Chapter 11

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The last two weeks have turned out better than I could have ever imagined. I went to a wedding, expecting to catch up with old friends, but walked away with so much more.

I have fallen for my best friend.

We have left the friend zone, and our epic friendship has turned into love. I have yet to say those three little words, but they are deeply etched into my heart.

Today I have to say goodbye to Noah. I know it's not forever, but having him around has filled my life with such joy, I don't want to know what it's like without him.

Shane took off of work. He didn't want to miss sending Noah off. He and Heather brought the kids over to the Buckman's, and it seems like Ava is having as hard of a time as me. Her little eyes are bloodshot from her constant crying and calling out for her favorite uncle.

Ava is clinging to Shane's neck. Her soft whimpers pull at my heartstrings.

I don't think Gavin realizes that we won't be seeing Noah every day, but I know he's going to miss him. Noah has yet to spend the night with us, but Gavin wakes up asking when his No No is coming back every morning.

Their relationship is essential for this relationship to work. Watching it grow has been beautiful to witness. I never thought that I would find love again, but knowing Gavin feels deeply for Noah has made it easy.

We all gather in the living room while Noah finishes getting his things together. Sadness fills the air, surrounding us in gloom.

"Noah, we have to go," Ross calls down the hallway.

"No!" Ava cries out, saying exactly what I feel.

Noah walks into the living room with his travel bags and places them by the door.

"I want you to stay," Ava begs.

"Ava, I can't." Noah's usually cheerful face falls into a frown. "I'll miss you so much. I promise to call you tonight before bed."

This little girl flies from her father's grip, flinging herself towards her uncle. "I love you, Noah."

Her soft voice is filled with such sadness that it brings a tear to my eyes. Watching this little is heartbreaking, but we have something in common, we don't want him to go.

"I love you too, Ava." The two share a tight embrace before Noah pulls away and kisses her cheek.

"Honey, come here." Heather tries her hardest to blink back her tears, but her eyes are glossed over. It can't be easy seeing your child in such distress.

"Aw, Heather, you're crying for me too?" Noah's blue eyes twinkle in mischief.

Heather releases a sigh and shakes her head. "You caught me." The two hug before she brings Ava outside to calm down.

With each person he says goodbye to, the knot in my stomach grows. I wish I could turn off these emotions. He doesn't need the added stress before his season.

Noah gives Jackson a high five, and of course, he and Shane share the most typical bro hug I have ever seen. They are slapping each other on the back, mumbling sweet nothings into each other's ears.

Gavin is next.

All it takes is for my little man to reach out for Noah to turn me into a blubbering mess. Noah reaches for his outstretched arms and picks him up. "Let's walk outside."

Noah takes my hand and guides me out the front door. His thumb begins to rub gently against my skin, leaving a light tingle behind.

Ross carries Noah's belongings to the car. When he walks up to us, he wraps his arms around me and whispers in my ear, "I know this is hard for you. I'll take Gavin, so you have a few moments alone."

"Thank you." My voice comes out softly, but Ross nods his head, letting me know he heard what I said.

"Hey, Gavin, why don't you come with me. I have something for you inside."

Gavin's little head pops up with his eyes wide open. "Okay."

Ross and Gavin walk hand in hand, and before they disappear into the house, Noah calls out, "I'll miss you, Buddy."

Gavin lifts his little hand and waves. "Bye-bye No No!"

Now it's my turn

My eyes close while I try to slow down my racing heart. I silently pray that I'm able to keep the crying to a minimum, wanting to be strong for Noah.

His fingers lace with mine, and when I open my eyes, Noah's gaze leaves me breathless. They are as clear as crystal, looking down at me like I am his most prized possession. "I'll miss you most."

I release a light-hearted chuckle, desperate to lift the depressing mood around us. "Are you sure about that? Ava is a close contender."

The corner of Noah's lip cracks up upwards in a slanted grin. "That kid sure knows how to break my heart."

"I think she broke everyone's heart in there."

Silence surrounds us like an uncomfortable blanket, causing my chest to tighten.

So many words run through my mind, but only three make sense. "I love you."

A large smile takes over Noah's whole face. He grabs my hand and kisses his mother's ring. "I love you too."

Noah crashes his lips on mine, sending my heart racing. The way our tongues twist together is passionate and slow. When we pull apart, I am left panting, my lungs fighting for air. "Come with me."

"Noah," I sigh. We have had this conversation multiple times. It always ends at a standstill. "I'm pregnant. I can't follow you around the country."

Noah's hand fans across my bloated belly, sending shocks of love to my heart. "Just promise me something."

"What is it?" I ask.

His thumb rubs gently across my bump while he looks deeply into my soul. "Please be here when I get back."

My hand cups his cheek, and I seal my promise with a kiss. "I'm yours, Noah."

The sound of the front door opening causes us to pull apart. It's as if we are teenagers getting caught by our parents.

Our time is up.

Noah reclaims my lips one last time. My eyes close, and I take in the euphoria, not knowing when I will get the opportunity again.

This kiss is different from the others. It's a vow of our commitment to each other, our love.

Noah opens the passenger door, and before he gets in, he gives me one final wave.

My arms wrap around my chest, protecting me from the empty feeling taking over my heart. I stand in the street like a lost puppy, watching the car drive off into the distance.

A familiar brotherly love radiates from Shane as he slings his arm around my shoulder.

He begins to rub my arm, soothing away my sadness the best he can. "You know, I'm really happy you both figured out that you were meant to be."

Shane's right. We are meant to be together.

My rain cloud drifts away, and my spirits begin to rise. I'm going to focus on my deep feelings for Noah. He has brought me back to life, and I can't wait to see what our future holds. "Me too." 

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