feel that coming out way!!?"

Crank let go of Ranko, sweat pouring down her face despite the cold. "N-no way... I... "

Ranko was also starting to shake.. he could feel it coming too... almost as if all his natural instincts of fear were filling him up..

Suddenly, rumbling shook the sky, and lightning bolts exploded from the clouds above, shaking the entire Himilayas as they struck the mountainsides.. 

"Wh-what's happening!?" Anna stammered. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?"

"This power.. it can only be a Heavenly General!" said Geist. "But Theseus doesn't hold control over lightning.. none of the Generals do... what in tarnation..

"BOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!" The side of the steep cliff next to the moving carriage shattered, as a figure stood on the wall, her claws digging deep into the stone.. electricity rippling around her body...

"Targets found.." Narina muttered in a monotone voice, staring down at the shocked group below. 

"N-no.. th-they can't have actually succeeded!?" stammered Drani with horror. "Th-they actually weaponized HER!?" 

"Wh-who is she!?" stammered Anna.

"One of the Heroes of the 23rd Century.. I never thought.. she'd still be alive!" said Geist. "How did the Empire ever come to take control of somebody like her!?"

"She was frozen years ago.. recovering after a tremendous battle with a fearsome foe from centuries past." said Drani. "So I heard.. we need to get out of here now!"

"We're stuck in a stone trolly!! There's nowhere to go!" roared Crank.

"Then we fight!!" growled Ranko with a nervous grin as Zen stood next to him. "TYRANT MODE!!"

Ranko's body exploded with energy as he entered Tyrant Mode, his teeth growing sharp. "Ready Zen!?"

"Hell yeah!!" Zen growled, his muscles bulging with the power of Qi. "LOTUS TIGER!! CENTURY LONG PALM STRIKE!!"


Ranko shot upwards, aiming a kick at Narina, a massive t-rex foot shaped aura blasting from the foot.  

Zen followed closely, his palm burning with tremendous orange energy.

"BOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" There was a massive shockwave, as Narina caught Ranko's foot in one hand.. and Zen's hand in the other.. 

"ZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM!!!" Ranko and Zen both screamed as immense lightning blasted through their bodies. 

"BOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!" using tremendous speed, Narina grabbed both Zen and Ranko's heads and smashed their faces into the side of the mountain with such tremendous force.. that the entire mountainside shattered in a bursting shockwave.

"RANKOOOO!!!" Anna screamed.

"Damn!!" Crank stammered. 

Narina flew into the air, still holding Ranko and Zen in her claws before flinging them high into the air.

She aimed a palm at the both of them. "Draconic Storm.. Mark 7.."

"FOOOOOOMMMMM!!" A massive combination of orange and blue lightning exploded from the palm, taking the shape of a giant dragon which roared, before it collided with Ranko and Zen in a massive explosion.

"ANKYLO SHIELD!!" Ranko roared, creating an Armored Shield in front of him.

"LOTUS BLOSSOM!!!" Zen held out a palm, and a shield of pure aura appeared in front of him..

 The both of them gritted their teeth as they barely held back the blast of immense power. 

As they began to fall through the air, Zen grabbed Ranko by the ankles and threw him at Narina. 

"TYRAAAANT COLLISION!!!" Ranko's body was engulfed by flame like aura, which turned into a massive flaming Tyrannosaurus.

The ginormous aura Rex roared as it collided with Narina and smashed her against the side of the mountain.

Ranko emerged from the flaming aura.. red lightning exploding from his body as he immediately entered Black Tyrant form..  "STORM TYRANT BARRAGE!!!"

"BOOM BOOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!!" A barrage of red lightning punches and kicks began to pound Narina against the mountain side repeatedly.. shaking the mountain itself.

Back at Theseus's camp.. the Officer was typing frantically.

"What's going on!? She should be stronger than this!" said the captain overseeing the officer.

"S-sorry sir! We use her electric powers to maintain the connection between the control brace and her brain.. but it seems that the storm might be interfering with the signal! Her response time is off!" stammered the officer. "D-don't worry, she's not taking any real damage! Prism Dragon's power grants her immense durability.. "

"We can't afford to be having Lord Octavas's greatest weapon become a comatose invincible rag doll! Get her moving again!" roared the captain.

