Chapter 7

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The moment my fingers leave the tiny holes of the bowling ball, I know I have him beat.

Noah Buckman may be a Baseball superstar, but it is clear who is a better bowler. The ball slides along the slippery, oiled lane and makes its way towards the pins. It makes contact with a clash, and I watch as all ten pins go down.

I begin to jump up and down and throw my fists in the air. "Yes!"

When I'm done with my celebratory dance, I notice Noah sitting down rubbing his temples. I plop down next to him and nudge him with my shoulder. "Don't be mad."

"I knew I was going to lose, just not this bad."

I release a light chuckle before leaning in and placing a kiss on his stubbled cheek. "Yeah, I thought with you being in the major leagues, your throwing arm would have gotten stronger. You should definitely work on that before the season starts."

Noah playfully pinches my side, and I jump up with a shriek. He points his finger in my direction and says, "You're lucky you're cute."

I look down at my black legging-clad legs and the baggy white shirt covering my bloat. "What can I say? I know how to dress up."

"You look beautiful." I'm surprised when Noah stands up and walks over in my direction. He wraps me up in a hug and kisses my forehead.

When his lips make contact with my skin, I almost forget where in public. It amazes me how his simple touches set my skin on fire.

Who knows how long the two of us stare into each other's eyes. Our lovesick spell is only broken when someone clears their throat. "Excuse me, are you Noah Buckman?"

A group of teenage boys stand before us, and Noah nods his head. "I sure am."

One dark-haired boy steps forward and begins to rock back and forth on his heels. "We were wondering if we could get a picture with you?"

"Annie, would that be okay?" Noah asks.

After his first autograph session of the night, he felt horrible. Even though I often forget how famous he is, I assured him over and over that it was okay. My heart broke when he opened up and admitted that he thought his fame would be a dealbreaker for me.

"Of course." I can't help but grin when I watch each of the kid's faces light up.

The large crew of boys rush over to surround Noah, nearly knocking me off my feet. I'm caught off guard when one of the boys wraps his arm around me to steady my falling body.

My eyes pop wide, and my shoulders stiffen at the sudden contact. When I look over to Noah, he flashes me a wink. I swear my body turns to jello, and I am using this teenager for support.

A middle-aged woman steps forward with her phone out. "I'm sure you made Austin's birthday." Her emerald eyes sparkle as she looks over at the young man to Noah's left.

My assumption is proven correct when the strawberry blond's cheeks turn bright red. "Mom, Please!"

"Sorry, Dear."

The flash goes off not once, not twice, but three times. I am ninety-five percent positive I blinked during one of them and send up a silent prayer that they don't post it to social media.

Noah shakes Austin's hand, and the group leaves with smiles plastered on their faces. Jumping and laughing because they met a famous baseball player.

It is pretty incredible to see this side of Noah. I've grown up watching him playing baseball, but having fans flock to him is a whole new experience— A side of Noah I know nothing about.

His adoring fans continue to wave goodbye, and Noah slings his arm around my shoulder. "Look at you, you little celebrity." Noah kisses my temple as I awkwardly pick non-existent spots on my shirt. "You look beautiful. Austin congratulated me on landing such a hottie."

My head snaps up and playfully swat his shoulder. "Buckman, he said nothing of the sort."

Noah's hands go up in surrender, and he begins to back away slowly. His cheeky smile sends my stomach into some sort of gymnastics routine. "I swear! But listen, I'm going to surprise them with some time in the arcade. I'll be right back."

I continue to stare at Noah's retreating form until he is behind the arcade's doors. It is only when his phone vibrates that I am pulled from the panty-dropping view.

I hope I get to see you again before you leave. Xoxo

Meg's name is on full display, and it is as if someone stabbed an ice pick through my heart.

I reach for my jacket and search for my purse. Before I am even out of the bowling alley, I am dialing the number of the only person who can talk me down—Tyla.

