Chapter 5

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Panic begins to take over my body as I scan over the multiple outfits I have thrown over my grey comforter. The second I hung up the phone with Noah, the only thing on my mind was the need to make myself look somewhat presentable. It was a nice change. Especially since all I have been thinking about for the last twenty-four hours is how much of an ass I made of myself yesterday.

My fingers trace over the floral design of a long sleeve dress, and the second I pick it up, I throw it back down. Noah would know something is up.

One side of my lip curls upwards in a snarl knowing damn well I should just throw on a pair of leggings and a tank top. But here I am, trying to impress someone I shouldn't even be worried about.

It's Noah, for crying out loud.

With a final huff, I settle on a pair of light boyfriend-cut jeans. I immediately regret my decision. At only eight weeks pregnant, my jeans are already feeling snug. I was well into my second trimester when I first started showing with Gavin. This time around, I need to squeeze into my pants like a sausage in its casing.

A knock on the door pulls me from my pity party, and I grab the first top I can find. Thankfully it is baggy enough to hide my muffin top.

I yell a quick "Come in" as I rush to the kitchenette to grab a snack for Gavin.

The wood door creaks open, and Gavin turns to greet our guest. "No No Bucky!"

He jumps off the couch, and his little curls bounce as he runs to Noah. Noah bends down to Gavin's level and swoops him up in his muscular arms.

I think I just creamed my pants.

My head shakes from side to side, desperate to erase the inappropriate thoughts from my pregnancy, sex-crazed brain.

Noah looks over to me, and my heart rate picks up. Yes, his eyes have always left me breathless, but there is something different about them. Maybe it was the way they turned a shade darker when I kissed him. I desperately want to see them change colors once again.

Gavin's eyes stay glued to Noah, while Noah's stay fixated on mine.

Fucking hell, he looks good carrying a kid.

My hand snaps up and begins to rub my eyes as the impure thoughts continue to take over.

Noah clears his throat, and I quickly meet his eyes once again. He is standing next to me, and I want nothing more than to hug him.

Hypnotized by how he and Gavin greeted each other, I didn't realize he was holding a small gift bag. Noah slides it across the counter, and my hand shakes as I reach out for it. "What did you do?"

Noah's broad shoulders shrug, and I notice a slight blush take over his cheeks.

I have known Noah Buckman for most of my life, and I have never seen him blush as much as I have the past few days.

I like it.

My breathing picks up, and my chest trembles with each exhale. I pull out a silver frame with a picture of a bouquet of red roses inside it. I look over to Noah with a cocked brow, unsure of what this is supposed to mean.

Noah winces and shakes his head. "It's stupid. I wanted to get you flowers, but I didn't know if the smell would bother you."

His face scrunches with such anguish that I instinctively gravitate towards him with a need to extinguish his pain. Noah's face relaxes, and his eyes widen when my arms snake around his neck and my cheek rests on his firm chest.

"Thank you," I whisper.

His arm wraps around my back, bringing our bodies closer. My eyes close, loving the way he feels against me.

It isn't until I feel little arms wrap around my head that I remember that Noah is holding Gavin. My eyes flutter open, and I notice that he has his other around Noah. Gavin is squeezing so tightly that his chubby cheek is smashed against Noah's face.

I pull from Noah's warm embrace and back away slowly. A stray hair falls into my face, and I am quick to tuck it behind my ear. As if I am an ice cube, I melt when Noah's tongue darts out to moisten his lips.

I want to kiss him.

The two of us continue to stare at one another, and Noah's crystal gaze causes my cheeks to heat up.

He clears his throat and places Gavin on the ground. "Listen, Buddy. I need to talk to your Mommy. Can we hang out later?"

Gavin's face falls, but I am quick to jump in. I knew that Noah and I would need our privacy, so I have my secret weapons ready— cookies and electronics.

I open the cabinet and reach for the package of Oreos. When I turn around, Gavin's eyes go wide. "Here, Baby. Take these and your tablet and go sit on the bed. Mommy and Noah need to talk for a little bit."

Gavin swipes the cookies from my hands without saying anything and rushes off to the bedroom.

Noah chuckles, and the sound sends tingles across my body. The way his smile reaches his eyes is a sight I wish I could witness forever.

What is happening to me?

Noah shuffles his feet against the tiled floor, and an awkward silence settles between us.

I hate it.

I've never been uncomfortable around Noah. This unfamiliar tension sets my nerves on fire, and humiliation returns.

Noah points over to the couch and asks, "Do you want to sit down? I have something I need to tell you."

I bite down on my lip and nod my head.

A sigh falls from my mouth when Noah reaches for my hand and begins to guide me over to the sofa. "It's not bad. Well, I don't think it's bad. I don't know how you will feel."

"I'm sorry about yesterday," I utter suddenly. "It was inappropriate."

Noah snaps around and takes hold of my face. His calloused thumb brushes against my cheek as he stares into my soul. My top teeth clench down on my bottom lip, and those damn eyes cause my stomach to flip when they flicker down to my mouth. "I'm sorry if I angered you in any way. That wasn't my intention. I regret making you uncomfortable and making things awkward between us. The last thing I ever want is to lose you, Noah."