"Boost the signal." said Theseus, stepping forward. "let me take control.."

"B-but sir!" stammered the officer. "Only we have been trained to operate the fighting style Shock Therapy uses!"

"It's merely a video game.. it can be learned.. " said Theseus as he took the laptop from the officer. "As I understand, that form she currently uses is Lunar Valkyrie? Can I operate any of her other forms?"

"Y-yes! you can switch forms from the sub menu on the left.."

"Well then.." said Theseus, typing away on the computer. "Let's do this right.."

Back at the battle, Narina kicked Ranko off of her, stopping the tremendous barrage of attacks, barely even a scratch on her.

"Switching.. Hypersonic Empress." said Narina emotionlessly.  There was a flash of powerful electric light.. and Narina's diamond dragonish outfit had changed.. becoming skimpier with crystals over her breasts.. and  a lighter looking tail.. with horns that were antlers like an asian dragon..

She disappeared in a sonic boom, leaving only a spark in her wake.

"Wha!?" stammered Ranko, right before several electrically charged blurs, blasted into him... then blasting into Zen..

Zen and Ranko both yelled out as they were flung and juggled around in the air.. Narina moving so fast, that she was nearly invisible except for the passing lightning sparks and blasts of wind that accompanied her.

Ranko and Zen were sent crashing back into the carriage, which gave a dangerous swing as they bounced in it..

"She took out those two with barely any effort!" Drani stammered. "Incredible.. "

"Now.. let's finish them.." Theseus muttered, typing in a few more commands.

Narina landed on the edge of the carriage, aiming an electrically charged talon at the group.

"Brace yourselves!!" yelled Geist. 

But.. the attack never came.. instead.. Narina began gritting her fangs.. and clawing desperately at the collar and visor attached to her body.  "Urgh... no... it.. hurts... uuuuurrgghhh.."

"H-huh!?" said Crank. "N-no way.. is... she?"

Tears began to stream out from under the visor, as Narina let out a moan of tortured pain.. clawing at the device on her. "I-I don't want to... no... NO!!"

"NO NO!!" back at the camp, the officer pulled the laptop back, typing frantically. "Sorry sir.. but.. I think.. I think there's something wrong with the mind restrainer.. we're losing control of her.. we're going to have to pull her back!!"

"Damn.. fine.. do it.. call for a full maintenance check on her systems.." said Theseus.

After a moment of struggling.. Narina stopped clawing.. and returned to her calm emotionless state.

"Mission objective filed in.. returning to base of operation.. " Narina muttered, before disappearing in a burst of speed.

There was a silence... 

"What the hell was that!?" groaned Ranko, sitting up. 

"Octavas's latest weapon.. and I don't think we stand a chance against it.." Geist said, a bead of sweat going down his forehead. "Damn.."


Back at the camp.. Narina landed, back in Lunar Valkyrie form as she walked onto a platform surrounded by mechanical devices.. 

Two mechanized restraints plugged into her collar and lit up.. as the dragon girl's muscles went rigid.. and she gritted her teeth in pain.. massive amounts of electricity pouring into her nervous system to restrain all movement.

A maintenance crew of officers surrounded her and began using their tools to check the control devices.

"Watch the tail you idiots! We need her combat ready as soon as possible!" roared the captain. "My apologies Theseus.. I didn't expect such a setback.."'

Theseus didn't speak, instead he watched as Nestro walked over to Narina, and leaned in close to her unknowing face..

Nestro grinned, and pulled off the visor slightly to stare at the glassy, wide.. eyes underneath.. yellow with slits.. like a dragon's..

Narina let out a few pained moans.. 

"Oh? You can see me? Intriguing.. a bit of consciousness still lurks there.." Nestro whispered, stroking Narina's cheek with a palm. "You know.. I've always admired you... I've heard many stories from Father..  some people used to think I was a descendant of you.. ya know.. the white hair? Ehehehe.. well.. I know you never had children...  I must say.. you're even prettier up close..."

Nestro slid a sharp nail across Narina's cheek.. causing a thin cut to appear..

Nestro leaned in and licked the blood off her face. "I'll be looking forward to playing with you.. when all this is over.. ehehehehe.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

"Hmph.." Theseus muttered, turning away. "What a sicko.."

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