The phone only rings twice before I am greeted with a yawn. My chest tightens. I know she has had a busy day with her kids, but I need to be selfish right now. "Shouldn't you be banging the famous Noah Buckman right now?"

The flood gates open up, and I release a pathetic wail.

I can hear the rustling of sheets as Tyla gets out of bed. Her once-sleepy voice is now laced with worry. "What happened?"

Trying my hardest to make a coherent sentence, I manage to get the words out between sobs. "I think. He's sleeping. With Meghan."

"Why would you think that?"

I finally reach Noah's car and lean against it. The cold medal sends my body into fits of shakes while the winter weather nips at my exposed skin. "She sent him a message, hoping she would see him again."

Tyla releases a long, exasperated sigh. "Girl, you told me at the wedding she was trying to jump on that dick like a pogo stick. Maybe she's just desperate."


I hear my name being called in the distance.

Leave me alone. Please leave me alone.

Desperate to ignore him, I try to tune out his shouts but can't when I hear the stress in his voice every time he yells for me. When Noah comes into view, I notice his head darting in every direction as he frantically runs around the parking lot.

My chin tucks into my chest, and I pray he leaves me alone. As if I would ever be that lucky. My body continues to tremble, and Noah tries to cup my cheek. I jerk away only to have him quickly retract his hands, tucking them into his jean pockets.

Good, get those gross hands away from me.

I almost forget I'm on the phone with Tyla and mumble a quick, "I'll call you later," before hanging up.

My arms are lumps of dead weight hanging by my sides while my heart sinks in disappointment. The tightness in my chest doesn't seem to ease, and my soft whimpers send my lungs into short spasms.

"Annie," I look up at Noah through my lashes and notice him rocking back and forth, waiting for me to respond. He swallows deeply, causing his Adam's apple to bob. "What happened?"

My breaths come out shaky, and my words come out raspy. "Are you sleeping with Meg?"

Noah's face twists in disgust. "God, no. Why would you even ask that?"

"I didn't mean to snoop. Your phone vibrated. She sent you a message."

I have never seen someone whip out their phone so quickly. When Noah finds what he is looking for, his jaw sets, and a vein on his neck starts to bulge. "Here."

As I reach for the phone, my hand shakes, not ready to read the dirty details of his love affairs with Meg.

Once I start to read, bile starts to rise to my mouth.

Hey, Baby. Seeing you last night brought back some fantastic memories. Let's get together before you leave.

What are you doing tonight?

Why are you ignoring me?

Because I'm not interested, Meg.

Why not?

I'm talking to someone. Someone I care about and see a future with.

What I'm hearing is that you're not exclusive. You can still have fun, Noah.

Sleeping with you doesn't sound like a good time.

Ouch. Why don't you come over so I can remind you of how much of a good time we had when we were younger.

Noah Buckman, you know I never stand down from a challenge.

I hope I get to see you again before you leave. Xoxo

I hand back the phone with my head hung low. Silent tears roll down my cheeks, embarrassed to jump to such conclusions.

The cool winter air swarms around me, and I begin to rub my harms vigorously to warm them. Noah takes a step towards me, and just as he is about to reach out, he retreats. He snaps his hand back so quickly. It is as if I am a hot stove that is about to burn him.

Chills spread across my body, and my chin begins to tremble. "I'm sorry."

Noah doesn't say anything. He just walks over to the driver's side of the car. He opens the door and demands, "Get in the back seat."


His eyes squint while he points to me, then back to the Mustang. "You're freezing, Annie. Get in the car."

His authoritative tone has my back straightened, unable to move.

"I said get in, Annie. I'm not playing."

Noah has never talked to me like this, and dare I say, his domineering tone oddly turns me on. It seems incredibly inappropriate since I just accused him of sleeping with another woman. But damn, the way his voice came out so strong and the way his jaw is clenched has me clenching my own body parts.