An unsettling silence wraps around us. I have never felt so disconnected from Noah. In a desperate attempt to bridge the metaphoric distance between us, my hands slowly make their way to rest on his chest. My palms pick up the erratic thumping of his heart. It is beating so fast I swear it is about to break free from his chest.

Tear's begin to pool in the corner of my eyes, and I begin to bounce lightly on the balls of my feet. "I'm sorry. Please for-"

"I liked it," Noah blurts out.

My heart stops, and I hold my breath, waiting for him to continue. Noah pulls away from me, causing my hands to fall to my sides. He begins to pace back and forth, occasionally pulling off his baseball cap to run his fingers through his blonde locks.

His statement has me completely shook and unsure what to do. Should I sit down and let him collect his thoughts or stay standing, frozen in my current position?

Time stands still. I wrap my arms around my body, hugging myself to protect against the daunting silence.

I get lost in my thoughts and jump when Noah walks back over to me and grabs my waist. My stomach flips when I wrap my arms around his neck, and he pulls me in closer.

"I'm falling in love with you," Noah's voice never falters. His confession comes out so strong. I can't help but believe him.

His words cause my body to stiffen, and my once racing thoughts disappear. All words float from my brain, and my mouth opens and closes like a goldfish. "Wha...What?"

The moment Noah's thumb begins to brush against the exposed skin above my waistband, my body explodes in flames. "When I saw you at the wedding, I forgot how to breathe. Something in me changed, and It was as if I was seeing you for the first time."

Noah's eyes captivate me, and he looks down with such sincerity. I feel the truth in his words deep in my bones.

"Annie," Noah starts again. "I freaked out yesterday. I've known you most of my life, and all those feelings took me by surprise. I know we would be great together, and If you'd let me, I'd like to show you how much you mean to me."

My heart swells, but it isn't long before it deflates with self-doubt. My head shakes from side to side, knowing that someone like Noah would never keep someone like me around. I have a two-year-old and another one on the way. I am what they would call "Damaged goods."

Noah rests his forehead upon mine, and his intoxicating earthy scent takes over my senses. "I think I've always loved you. I was just too dumb to know it."

Those words undo me. My chin trembles, and my eyes turn into waterfalls, drops falling from the corners. "You leave in a few weeks, Noah, and what about Gavin? He still doesn't understand what is happening with Simon. I can't do that to him."

My arms fall as Noah walks towards the bedroom and points to where Gavin is sitting. "I'm not Simon, Annie. I'm aware of what loving you entails. I want it all. That little boy won me over within minutes, and I already know that I would do anything to make you both happy."

It is as if Noah knows exactly what to say to have me completely under his spell. Now that I know that my newfound feelings are mutual, I want to leap into his arms and never let go.

Noah makes everything sound easy, but there is still a rather significant issue at hand.

My hands rest upon my bloated stomach, and Noah is quickly by my side, resting his palm against my fingers. "Annie, I will be as involved as you want me to be. You have complete control over the situation, and whatever you need, I want to be there for you."

Noah intertwines our fingers together and brings them up to his mouth. When his soft lips press against my skin and a bolt of lightning surges through my body. The aftershocks knock me off my feet.

Could we actually do this?

"Annie, if you tell me I have even the slightest chance, you would make me the happiest man in the world."

I look over to Noah, and his eyes so wide it is as if he is a hopeful prospect who is waiting to see if he has been drafted to the MLB.

"Noah," His name falls from my lips in a soft whisper. His face drops, and he begins to walk away, but I am quick to grab his arm. He looks back at me with such sadness. His usual sparkling eyes are gone, replaced with storm clouds. I feel as if someone stabbed me in the chest. "This is really complicated."

"It doesn't have to be, Annie. I know how I feel, and I know exactly what I want."

Confidence radiates from Noah's body, and I find myself inching closer to the edge of the cliff, ready to take a leap of faith. "Your feelings aren't one-sided."

Before I know what is happening, Noah's hand grips my neck, and his lips crash onto mine. Shock is replaced with nausea, and I quickly push him away.

My hand snaps to my mouth as I begin to gag. I haven't been able to eat or drink all day. Everything has a texture that makes my stomach roll.

Never did I think that Noah Buckman's lips would make me heave.

I breathe through the urge to vomit and say, "I'm so sorry."

The corner of Noah's lip pulls upwards in a playful smirk. "Was it that bad?"

I release a light chuckle, only for it to be followed by an unattractive belch.

Someone kill me.

"Your cute little burps are quite endearing." Noah says as he grabs my hand. "Go out with me. You can tell me everything you are concerned about, and I will do my best to ease your worries." He lifts up his pointer finger and begs, "One shot."

My mind tells me this is a horrible idea, while my heart urges me to listen to how Noah's makes me feel. I close my eyes and try to slow down the whirlwind of emotions and thoughts taking over my body.

I take in a lungful of air, and when I exhale, I begin to nod my head. "Okay." 

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