The car roars to life, and I jump as I am torn from my ill-timed, dirty thoughts. I open the back door and slide across the seat. My cuticles look oddly fascinating at the moment, and I begin to pick away at the dead skin.

Noah blasts the heat then joins me in the back seat. "Care to tell me what just happened?"

My leg bounces uncontrollably until Noah places his hand on my knee. When he begins to rub gentle circles with his thumb, my body starts to thaw.

"You know he cheated on me, right?" The words come out forced, too toxic to be in my mouth. Now that the wound is opened, everything I have been suppressing flows out of me. "Our sex life was non-existent because of him, and he had the audacity to have an affair."

Noah's eyebrows lower and pull close together. It pains me when I notice the corners of his mouth drawn downwards, causing a frown to appear. My hand makes its way to his cheek, desperate to remove the carved lines of sadness.

He leans into my touch, sending jolts of warmth down my arm. Noah's perfect blue eyes captivate me, sucking me in to the point I get lost in them. My eyes flicker down to his mouth, and I watch Noah roll his tongue along his lower lip.

I yelp when Noah wraps his arm around me and hoists me onto his lap. Not that I mind the position, but I am straddling his muscular legs and am no longer able to focus on the conversation.

Noah leans in and tenderly places his lips on mine. When he pulls away, he kisses my cheek and says, "I'm not Simon, Annie. I have no intention of hurting you, ever."

The sudden need to feel close to Noah takes over. My hands run up and down the hard, warm muscles of his chest. "Isn't that how all relationships start?"

Large hands find my thighs, and Noah begins to copy my soothing motions. The palms of his hands start at my knees up to my backside. "Do you know that when you kissed me before, I saw my future? I want that, every day, for the rest of my life."

I can't remember the last time I was touched so intimately. The sensations spark across my body, causing me to grind my hips. "Say it again."

"I want you. Mind, body, and soul. All of it."

My lower body continues to rock until I feel a poke at my core. "I'm sorry."

The corner of Noah's lip pulls upward while his eyes sparkle. "Clearly, I liked it."

"Oh, yeah?" I say as I roll myself along his length.

Noah looks down at the bulge straining against his pants. "I believe so."

Our playful banter comes to a halt when I realize that we were in the middle of a serious conversation. One that needs to happen in order for this relationship to work.

It is clear that the two of us share sexual chemistry, but I need more. I want communication and trust. "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions."

Noah shakes his head from side to side, causing a piece of blonde hair to fall to his brow. "Don't be. I get it."

"No!" I protest. "Your job requires traveling. We will be apart, and I know plenty of women want you. You have never given me a reason not to trust you, Noah."

I push the fallen golden lock back to its rightful spot and sigh. "I'm just scared. If this doesn't work out, I can lose my best friend. I don't know how I will ever recover from that. Hell, Noah. It's only been a day, and I have already accused you of sleeping with other women. I want this to be the last of my insecurities. Can you promise me something?"

Noah's eyes bore into mine, giving me his full attention. "What is it?"

"Please promise me that if another woman piques your interest, you will tell me. Promise me if you find yourself lusting after someone else, you come to me."

My words cause Noah to shake his head viciously. "Annie. I—"

I hold up my hand and cut him off. "Please, Noah. I need this. If this," I motion between the two of us, "Is to work, I want to hear that we will always communicate. Especially about something as serious as this."

I need him to tell me that he respects me enough to be open with me, even if it is uncomfortable and leads to our demise as a couple.

The way Noah looks at me sends tingles to my toes. His usual playfulness is replaced with certainty. "I'm yours, Annie. 100 percent, yours. I might not be as smart as Simon, but I know for a fact that I am not stupid enough to let someone as perfect as you go. It might have taken me a while to get here, but I know how I feel about you.

Noah's voice comes out strong and so confident. His words reach my soul. "You're it. You're who I want by my side."

And just like that, my heart belongs to Noah Buckman. 

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